1AN: Back again as you can see. Sorry for the month delay, but I'm here! I dedicate this chapter to Freshgal, cause I was reading her latest chapters of 'Dunes' and 'Fate or Consequences' and it reminded me I had my own story to write! Not to mention a certain email I got(told ya I wouldn't give up on it!)So I got off my ass (for a minute at least) and wrote this.

Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom or any of it's characters. Any others of course, belongs to me!

Warnings: only language... I think.


Time Changes Everything

Chapter Five

Posted August 26


One of the great things about working for Vlad was that you could leave at the drop of a dime if you needed to 'run an errand for Mr. Masters'. That made ghost hunting much easier while maintaining her day job.

Valerie sighed blissfully as she soared through the air on her glider. It had been a while since she felt this good. The memory of her night with Danny flashed through her head, bringing along with it a light blush on her mahogany skin. And that was three nights ago! Though Danny wasn't her first, he definitely was the most experienced. Which honestly wasn't saying much since she had only been with another man one other time, when she was in highschool. And the two-minute round she had with the highschool basketball player in his parent's house was not her brightest idea.

"You live and learn," she muttered to herself as her eyes scanned the city below. A sudden chill passed through her, and she only had time to gasp before a deep voice flowed into her ear.

"It's been awhile, hasn't it? I was beginning to miss you," The voice was felt as a caress, like the words itself wanted to touch and wrap around her skin.

Refusing to let him intimate her for a second time, Valerie slowly turned around to stare into eyes that were black as coal.

"You finally came out of hiding I see," she replied nonchalantly, pretending not to be alarmed that her ghost detector hadn't responded to his presence.

"Yes, well your friend made sure of that. But now that I'm back, what do you say to 'Round Two'?" he asked around the dark smile on his pale face.

Valerie noted that he was actually attractive, in a cold, insane way. "First off, he's not my friend. And second, bring it on, punk!" In seconds her gun was charged and firing in rapid succession at the dark being in front of her. Anticipating the attack, he quickly dodged to the right before diving down towards the streets below.

Valerie gritted her teeth before taking off after the escaping ghost. Until now, she had almost forgotten how fast he was. Cursing loudly when the ecto-net missed it's target, she upped her speed.

"Come now, little hunter. Is that indeed all you have to give me? I'm not like the pathetic so-called ghosts that you're used to chasing in this small town," Jack taunted as he flew backwards from the woman. This was all just a game to him, and when he was ready, he would really make his move.



Sam frowned as she continued to read the newspaper she swiped from Tucker. There was an article about a young woman who was found nearly dead in the street a few nights ago. Though her physical condition was stable, mentally, it wasn't looking good. The woman had reported that she had been attacked, by a ghost.

While most people of Amity Park were aware that ghost were indeed 'real', there have been very few cases when someone was attacked and seriously harmed because of one. What made the young female's story even peculiar was what she told her doctors.

The ghost hypnotized the girl into having sexual intercourse.

Of course a rape kit was brought into play, but no evidence was provided to back up the young lady's story. When asked whether or not she was forced, Terry(the victim) would only look away. It was now suspected that the girl might have been having abusive relationship problems with an unknown boyfriend, and she's trying to cover it with a bogus story...

Sam slowly closed the newspaper and placed it on the table in her kitchen. Glancing up, she found that Tucker was staring at her with a troubled expression.

"So, do you think it's something we should be worried about? I mean, damn. This is way out of the ball park of what we're used to if it's real."

Sam sighed deeply and shook her head, "I don't know, Tucker. But anything's possible. And don't you find it weird that this happened after Danny told us about that strange ghost he and Valerie ran into?"

Tucker frowned before dropping into one of the chairs at the large breakfast table. "Shit, I totally forgot about that. We better call and let him know what's up then." Tucker snatched his cell phone out of his back pocket before calling his friend.



Valerie winced as she rolled away from the large tree she had just hit. She would be lucky if her ribs were only bruised after that impact. Slowly getting to her feet, she ignored the burning pain that ate away at her right side.

The pursuit had quickly changed once they left the city limits. It was as if he was leading her on as she chased him through the city as he dodged and ducked most of her attacks. When the buildings became fewer in between, she didn't notice or chose not to focus on it. But when they hit the wooded area, it became more harder to stay in range with the ghost, but he had no problems at all with keeping up with him. It was an unfair advantage, especially when your opponent could walk through trees.

"My, my, my. How the tables have turned, little huntress. You don't look so good," Jack said smugly as he watched the young woman struggled to her feet. Smiling when threw herself at him in rage, he braced himself for her attack.

He blocked her right punch with his right hand, and chuckled as he caught her flying left knee with his free hand. Her masked head suddenly came crashing into his chin, and he saw stars.

Seeing her opening, Valerie ignored the throbbing pain in her head as clasped her fingers together. Swinging painfully to the left before twisting back around, she rammed her conjoined hands into his jaw. She watched in pleasure as he spun into the tree she had just hit moments ago.

"I'm not out of the game yet, bastard."



He tried not to groan as he hung up his cell. That was the fourth time he tried calling Valerie within the hour. Even though he promised his sister that he would cool things down with the huntress, he still kept in contact and talked to her daily. She usually would have been getting off work around this time, unless she spotted a ghost on the way home. And it wouldn't have bothered him as much as it usually would, if that weirdo ghost still wasn't on the loose. And the last thing he wanted was for her to run into him alone.

Danny ran his hand through his messy hair before shrugging his shoulders. "Well, I could always do a quick scan of the city myself," he said aloud, trying to convince himself there was nothing to worry about.

His mental debate was put on hold as his cell phone buzzed on the table. He had a habit of leaving it on vibrate.

Snatching the device off of the table, he couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed when Tucker's name flashed over the screen. "What up, Tuck?"



Sorry for the short chapter. I decided to squeeze this out today since I had a little free time. Though it's a little short, I did put a lot of thought into it, and I hope you guys liked it.

Please tell me what ya think!