Destiny of My Life

In the Beginning

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing as stated before in my other stories which you should by the way read… I really don't own anything except maybe the concept of the story…but that is a maybe…


16 years ago a baby boy was dropped on the doorstep of the Dursley's home…but what if at the same time a frail baby girl was dropped on the doorstep of a complete stranger…and grows up to be the most powerful witch/wizard of her time?


A loud clap of thunder filled the air as she ran through the pouring rain, her pregnant belly looking at its maximum capacity. She screamed out in pain as another contraction came up her. Her young friend rubbed her back as they paused for a moment.

"Are you sure you can make it? I can call someone to come get us!" The petite blonde girl asked her friend. She was also pregnant but wasn't due for another month. Her belly was the only thing large on her body. She was quite frail with high cheekbones and gorgeous blue eyes.

"No, he can't know… PLEASE!" She cried out in pain again, "We are almost there…" Her body almost seemed too small to carry a baby. She looked as if she would tip over if her friend wasn't holding her up. Her face was sunken in and she was very much underweight.

They kept walking a little while until they reached a small white house with green shutters. The blonde girl helped her friend inside and down a hallway into a small bedroom. She helped her onto a bed and ran to the bathroom for towels and hot water. She came bustling back with a small pan and many bath towels. Not knowing what to do she looked at her distressed friend and started to cry.

"Blaire, I don't know what to do. I could kill them and not even know it! What do I do?" The blonde girl sobbed.

"Cissa, calm down. OOUWW… call the… muggle hospital, it 911, and tell them…OOUUWW… we need an ambulance. Tell them I can't wait… and ask them to tell you how to…MMMM… deliver twins… got that?" Blaire bit her lip and smiled at her friend who nodded and picked up the phone next to the bed.

"Hello…yes my friend is having twins…she's not going to make it to the hospital…can you tell me how to deliver them…" Cissa smiled weakly back at Blaire.


The ambulance pulled away from the house, leaving the two girls with the babies. Narcissa was beaming at her friend who was lying there weakly. The doctors said she might be a little weak after twins but she didn't think it would be this much. The twins lay in the bassinet next to the bed. The little boy, Blaise, had dark wispy hair and bright blue eyes. The little girl, Mya, had dark curly hair and her mother's gorgeous green eyes.

"Cissa…I've been thinking… I don't want little (cough) Mya to grow up in the life we did…and I know that I wont live much longer…Please, give her a better home…away from…(cough)…him…and as for Blaise, well…Michael expects (cough) his son home…he never knew about Mya but he will (cough) find Blaise and so take him back to Michael…and take care of yourself…" Blaire closed her eyes and her breathing slowed down.

"BLAIRE! NO…PLEASE BLAIRE… talk to me!" Narcissa squeezed Blaire's hand.

"…And Narcissa…one day…when Mya is older…tell her about me…and maybe they can be friends…" Blaire said putting her weak hand on Narcissa's belly.

"I will tell her what a wonderful mother she had…and I promise you…she will have a wonderful life, just like her mother wanted and my baby and she will play together all the time and before you know it she will…" But Narcissa never got to finish telling Blaire about her daughter because Blaire passed away…right there in the little muggle house, alone with her best friend and her twins.

Narcissa did as Blaire had asked her to. She bundled little Mya in a basket and left her on the porch of a muggle couple with a note saying:

Dearest Grangers,

Hello, my name is Cissa and the mother of this beautiful baby girl was my best friend. She died from child birth and I find that my life is not adequate for a child. Please take her in and treat her as your own. Her name is Hermione Anne, and she needs a loving home. I hope you will do the right thing and take her in.

Love Cissa…

She hid behind a bush as the Grangers discovered the little girl on their doorstep. She watched from the window as Clara Granger cradled the baby girl and as Henry Granger read the note aloud. She watched them as Clara got her way, that little Hermione could stay. The last time Narcissa Malfoy saw Hermione Anne Granger was at the hospital when she was having her baby boy. Hermione was there getting registered as a Granger. Narcissa "helped" the nurse understand, that Clara had give birth to Hermione at home 3 day before, with a little magic.


Hermione was up in her room packing her things for her last year at Hogwarts. She was having trouble fitting all of her books in the trunk. Just as she had finally closed it, there came a knock at her door.

"Come in." She sat on top of her trunk as her parent came into her bedroom. "Oh hi Mom, Dad…I was just finishing my packing for school…Did you need something?" Hermione asked.

"Mya, why don't we go down to the living room, there's something we want to talk to you about." Her father smiled at her.

Her mother led them down to the living room where there was a basket on the table. Hermione took a seat on the couch and looked into the basket. Her face went pale and she felt as if she was going to be sick.

"YOU'RE PREGNANT?" She cried out.

"Oh good heavens NO! But there is something we never told you. I was never able to have children and so we went looking to adopt a child…" Her mother started.

"I was adopted?" She asked.

"Not exactly darling," Her father interrupted, "One day we had a lady from the agency coming over to interview us and we were getting ready for her when the doorbell rang. When I opened the door there you were in this basket. The note that came with you is in there too." He smiled at his daughter.

Hermione picked up the basket very carefully. She felt the blanket in between her fingers. It was embroidered with a small little symbol in the corner. It looked like some sort of snake pendulum. She set the blanket in her lap and picked up the note. As she read it she started to cry. Her mother started to rub her back.

"Im sorry we never told you. We always meant to but…" Her father started but Hermione cut him off.

"Im going to be late. Will you drive me to the station?" She said going upstairs get bringing down her trunk.


The war had been fought that summer so Hermione didn't expect many people to be coming back to school, mainly the Slytherins she hoped. Kissing her mother and father goodbye she put her trunk on a cart and pushed it onto the platform. She spotted Harry and Ron down the platform and started to head in their direction when she bumped into her.

"Oh, Im terribly sorry. I don't know where my mind is today." Hermione apologized.

"Hermione Granger?" The tall blonde woman straitened herself out and smiled.

"Yes?" Hermione smiled back.

"Mother why are you talking to her?" Malfoy came up from behind the woman and scowled at Hermione.

"Don't be so rude Draco! You should be nice to Mrs. Granger. After all, she did kill your father." Mrs. Malfoy smiled.

"And that should make me happy?" Draco asked.

"Very. Now apologize to Ms. Granger for being of so very RUDE!" she snapped, but Draco ignored her and walked away. "Boys these days! Im sorry for that, he didn't always have an ill temper. He was adorable as a baby, always doing this thing like sucking on his toes oh and bath-time, that was his favorite time. He would run around the house naked…and... Oh! Do forgive me. Im Narcissa Malfoy and it's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Granger." She held out her hand.

Hermione was in shock. She didn't know what to say to this woman who's family had looked down upon her for so many years. She shook Mrs. Malfoy's hand and weakly smiled at her. Mrs. Malfoy laughed at this because Hermione's smile was more of a look of terror instead of a smile.

"Well I must be off. Lets do tea sometime." She said and in a poof she was gone. Hermione stood there stunned until Harry and Ron came up behind her.

"What was that about?" Harry asked.

"Yeah what did she want?" Ron asked.

"She wants to do tea!" Hermione started laughing. "Can you imagine the conversation we would have over tea? It would be like, 'Thank you for killing my husband' 'Oh your so welcome'." Hermione put her trunk on the train and went to find a compartment.

The trio went to their normal compartment in the back of the train but when they got there, they saw it was already inhabited by Malfoy and his cronies. Hermione opened the compartment door and looked at them. There was Malfoy, Zabini, Parkinson, Crab and Goyle.

"What do you want?" Pansy said in her high pitched voice.

"This is our compartment." Hermione snapped at her. By them Ginny and Neville had joined them in the hall.

"I don't see your name on it!" Malfoy smirked.

"Its right there, just above your fat head on the window." Now Hermione was smiling as Draco saw Hermione, Ron, Harry, Ginny, and Neville's names on the compartment.

"Well we're not moving!" Pansy screeched.

"Shut you fat ass head up Parkinson, your giving me a headache!" Hermione lifted her eyebrow at her. Pansy made a squeal and looked to Draco.

"Find another compartment cause we are leaving!" Draco stated.

"I had a lovely chat with your mother Malfoy. She seemed rather happy that your father was dead. How did he die again? Oh that's right…I killed him. Funny how one of the most feared men in our world was killed by a 17 year old, muggle-born girl. Don't you find that funny Malfoy." Hermione's words were bitter.

Draco looked at her debating what to do. He had to admit defeat because he had no comebacks to her words. He looked at Zabini, Crab and Goyle. Then he stood up and pushed past Hermione.

"Have you fucken compartment." He whispered in her ear as her passed. Hermione was stunned. She didn't know what had just happened. Malfoy's cronies all looked at her in amazement and ran after him.

Hermione motioned for her friends to sit down. They were all amazed that Draco gave up his seat and thought that he was up to something. No one notice though, how Blaise Zabini had looked at Hermione, like he was up to something.

A/S… so there it is…a brand new story… full of EVERYTHING you can think of…R&R! TYTYTYTYTYTY….