Okay some people told me they wanted a chapter for Luffy's and Reina's kids so here it is,

I do not own One Piece

Chapter 11: The new adventure!

Reina watched as she saw the boat come up to the docks, the entire town came out and greeted the straw hat crew, Reina saw Luffy come off the ship, he had changed over the years she noticed, he looked much older then before and Reina knew he had gotten stronger. Luffy stopped greeting people when he saw his wife/ best friend/ mother of his children. To both of them time stood still like the day they met…


A 6 year old Reina got off the ship, she was quit and clam for a entire year after the 'incident', Shanks saw how much his daughter changed after the attack, he let out a sigh as he took a box out of the ship, Reina picked up a box but then something or someone caught her eyes, she looked up and saw a boy with black hair, and dark eyes.

A 6 year old Luffy and the town had saw the pirate ship earlier and wondered who it was, Luffy pushed threw the crowd of people and over heard someone say "It's that Shanks?" "Yeah it is I heard he's one of the best!" said anther person said "Hey who's that kid?" "dude you don't know that's the red dragon Reina daughter of Shanks, she the youngest pirate ever!" they said, Luffy looked and saw a girl around his age with red hair and blue eyes, but she looked…. Sad… just then someone had pushed him by accident and made him go forward to Reina

Luffy heart raced when the girl looked at him, to them time stopped….. "Hi….." Luffy said while time started again, Reina looked at Luffy for a long time before saying "Hi…." Shanks and his crew stopped what they where and looked at the 2. Luffy was about to walk back but then he slipped on a banana peal, that Roux was eating earlier and Luffy fell backwards and crashing into the docks.

He got stuck and he tried to get out, Shanks and the others blinked, the town blinked too, but then Reina…. Laughed, she smiled and started giggling, Shanks and his crew eyes slowly widened at this, she was smiling again… "Oh god, what a moron!!!" Reina laughed out while falling backwards and still laughing out "HEY DON'T CALL ME THAT!!" Luffy yelled out….

(Out of flashback)

Reina smiled as she remembered that day, Luffy walked over and saw she too had changed, she was older looking and if possible more beautiful, she let her hair grow too and in her eyes was a mother caring love, Luffy stopped when he looked down and saw 2 kids one was a girl she had blue eyes and her hair was black with red tips, she was about 5 years old and she looked a lot like Reina. The other one was a boy with red hair and black tips, his eyes where dark like his. He was around 5 years too and he looked like him.

The boy took a step forward and looked at his father, they stared at each other for a long time before the little girl ran over and hit the boy on the head "Kaoru say something!!!" the boy looked at her before yelling out "What can I say Kasumi?!!" they death glared each other before getting in to a dust fight, Reina let out a sigh as Luffy thought 'Just like how me and Reina fought…'

After that Luffy's friends and family stayed on the island and raised there kids, they grew up as friends and when they all older their adventure had started.

(12 years later)

8 kids walked down the street of there old home, 2 were both 17 years old born on the same day, one had red hair with black tips, the other had red tips with black hair, Kaoru and Kasumi was there names and they where the captains.

one was 17 years old too, he had blond hair and brown eyes he was the cook, and his name was Alex.

Maria was next she was 16 years old but she was strong as her mother and father mix together, she had black eyes and she had short green hair she had 2 swords near her sides. She was the first mate.

Next was a 16 year old boy he had black hair and black eyes his name was Max he was reading a book and he was there translator for almost anything but he whould always fall asleep.

Then there was 2 kids one had long orange hair with green eyes while the other had brown hair and green eyes to, the orange haired girl name was Sophia she was 17 years old while her brother was 14 year old and his name was Kanji they where both the navigator of the ship

The last one was the inventor of the crew she looked like her mother but she had ideas like her father, she had blond hair but brown eyes, her name was Luna plus she was a great doctor thanks to Chopper. She was only 12 years old but she knew how to fight.

When they near the end of the docks they stopped and looked back to the towns people and there family smiling "Good luck!" they all yelled out the kids smiled and waved goodbye as they got on a ship made just for them.

They stopped packing up when they saw their parents smiling at them, they waved goodbye to them too, as they set out they heard their parents yell out "BECOME GREAT PIRATES!!"

They looked back and saw the town going away "Hey Kaoru…" Kumasi asked out "Yeah?" he asked as he laid on the ships mast "I wonder what where going to see out there…." she asked "Who knows…" he said with a smile.

"Yeah…. Who knows…" she said as she looked out to the sea her friends did the same and smiled

Their adventure was just beginning…

!!!THE END!!!

okay there you go have fun, review please!