Reina: "Hi there"
Me: "Yes a One Piece fic! So cool"
Luffy: "HI"
Luffy: "Hi i'm..."
Me: "I know who you are! Gust say the disclaimer you crack monkey!"
Luffy: "Fine! D.N.H Monkey with a strawhat does not own One Piece but does own Reina,and the others…. Happy"
Me: "Yes….. Start the show! Oh and this my remake of Luffy childhood and only that!"
Reina: "You got it!"
Chapter 1: Reina daughter of Shanks
"Hey Luffy!" said a girl with red hair who was 7 years old as she ran over to her best friend Luffy who was in the his seat talking to her father the great captain Red Haired Shanks Luffy turned to see his best friend Reina he had a banged on his left cheek, Reina stop half way and sighed and look at him with why'd you do it look.
"Reina hey…. What wrong?" he said as he still look at her "Dad what did he do this time?" Reina asked as she ignored Luffy "He stabbed his left cheek tiring to show me how brave he was…." said Shanks, Reina look at him and yelled "You Baka! What do you think you where doing pulling something like that!"
She then pulled Luffy off the seat and put him into a head lock soon they got into a dust fight, as Shanks turned and saw this he laughed a bit and so did his crew as the dust cleared up Reina had Luffy by the legs and Luffy tried to punch her face Reina let go of Luffy's leg and look away from him a bit embarrassed.
Luffy was mad now she let him win and he hated that "Hey!" he yelled at her "What?" Reina said as she look at him "Why do you that you always let me win…" Luffy said as look down "It's because she thinks your cute Luffy…" teased Shanks "DAD DON'T BE GROSS!" Reina yelled at her father as she turned red
"Haha I'm kidding…" he said as he saw a redder Luffy "But he's not…" he said quietly, that's when a man with a dirty coat came in. he look around the room and went to the counter and said "Grog, a lot of it…" Makino was a bit scared and said
"Sorry sir where all out…" Reina was quit she know this would not end will "Do you know who I am?" he asked as he pull out a wanted poster out of his pocket "Hump he just a mountain bandit.." Reina said softly "Here.." said Shanks as he offered the man his bottle of grog the man took it and crashed it into Shanks face Reina wanted to run and kick him in the face but she knew better.
"Oh my what a mess….." Shanks said as he as he got to the floor and tried to clean it up but the bandit got out his sword and swag it over Shanks head casing glass to brake "Farewell cowards.." Higuma said as he left and once he was gone Reina, Shanks, and the crew began to laugh
"Why didn't you fight back!" he yelled "Com'n Luffy my dad doesn't need to fight that weakling." Reina said trying to calm him down "WHY!" Luffy yelled ignoring her "Luffy you cant always win by fighting…." Shanks said in his calm voice "You suck…" he said with a pout and was going to walk away.
"Where are going?" Shanks asked "To find a real role model" he said as he made for the door but Reina garb his arm "Luf Com'n don-" Reina was going to say the next word but she saw his arm stretched out like 18 miles away from his body everyone in the room eye's went big and there mouths went wide while Luffy yelled in panic "W-whats wrong with me!"
"CAPTAIN! THE GUM, GUM FRUITWE TOOK FORM THAT SHIP IS GONE!" yelled Lucky Roux. "Luffy tell me you didn't…." Reina said as Lucky showed Luffy a picture "Luffy did you eat this?" he asked "Yah I had it for dissert but to tell you the truth it tasted bad.." he said without a care Reina sighed as her father got up and yelled at him
(a few days later)
"Hey Reina.. Hey Luffy.." said the store owner of a fruit shop, "HEY MISTER STORE OWNER!" they both said at the same time then they both giggled
"Now why are you so happy about Luffy? You know the pirates left this morning right and you cant be a pirate because you at that cursed fruit…." he asked "Then I wont fall over bored then… any way look what I can do." Luffy said as he stretched his mouth out while Reina laughed "Do you think that is great!" yelled the mayor as he came out all Reina and Luffy was block there ears not lessoning to him "Look I'm not saying Shanks is a bad guy it's just…. HEY WHERE'D THEY GO!" the mayor saw they ran away from his speech…
(At the bar)
"Boy that was close…." Reina said as she took a drink of her water "Yah thanks for telling me we had to make a run for it.." Luffy said as he had his milk then he came back……… "MAYOR! MAYOR!" yelled Makino who bust into the mayor's office "Yes what is it?" he asked
"It's-it's Luffy and Reina…." she said as she ran with the mayor to the town squire only to see Reina being held back by some of guys and Luffy being crushed under the guy feat "Get off of him!" Reina yelled at him "Why?.." he said "He's getting what he disserve and you'll get yours after him…" he then put his foot down more on Luffy face "You ma-made f-fun of S-Shanks…." Luffy tired to say then the man kick Luffy to the well "Stop it!" Reina said as she bite the man who was holding her back and ran to Luffy.
"You jerk!" she yelled at him and look at Luffy "Reina he's not a jerk.. He's a pussy!" Luffy yelled Reina smiled she turn and saw the Higuma pissed off… "I wondered why no one came to great us when we came back…" said a familiar voice as Reina and Luffy look it was Shanks and his crew right be hide the mayor and Makino.
"DAD!" yelled Reina as tears ran down her face "Will, will if it's not the pirate from the bar…." the man said "…." all Shanks did was walk a few step's and the man yelled "Not author step or do you want our daughter and her friend died…" the Higuma said in fear Shanks stop his eye's now had hatred, but he step one more time and a man with a gun pointed at Shanks
"Did you not hear him?.." the man asked then Lucky came be hide the man and shot him in the head "That's not fair!" yelled a bandit "We're pirate's we don't play by the rule's….." said Shanks as he got ready to attack but that's when Benn Beckman (or to Luffy First mate) went in front of Shanks "Let me…" he said
"Knock yourself out.." Shanks said with a smile Reina and Luffy watch as Benn took each guy out with his gun and when the dust cleared they saw he took down all but one….. "You know when you treat to kill a man's friend you met be killed… but when you teat to kill a pirate's captain friend and his daughter then they shall show you know mercy….." Reina said as she look at Higuma with eye's she never have before
Higuma was shaking with fear and said "Okay look I'm sorry I'll give your kid and her friend back gust don't…" and that point the had a evil smile on his face then he pulled out a small black ball and he throw it on the ground it was a smoke bomb both Reina and Luffy could not see but they both felt someone pick them up as the smoke disappeared Shanks saw Reina and Luffy was gone and so was Higuma…..
(on a small boat not far from the town but far enough)
"Haha I'm a genius no one will think of coming out here…" Higuma laughed "No one will look out here because it's stupid! Like you!" Reina yelled at him "You little bicth!" Higuma said as he got her by the throat "L-Luffy…" she said weakly trying to breath "Let go of her!" Luffy yelled as he bite the Higuma leg
"OUCH! FINE THEN YOU TWO DIE TOGETHER THEN!" he yelled as throw Reina into the water and kick Luffy into the water as stand there laughing loudly as a mad man "L-LUFFY!" Reina yelled as she pulled up from the water put she then dived down to save him, as Luffy was trying to move but he could not move at all he then felt a soft hand touch his he opened his eye's to Reina pulling him up as she went up.
They hang onto each other as Higuma laughed at them but soon his laugh was over for good the sea monster that lived near the town appeared Reina and Luffy was scared now as they saw the monster eat Higuma whole as the sea monster turned to Reina and Luffy they both began to cry they where going to die as they hang onto each other they felt someone come and move them out of the way.
As they opened there eye's they saw it was Shanks he saved them "Get out of here…" Shanks said in a mad voice as his eye's turned mad too at the monster, it got scared and swam away Reina still began to cry in her fathers arms "Hey what's wrong Reina? Shanks just save-" Luffy was going to finished but soon began to cry when he saw what she was crying about.
"Why are you two crying? You guys are safe now…." Shanks said as he look down at the two "BUT-BUT YOU'RE A-ARM!" Luffy yelled "IT-ITS GONE! DAD IT'S GONE!" Reina cried it was true his arm was gone "It's a small pierce to pay…" Shanks said as the two cried for a long time…….
(the next day and on the docks)
"WHAT! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOUR LEAVING!" Luffy yelled out so load that the entire crew could hear "You know…. Leaving not coming back for some time.." Reina said as she wore a black outfit that day "Yah we have made this are home-base for a long time it time for us to leave…" Shanks said as he look at Luffy.
"But-but why?" Luffy said as he got pinch by Reina "Don't you lesson?" Reina said as she walk next to her father but stop when she saw Luffy about to cry "Here…" Shanks said as he handed Luffy his hat.
"Dad! Your going to give him your hat!" Reina said "S-Shanks?" Luffy said as he look up at Shanks "You keep it safe and when we met I hope you become a great pirate…." Shanks said with his smile.
Reina felt sad she had forgotten to get Luffy something as she pondered about what she could do her dad was teasing Luffy about trying to surpass him that's when it hit her! "L-Luffy….." Reina said as she look at him Luffy stop yelling and look at his best friend.
"Yah…." he was going to say something else but stop when he felt something hit his lips his eye's widened when he saw Reina KISS him on the lips! "AWWWWWWWW…" went some of the crew mates as they saw Reina break there kiss.
Reina look embarrassed at what she just did and said "T-That's a t-thank you f-for trying to s-save me………" she said as she saw the brightest color of red on Luffy's face appeared "HAHA look guys there as red as a tomato!" yelled Roux.
"Roux shut up before I kick your ass!" Reina said as she ran up the ship but stop and turned around only to see Luffy looking at her "HEY LUFFY! YOU BETTER BECOME KING OF THE PIRATES! OR I'LL TAKE AND BECOME QUEEN OF THE PIRATES!" she yelled at him only to get.
"OH NO YOU DON'T I'LL FIND ONE PIECE AND SHOW YOU ALL!" he yelled at her, Reina smiled and ran to the deck of the ship hopping to see him one day as he hopped the same……
(out of flashback)
"And that was the last time I saw her…." said the 17 year old Luffy the other stood there in aww there game of truth or dare was done, Nami asked Luffy if he had ever kiss some one or they had kiss him and when he said yup they wanted to know
But when they found out it was Shanks daughter they were out of it! "Luffy you made that up… right?" Sanji asked but Luffy nodded no they all gasp at this it was true. "Hey Luffy… do you even know where she is?" Zolo said as he got ready for a nap
"No…. but I hope I meet her on the sea one day…" he said as he look out the window of the kitchen…
(somewhere out on sea)
A small ship that carried about 4 people on it, at least about 3 girls and 1 boy where on the ship the boy with brown hair was around the age 18, one girl had long blond hair that was 19, one of the girls hair was green that was only 18, and last one with short red hair who was only 17.
"COME ON NICK GIVE IT BACK!" yelled the girl with blond hair who was yelling at the boy who had drum sticks in his hands. "How about not and say I did Katie.." Nick said as he pulled them away "Nick just give them back already!" yelled the girl with green hair.
"Kim don't get into the fight!" yelled the red hair girl "But-but… man your too calm.. Just like your dad." Kim said with a pout "Well I am his kid…." the girl said as she crossed her hands "Reina…whatwas that boy nameagain? You know the you kiss?" Kim asked the others got quit. "Hehe….. His name is Monkey D. Luffy.." Reina said with a smile…….
(to be continued…)
Reina: "Why did youstop?"
Me: "My mom.."
Luffy: "Oh"
Sanji: "D.N.H-Kun! Came out!" (he come's in)
Me: "Shit!" (runs out the room)
Reina: "Chapter 2 up next and if D.N.H doesn't have more then 5 reviews she will destroy us all.."
Me: "REVIEW! and sorry if it's sucks..."