Title-Arrogance and Animosity


Note from the Author- I believe I am finally satisfied with this version I have a better plot idea and development will be easier with the more time I have.

Disclaimer- I do not own Pride and Prejudice if I did that would be so cool! I also do not own Harry Potetr or any of his relatives.

Chapter One - The Train

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood , this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families that he is considered as rightful property of some one or other of their daughters. "My dear Mr. Bennet," said his lady to him one day, "have you heard that Netherfeild Park is let at last?"

Lily's eyes scanned the well known page ofof favorite book.The words had long ago been memorized but she was still captivated by itHer parents had always been extremely facisnated by great Liturature.

Lily ,unlike her sister, inherited the interest at a young age. Petunia argued this much but she was truly the odd one in the family.

Lily's mother had copper hair that curled gently down to her shoulder, while her father had bright red hair with a slight wave to it. Lily's hair was a mixture of the two, a dark red with waves down a couple inches past the shoulder blade.

Petunia had dingy brown hair that ended only just past her ear lobe.

Her mother had bright green eyes that would express everything to the looker, and her father had soft brown eyes full of laughter.

Lily's eyes were green like her mother's and the amused expression her father carried. Petunia's eyes were brown, but they held no laughter or truth.

"Excuse me."

Lily looked up from her book and smiled at the first year girl who stood in the doorway.

"Yes?" She answered marking her place with her index finger.

"Well you see. My cat went missing and I was wondering if you had seen him."

Lily sighed and shook her head. "No , I'm sorry I haven't."

The little girl's shoulders sagged. "Oh… thank you anyway." She started away and Lily felt a pang of guilt. She set the book down on the seat. "I'll help you look for it though."

The girl beamed. "Thank you so much!"

Lily and the girl walked down the train's corridor looking for the cat that she'd named Merlin.

"Listen you should go back to your compartment I'll continue to look for him okay?"

The girl nodded and walked back to her compartment sadly.

"Merlin!" She called softly as she peeked into an empty compartment .

She looked under the seats and sighed. "Where could a cat hide?"

"In many places Evans , you just have to know where to look." An annoyingly familiar voice answered her question.

"Really? And where should I look Potter?" She questioned getting up from the floor.

James flashed a trademark grin and stepped past her reached up into the luggage storage area and pulled down a small balck kitten.

The tag around it's neck shone brightly and she could see the engraved name "Merlin" on it. James handed the cat to her. "Didn't know you were fond of cat's Evans."

"I'm not , but I happen to like my job as a prefect to help little first years find their pets."

She answered taking the kitten from his arms and exiting the compartment.

"What? No thank you , Evans?" James asked following close behind her.

"The girl can thank you Potter because I have nothing to be appreciative of." She replied frostily. James smirked. "Oh I know you appreciate quite a few things about me Evans."

Lily turned around and faced him smililying to sweetly for it to be genuine. "How clever of you Mr. Potter, to know something of which you are ignorant." She stated then turned back around andcontinued on her way to the compartment the girl disappeared into.

"Here's your cat." She sighed handing the kitten to the happy girl.

"OH! Thankyou so much for finding him!" She cried stroking the kittne lovingly.

"Don't thank me he found him." She answered jerking her thumb in James's direction.

" Thank you!" She grinned turning to James.

"It was no trouble."

Lily shut the compartment door and started back to her own compartment.

"Elizabeth Bennet. That was a line from Pride and Prejudice."

Lily smiled without facing him. "Of course. Now if you'll excuse me. I'm waiting for somebody important."

James raised an eyebrow. "I'm not important? If I'm not important to you then what is?"

Lily sighed sitting down where she had been before the girl interrupted.

" I'm afraid. I can't tell you."

"I must know." James stood in the doorway

Lily smiled the sickeningly sweet smile again and got up from the bench and walked to the door. "Get used to disappointment." She stated then shut the door in his face.

James looked at the door a moment and blinked. "Princess Bride." He muttered.

Lily settled back down on the bench and opened her book once more.

Mr. Bennet replied that he had not.

"But it is ," returned she; "for Mrs. Long has just been here, and she told me all about it."

Mr. Bennet made no answer.

"Do not you want to know who has taken it?" cried his wife impatiently.

"You want to tell me , and I have no objection to hearting it."

This was invitation enough.

"Why my dear , you must know , Mrs. Long says that Netherfeild is taken by a young man of larger fortune from the north of England ; that he came down on Monday in a chaise and four to see the place , and was so much delighted with it that he agreed with Mr. Morris immediately ; that he is to take possession before Michaelmas , and some of his servants are to be in th ehouse by the end of the week.

"What is his name?"


"Is he married or single?"

"Oh! Single, my dear to be sure ! A single man of large fortune ; four or five thousand a year. What a fine thing for our girls!"

"How so? How can it affect them?"

"My dear Mr. Bennet," replied his wife, "how can you be so tiresome! You must know that I am thinking of his marrying one of them."

"Is that his design in settling here?"

" Design! Nonsense, how can you tal so! But it is very likely that he may fall in love with one of them, and therefore you must visit him as soon as he comes."

"LILS!" A cheery voice yelled causing Lily to look up.

In the doorway stood two girls. One was somewhat short with bright blonde hair cut short and deep blue eyes. Lily grinned. "Hannah!" She greeted hugging the girl tightly.

Hannah Breton had been Lily's best friend since the very first day of school.

Lily turned to the asian girl who she didn't know. She was taller than Hannah and about an inch taller than Lily herself. She had long black hair down to her waist and almond shaped chocolate brown eyes.

"Who's your friend?"

"Hi , I'm Amanda Chang. I moved here from America."

"Please to meet you Amanda."

"She lives next door to me." Hannah explained taking a seat and Amanda followed.

"I see you're reading Pride and Prejudice. Jane Austen is wonderful don't you agree?"

Lily nodded in ageement. "Have you seen Mia yet Han?" Lily asked.

'I'm almost there!' A voice shouted in Lily's head causing her to jump.

The door opened to reveal a brown haired girl holding an owl cage.

"Hey Mia." Both Lily and Hannah greeted in unison.

'You scared me when you popped in my head.'

'Sorry. My telepathy has been acting up a little bit.'

'It's okay. It was just really loud.'

Amelia "Mia" Cleaver became their friend a couple months after school started when they discovered that she had telepathic abilities. They accepted her despite that fact she was different.

"Who's the new girl?" Mia asked tilting her head slightly and setting Frankie her barn owl next to Lily.

"Hi , I'm Amanda Chang. I moved here from America." She greeted extending her hand. Mia raised an eyebrow and shook her hand.

"She lives next door to me." Hannah said again.

Mia sat down next to Lily and sighed. "Well what happened over summer break?"

Hannah yawned. "Nothing much. My parents and I took our annual trip to Rome. I didn't meet any cute guys this time though. What about you Lils?"
"I went to Paris for a few weeks then to Greece. I got sea sick during a cruise and was miserable for a week." She laughed. "I got to teach the dance class is Paris though. It was nice to go back."

"Meet any hot dancers?" Hannah asked.


"Aw too bad. Mia?"

"I stayed at home and watched my sisters."

"So you didn't meet any guys either huh? I guess we're all romantically challenged." Hannah sighed.

"Well…I met somebody." Amanda said quietly.

Hannah brighten , she loved romantic stories. " Tell us all about it."

Amanda smiled. "Well. It was before I moved. I was in Newyork and I stopped in this coffee shop and bought something when I was walking out I bumped into this guy and coffee spilled all over him and he fell on the ground. He was shy it was really cute. He was extremely handsome and sweet and very old fashioned. He didn't kiss me until I asked him why he wouldn't. Do you want to know what he said?" She asked sighing at the memory. "He said he loved me and didn't want to rush anything or force me to do something I didn't want to. We hung out all summer. I found out one day that I had to move and before I could say goodbye we left."

Hannah hugged Amanda. "That is so sad!"

Even Amelia seemed to sympathize with her.

"What was his name?" Lily asked curiously. She didn't believe a guy like that could exsist in the same world that James Potter did.

Amanda blushed. "His name was Sirius, Sirius Black."

"So Padfoot, how was America?" James asked lounging on the bench.

"It was boring really. Nothing much to tell. I would've liked to stay at your house all summer." He sighed then an image flashed to his mind. Amanda. He shook his head. Sirius Black didn't need her if she was just gonna up and leave him out to dry.

'I just wish I knew where she'd gone. And why she didn't say anything.' He hadn't told any of his friends about meeting a girl he thought he loved and then was ditched. He had a reputation to uphold. Girls didn't want guys who were dumped.

'Why can't I get her out of my head?'

Mia stifled a laugh and Hannah choked on air while Lily stared at her like she was crazy.

Coul it be the same Black that they knew? Amanda patted Hannah on the back to help her breathe. "I hope I'll see him again."

"Oh don't worry I think you will." Mia stated with a knowing smile.

"Amanda let's go for a walk." Lily suggested grabbing the girl's arm.

"Okay. Where are we going?" She asked as they led her down the corridor to the very last compartment on the right where the Marauders always sat.

Hannah smoothed Amanda's hair a little and smiled.

"What's the big deal you guys?" Amanda asked thinking they were crazy.

"You'll see." Hannah laughed knocking on the door.

James opened the door and saw Lily standing there. "So you've finally come to your senses Evans?" He asked.

Lily rolled her eyes "No I want to see Black."

Sirius raised an eyebrow and joined James by the door. "Yeah?"

Lily stepped aside and Amanda's eyes widened. "Sirius?" She asked with a huge smile.

Sirius looked even more shocked and pleased than she was. "Amanda? What are you doing here?"

"My family moved her and I transferred schools."She answered laughing and hugging him. Sirius returned the embrace and spun her around in the cramped corridor. "Oh my gosh it's so great to…." He saw James's and the rest of his friend's faces.

"I guess America wasn't as boring as you said." James stated in shock.

"Boring?" Amanda asked pulling away from him and retreating to the girls. "You said you were most happy when you were with me."

Sirius looked from James to Amanda and back before throwing on a casual expression. "Well I may've been over exaggerating on saying it was the best time."

Amanda did her best to hide a hurt expression. "So were you over exaggerating when you said you loved me?" She asked angrily as her hands balled into fists. "What else did you lie about?" Before he could answer Amanda punched him Sirius fell back onto the floor.

"I wish I'd never met you Sirius Black." She snarled before stalking away.

"Woah she's strong…" James muttered.

Lily felt a pang of guilt she didn't think anythign like this was going to happen.

"Amanda wait!" She yelled then glared at the boys in the compartment. "I hope you all are proud of Black here." She seethed before following Amanda.

"We're going with her." Hannah stated as she and Mia ran after them.

Lily sat next to Amanda in the compartment while Mia and Hannah waited outside.

"I'm very sorry Amanda I didn't want you to be hurt." Lily said quietly putting a hand on her shoulder while Amanda looked out the window watching the land pass by rapidly.

They sat in silence for awhile until Amanda sighed. "After this I can't help but think of The book you were reading earlier Lily."

"What about it?" Lily asked emerald eyes filled with concern. Amanda turned around and she didn't have any traces of tears. "There is a line that describes what I'm feeling.

'I could easily forgive his pride had he not mortified mine.'"

Lily smiled reassuringly. "Black isn't everything. You'll be alright. You have me and Mia and Hannah looking out for you."

Amanda smiled and hugged Lily. "Thank you."

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