Hey, y'all! Finally, i got to finishing up all these chapters i had been writing... Meep, it's kinda hard working on certain chapters with characters you don't particularly care about. Meh. Oh, well. I finally got it completed. (does a dance) Erm, anyway, as the title says, this is a collection of 10 oneshots for different pairings that i eitherlike orknow others like. These are the pairings within this story and the order they'll appear in, and remember some ARE one-sided, but i'm not telling you which ones those are:
And yes, for those that are unable to tell, THOSE ARE JAPANESE NAMES, PEOPLE! SHEESH! DON'T get 'em confused for the English D:
I am merely telling you them so that way if you don't like a certain pairing then you can just wait 'til a certain chapter with one you like is updated so you can read it. Nothing more. And i'm going to be using the Japanese names in this since i've already started calling characters by 'em. Eh, gotta start somehow.
So review what chapters you want to!
Disclaimer: I do not own this, Makoto Raiku does. Get that through your head.
Pairing: KiyomaroxMegumi
Rating: K+
Summary: Kiyomaro likes it when Megumi sings...
My Heart's Sanctuary
Kiyomaro liked it when Megumi sung. Anyone could tell you that. Gash in particular could tell you that he had even recently bought one of her CDs and was listening to it a lot… but then he just made fun of him for it and said that he liked her. But of course, Kiyomaro merely went into denial and said otherwise.
However, that was in the past.
It soon became rather obvious that he really did like her; in fact, the two had recently started dating. Although they both had to keep it a secret from the public, otherwise everyone would be on Kiyomaro's case if they found out.
He could just picture it in the newspapers: "Pop Star Dating Everyday Guy" or something along the lines of that, he honestly believed that it didn't matter what the title was called. If it involved Megumi dating anyone in particular then opinions would surely arouse no matter what the case… And it was hard to avoid the subject of dating someone around others. He couldn't possibly talk about someone other than Megumi like that, especially his friends who teased him all because Suzume had a huge crush on him. He loved Megumi, not Suzume, even if he was good friends with her.
"Ki…yo…ma…ro…" sung Gash as he skipped along his bookkeeper's room. "He… loves… Me…gu…mi…."
The little demon screamed as he ran across the floor of the room, hiding behind the other's bed. He poked his little blonde head from underneath the little space of safety and giggled before crawling out and laughing again, only causing Kiyomaro's agitation to increase further.
"But it's true!" said Gash as he hopped up to his feet. "You listen to her CDs all the time! And… wasn't there supposed to be a new one coming out soon?"
The older boy sighed before he shook his head and put his face in his hands. Couldn't he just understand that he couldn't go around singing in public to people? He didn't want people getting suspicious…
"Gash, can you just… Not sing that aloud?" questioned Kiyomaro with a sigh.
"Hmm? Why not?"
"It's… annoying… I can't just have you singing that in public…"
"Fine, Kiyomaro! I'll just go sing it with Vulcan!" And with that, the little blonde pest ran around, grabbing his favorite toy and skipped through the door. Kiyomaro stared behind him and sighed, turning around to look at his desk again.
There were different papers scattered all over his desk, most of it was homework, but a particular paper caught the teen's eye and he picked it up to stare at it.
Dear Kiyomaro,I'll be out for about a week doing some shots on the other side of town, but I'll be back by the end of the weekend for sure. Does Saturday sound like a good get together day? Lost of love,
He smiled at the letter. Megumi would surely be there and they would be happy again. Turning around, he picked up a set of headphones and a small CD player that was connected with the wires. He plopped in a certain CD and music started playing, he looked at the back of the cover and smiled, going over the different names of the songs sung by his favorite pop star.
Maybe that weekend when he saw her she could sing for him and he could have his own free concert… Nothing like the songs of love.