Trevor had gotten to his dorm and already had half of his stuff unpacked by the time he heard a knock on the door. He turned to see Corrie as a smile appeared across his face. Their lips locked as quickly as it had taken them to get to each other. Two hours had felt like two weeks of not seeing each other.
"Trevor," Corrie silently spoke, but was quickly cut off. Trevor put his hand gently on her cheek and kissed her even more passionately. An obnoxious clearing of the throat came from behind Corrie and caused both to look to the door.

"Hi there. I'm Eric, you're roomy," he stated in a smart ass tone.
"Uhm, Trevor," he responded, a little embarrassed. "And this is my girlfriend, Corrie," he added.
"Nice. Now that I'm here you might have some competition Trev. Can I call you Trev?" Eric said.
"Great. This'll be a fun year," he exclaimed, putting is arms around Trevor and Corrie. "Well, I'm off to a party to meet some hott chicks," he said as he walked out the door.
"He seems nice," Corrie lied when he had left.
Trevor rolled his eyes. "Nice isn't the word I was thinking of. More like an ass," Trevor laughed.
Corrie smiled and wrapped her arms around Trevor's neck. "I have to go meet Mary to work on a project but I'll call you, okay?" she told him, kissing him quickly.
"Trevor pushed the strand of hair in Corrie's face aside. "I don't want you to go. Stay longer," he insisted.
"I can't. Listen, why don't we have dinner tonight?" Corrie said, removing her hands from around his neck and onto his waist.
Trevor sighed and hung his head, then looked back at Corrie. "Okay, call me when you are done working, 'kay?"
"Yes, I promise I'll call," Corrie laughed.
"Alright. I'll talk to you later then," Trevor said, kissing Corrie lightly on the head then watched her leave the dorm room hesitantly.