A Family Of Their Own

(Sequel to a birth at sea)

Chapter 3

AN: thank you too the 1 person who reviewed Chapter 1...depending on how many reviews I get from this chapter will determine whether or not Chapter4 goes up.


"Ashes to Ashes dust too dust, we commit our son Benjamin Turner to the ground, May we meet him again one day." Preacher Austin said with a solemn voice, As Cole along with a few other men lifted Ben's coffin into the ground. Cole then went back too Phoebe's side, who was crying hysterically for the loss of her baby boy. "Go forth now in peace, Amen." "Amen." The small group of people that surrounded the small cemetery said before they started too greet Phoebe and Cole, and share there condolences for their loss.

Back at home tension was clear between Phoebe and Cole. Phoebe sat in the old rocker in front of the Fire, rocking back and forth as a cols December snow came down softly. Around her she had Ben's baby blanket that Piper, Phoebe's sister had made for him before he was born. Now it had no use. The new baby wouldn't be born for months, and even then if it could be afforded a new blanket would be made. Christmas wouldn't be Christmas this year. They where in danger of losing the farm and everything they owned. Aside from that Phoebe's pregnancy even though only in the early stages was very rough on her small fragile body. She didn't know how she'd make it to term.

Cole sat in the old barn with a bottle of Whiskey, He blamed Phoebe for the death of Ben. If only she had taken better care of him when he was sick. He would never say it out loud but, he felt it deep down. He took another swig of the strong liquid. It was all her fault that he was dead...He thought long and hard then took another swig of Whiskey. He got up and put the bottle down, and took the horse whip down from the wall, he was gonna teach her a lesson, and dammit he thought, She'll learn from it.

Phoebe sat darning one of Cole's socks, She was exhausted but fought to stay up. Then Cole walked in.
"Get Up!" He said with a powerful voice. "What's going on?" she replied. "I said get up! AND GET OVER HERE!" He screamed at her. She did as she was told and walked over too him trembling and noticing the Wip latched onto his belt. "Whats going on Cole?" she said. "You fucking killed him you stupid cow!" He said screaming at her, and took his hand, Slapping her hard too the face making her fall hard to the floor. "C-Cole, you heard Dr. Smith, He was really sick, He had the fever!" She said shaking and holding onto her face. He took the wip and hit her hard with it, causing her too scream out in pain. He kept doing this until the screaming died down and she was passed out. Secretly though, he body was numb from the pain, she wasn't passed out at all, but she could smell this liquor on his breath. He took the wip and put it back on his belt and walked out with his coat. She laid motionless for hours, until Piper showed up at Sunrise.

AN: Plz read and review.