Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I don't own Harry Potter or anything from the magical world. However, I own the plot of this story!

Chapter One

James and Lilly were born on the sixteenth of May, seven and a half minutes apart in a ward at St. Mungos. Ron and Lilly were made their god parents.

Three years later, in the same ward at St. Mungos Hermione gave birth to a boy, whom the two of them decided to call Sirius. His God Parents were none other then Fred and George themselves, who were of course absolutely delighted. This, all being Harry's idea, worried Hermione and she dreaded what the twins would send the poor child on his birthday.

Another five years passed before Thomas was born. His God Parents were Ginny and Dean, who looked slightly horrified that he had been given such a responsibility, but was soon calmed down.

It was another three years until the fourth and final (or so they hoped) Potter boy was welcomed into the big wide world. This time, Hermione's parents asked if they could name him Marcus and Harry and Hermione told them that it would be fine.

Now, I know this is all getting kind of confusing, but there's only one more child to go, so hang in there!

Lucy Potter was their last child (well, for now anyway –wink, wink-) her God Parents were Luna and Neville. Yes, that's right Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom, being the only one who understood the poor girl.

And that's the Potter Clan.


"James Potter, if you don't give that back to me this second!" Lilly shouted, racing down the stairs after her twin. "Then you will be SO sorry!" James laughed and sprinted into the garden.

"You want it, you come and get it," James replied, smiling and stopping by their picnic table. Lilly stood the other side of it.

"Give it back to me," she ordered, holding out her hand.

"Why? Surely you don't write things in your diary that your own twin doesn't know!" James cried. "Lilly, I'm hurt."

"You'll be hurt in more then one place if you don't give that back," Lilly threatened. James chuckled and flicked to a random page in her diary.

"Merlin! You fancy Kieran?"

"James, give me that back!"

"Kieran! A-as in Kieran Longbottom?" James asked incredulously. Lilly climbed across the table and threw herself into James, sending the two of them crashing to the floor.

"Hey!" James cried, holding the book out of reach and keeping Lilly away with his free hand.

"Give. It. Back!"

"James, Lilly, stop it! Right now!" Harry bellowed from the kitchen window. "Get your buts in here and help me with this washing up." Lilly got up and stormed off, leaving James smiling with the diary in his hand. Putting it in his pocket so his dad wouldn't know he had it, James walked into the kitchen.

"What have you done?" Harry asked, rounding on him.

"Done? I haven't done anything!" James protested.

"So, your sister just stormed upstairs for no reason at all?"


"I'm waiting…"

"Well, what happened you see, was-"

"Mummy!" a voice cried out from the hallway. Harry looked round before he glared at James.

"We'll talk about this later, now finish washing up those dishes like I told you to ten minutes ago."

"Yes, dad," James sighed, walking over to the sink. Harry threw his towel on the kitchen table and opened the door to find Hermione standing in the hall being hugged by Thomas and Marcus.

"Careful, don't hurt your mother," Harry said from the doorway, walking over to pick Marcus up before leaning in to kiss Hermione.

"Ewww! Mummy and Daddy are kissing!" Thomas said, covering his hands with his eyes. Hermione laughed and ruffled his hair.

"Where's everyone else?" Hermione asked, referring to their other children.

"Err…the last time I saw Sirius, he was playing around with some package or another, Lucy is upstairs asleep and Lilly has probably locked herself in her room-"

"What's James done to her now?"

"I don't know, I was just about to ask when you walked in."

"I'll go and talk to her-"

"Mummy, mummy, I want to show you what I did in school today!" Marcus said, excitedly. Hermione laughed.

"Okay, then," she said as Harry lowered him to ground. "Show me what you did at school today."


Hermione knocked softly on Lilly's door.

"Go away!" Lilly mumbled, laying on her bed. Hermione ignored her and opened the door.

"I just came to check if you were ok," Hermione said. Lilly looked up.

"I'm fine," she said, although her tear-stained face said otherwise. Hermione went and sat on the end of her bed, rubbing her shoulder.

"What's James done now?" she asked.

"He read my diary…"

"Did he now? Did it say anything interesting?"

"Mum, you're not helping…"

"Sorry, dear." Lilly rolled over so she was laying on her back and looking at her mum.

"When did realise that you liked dad?" Lilly asked. Hermione raised her eyebrows.

"Err…I don't know, really…He's been my best friend since we started at Hogwarts, I don't really think I paid attention when my feelings towards him…changed. Why?"

"No reason…I just wanted to know…"

"Is this about Kieran?" Hermione asked.

"James told you?" Lilly cried.

"No, no, I figured it out on my own," Hermione replied. She waited for her daughter to calm down a bit before asking again. "Is this about Kieran?" Lilly fiddled with her fingers and Hermione thought that she wasn't going to answer.

"Yes…I-I do like him…b-but well…w-what would dad say? He'd go mental and I'd never hear the last of it from James and-"

"Okay, just calm down," Hermione soothed. "As long as you're careful, and you know what I mean by that" – Hermione fixed her with a stern look and she blushed – "I have no objections to you going out with Kieran and when I'm done with your father, neither will he." Lilly smiled.

"Talking of relationships, and what-have-you, me and your father need to talk to you and James later," Hermione said, standing up.

"About what?" Lilly asked.
