Dirty Dancing: Hogwarts Style

I don't own anything

Chapter-6-Over The Weekend

If you could be my punk rock princess I would be your garage band king

You could tell me why you just don't fit in and how you're gonna be something.

I never thought you less,(you less) I never dreamed you would(you would)

You've watched your life go past, you wondered if you should

If you should be my punk rock princess, so I could be your garage band king

You could tell me why you just don't fit in, and how you're gonna be something.

"Ow!" Hermione tripped again over her own feet. "Oh, come one! It's the Waltz! The Waltz! How do you mess up the Waltz?" Hermione shook her head.

"Hermione, are you alright?"

"Yes, mum!" Hermione groaned and stood up again. She pretended Harry was there and kept her arms in the air. "Back, left, right, or is it right left?" She groaned and stomped her feet. "Oh, man, what did I get myself into?" She ran down stairs, tripping on the last two and went up to her mother and father. "Ok, which one of you two gave it to me."

Mr. Granger nearly choked on his coffee and Mrs. Granger stopped hemming Hermione's pants. "What dear?"

"Which one of you guys gave me your…your…klutzy gene!"

It took her parents all they had to not laugh. "Hermione," said Mrs. Granger, "what in the world are you talking about?"

Hermione sat down. "I'm just…" she threw her hands in the air. "I'm sick and tired of being…awkward."

"Awkward?" asked her father.

"For lack of better word," Hermione told him. "I'm sick of being picked on, and tripping and constantly breaking out."

"Hermione, your skin is fine."

"Yeah right! Last week I had a huge zit right on the tip of my noise!"

"So that's what that thing was?" Mrs. Granger glared at her husband. He cleared his throat and said, "Hermione, all teens go through what you're going through."

"Not Cho!"


"Cho Chang, from Hong Kong." Hermione was up pacing around the room now. "She doesn't have to put with tripping over her own feet al the time. She's got perfect skin, guys love her, and she can dance."


"She can draw, sing, she's always getting the lead in every school play and"-


"Yes, dad?"

"What's this all about? Come on. Sit here and talk to me."

Hermione obeyed her father and told him everything. "I'm…I'm in the Winter Assembly.

"You are?" both her parents gasped.

"Yes, well, kinda, I still have to talk to Mr. Dumbledore to let me in, but yes. I am performing."

"What are you performing?"

"I don't know. Anyway, I…I made this bet with Cho, a simple bet, nothing big," Hermione lied, "And…and it involves dancing in the show. And I can't do it! I just can't!" Hermione was back to pacing around the room. "She's the most popular girl in school she's got the moves and she's perfect!"

"Hermione, sit down," her father said again. She did and he asked her, "Why did you make this bet in the first place?"

"I wanted to show people that there was more to me than just…being klutzy and a nerd," Hermione answered without realizing it. "I want to be noticed. I'm tired of being…me."

"Hermione," her father began softly. "Like your mother said, all teens go through this. Yes, some have it a little easier but you know what? Those who have to struggle a little bit harder and try harder, and those who are constantly getting laughed at, always come out on top."

Hermione smiled. "Thanks, dad," she kissed his cheek, got up and left.

Mrs. Granger looked at her husband with a smile on her face. "That was good. Simple. But good."

Mr. Granger glowed with pride. "You think so." His wife nodded. "Cool. I should be doing this type a thing more often."

Mrs. Granger laughed. "Alright, dear. No need to get a big head about it."

"Hey, you help her out with everything else. Let me enjoy this." He leaned back in his chair and put his hands behind his head. But then he thought of something and sat up straight. "Hey, honey?"


"Who do you think is going to be teaching her exactly? This dance thing she has going on." His wife simply smiled at him and Mr. Granger turned to her. "No, no, I'm serious. When she said dancing did she mean, her and a group of girlfriends or her and a…a…"

Mrs. Granger laughed as she watched the realization hit her husband. "Her and young man?"

"A boy! Not a young man. They're all boys in my eyes."

"Of course, dear."

"No, seriously, she's going to be dancing with a group of her girl friends right?"

Mr. Granger got his answer the very next afternoon. He answered the door and saw a tall, boy with black hair and piercing green eyes standing in front of him. The two starred at each other and studied each others profiles.

"You must be, Harry," Mr. Granger stated matter of factly.

Harry nodded. "Yes, sir, I am. And you must be Mr. Granger, Hermione's father."

"Indeed I am."

"Oh." Harry was finding it very hard to continue to look Mr. Granger in the eye. He felt the man looking at him up and down. What was he looking for? Was he starring at his clothes? What for? All Harry wore was a black shirt, jeans and sneakers. Was he looking for-

"Do you have any piercings?"

Oh, that was what he was wondering. "No," Harry answered quickly. "None."

"Not even one?"

"No where, sir."


"No, sir."

"Oh, my gosh is it hot in here!" Harry heard a female voice from inside the house. "What the- oh, you must be Harry Potter."

"Yes mam."

"Well, come in Harry, come in. Dear please, move! You're letting the air out. Come on, Harry." Harry walked into the house and followed Mrs. Granger. He could feel Mr. Granger still watching him with a careful eye. "Anything to drink, Harry?"

"No, thank you."

"Alright then. Wait here and I'll go get, Hermione. Hermione!"

Harry looked around the large kitchen trying his best to ignore the fact the Mr. Granger was still practically breathing down his neck.

"What grades do you get in school? Are they average, above average, below?"

"Uh…average-sir," Harry added quickly. "But I am very good in English and math."

"Interesting combination."

"I thought so."

"Hey, Harry."

Harry turned to Hermione relieved that she was finally here. Her father looked at her up and down.

"Hermione, must you wear that?" her father asked her.

Hermione looked down at herself. She wore a pair of baggy, cargo jeans, and fitted yellow t-shirt that hardly showed off anything.

Mrs. Granger sighed. "You two head down stairs while speak with my unfortunate husband."

"I have connections!" Mr. Granger shouted. "I'll have the police here in thirty seconds!"

Harry looked at Hermione as she opened the door to the basement. "What's his problem?"

"Don't worry. He's still asking for Ron's permanent record. And I've known him for nearly five years."


"Yeah. Ok, so, where did you want to start?"

"Well, I thought I'd start off by asking you what dance you wanted to perform exactly?"

"Hmm…I don't know." Hermione starred at the ceiling in thought then looked back at Harry. "I want to beat Cho. Something that will knock everyone socks off."

"Ok." Harry was a little hurt that beating Cho was Hermione's only motives. But he thought she was pretty and wanted to get to know her a little better. "Hmm. Well, I see Cho practice all the time."

"You do?" Hermione felt a small amount of jealousy go through her.

"Yea. Unfortunately we moved right across the street from her."

"Lucky you."

"If you say so. Anyway, I admit she is good and her team works very well together. Um…the whole school likes her"-

"The Tango!" Hermione said suddenly.

"The Tango?"


"I should have guessed. Why? You feel that will help you beat Cho?"

"Not just that," said Hermione. "I've always wanted to learn it. And well, you can dance so, here's my chance."

"The Tango?"


"Are you sure?"

"Of course." After seeing Harry sigh Hermione asked. "What, you don't think I can do it?" She crossed her arms over her chest. "What do you mean am I sure? Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be?"

Harry laughed. "Ok."

"No, what are you laughing at?" She pouted.

"You. It's just…."


"I admire you."

That caught Hermione off guard. She uncrossed her arms and spoke quietly, "What?"

"I admire you," Harry repeated.


"Because even though you're not that good at dancing you're still willing to give it a try. Among other things." Harry shook his head. "But that's enough. Let's get started." He walked swiftly over to Hermione and stood at her side. They looked each other in the eye. "Can you move your hips?"

"Excuse me?"

"Your hips, can you move them?"

"Well, of course I can move them."

"Move them," Harry commended.

"Excuse me?"

"You're beginning to sound like a broken record. Go on, move them," he said again.

Hermione sighed and Harry watched as she simply moved her hips from side to side. That's it. Just a quick swish and she was done. When she saw the look Harry was giving her she did it again, only this time she threw her hands up in the air to add to the quick movement and tripped over her feet.


"Are you alright?" Harry helped her up.

"Yeah, fine." She looked at Harry. "I don't exactly understand what you mean by move your hips."

"I think you do," he whispered and walked over to his backpack. He took out a CD and popped into the radio that was down there.

"What are you putting in?" asked Hermione.

"Hip hop," Harry answered. "It's got a good beat. Easy to dance to." The music started but Hermione didn't move. "Go on," urged Harry.

Hermione bit her lip. She stuck her foot out to the side and stuck out her hip but then remembered Harry was still there watching her and she stopped. "I can't," she sighed.

Harry stopped the music. "Why?"

"I don't normally dance in front of people. Why is this so important anyway?"

"The Tango involves a lot of hip movement Miss Granger." Hermione felt her cheeks turn red from the way Harry said her name. "Very important. Now what if I turn my back? Will that help?"

"I guess. But you won't see me."

Harry shrugged. "Fine. Sound good?"


"Ok." Harry pressed the play button and turned his back.

Hermione listened to the music for a few seconds and then all of a sudden, she could feel it. She could feel the beat and her hips began to move. It was nothing too crazy. It was just a simple twist. But as the beat picked up so did her moves. She turned and twisted and bent low to the ground and came back up again slowly. She did the Oreo and the tootsie roll and she even spun herself around once or twice.

She was lost in the music. She felt herself trip a few times but got right back to where she wanted to be. And then finally, with one last trip, the music ended. The CD stopped and she looked up to see Harry clapping and smiling.

She stood up quickly with flushed cheeks. "Did you see that?" she asked Harry and he nodded. "But how you said you wouldn't look!"

"I should have said that I wouldn't look for the first forty-five seconds. I had to see you move."

"Oh. So? How was it?"

"Well," Harry stuck his hands in his pockets. "Teaching you The Tango is going to be a lot easier than I thought. Once we get over the tripping that is. Alright, let me show you the beginning." He walked a few steps away from her then turned and said, "This is the female part so forgive me but it will look a bit strange."

Hermione laughed as she watched Harry make quick strides and wiggle and shake his hips. But then again she was also enjoying the sight of him doing this and watching him move like so was in some strange way very attractive.

Harry didn't seem to mind the fact that she was laughing at him. He liked her smile. He stopped in front of her. "Alright, now you try?"

Hermione's smile disappeared. "Me?"

"Yes, you."

"Do what you just did?"

"It doesn't have to be exact. Just take a few quick steps and wiggle your hips."

"This whole hip thing is getting on my nerve."

"You made the bet not me."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Alright, fine." She walked a few steps away from him and then turned around. Then Hermione took four steps forward before falling flat on her face. "Ow!"

Harry was quickly at her side and he helped her so she could sit up. "Well, that was entertaining."

Hermione sighed. "I'm sorry, Harry. It's not my fault I'm such a…klutz."

He liked the way she said her name. "That's not what I'm talking about. While it is very entertaining that's not what I was laughing-smiling at." When Hermione looked at him he said, "You do know that we are trying to dance here, right? Not model."

"Oh!" After hearing this Hermione couldn't help but laugh a little.

Harry helped her up. "Here, I'll show you what I mean. I want hip but not too much hip."

"How much hip is involved with this dance Mr. Potter?" Hermione asked him.

"The Tango is a very sensual dance Miss Granger," he answered. And by the look of surprise on her face he added, "I thought you knew that. Come on." He led her near the wall and stood behind her. Hermione blushed when Harry set his hands on her hips and then whispered, "Take one step forward. Good. Now…there you go. Take another step forward…good."

They did that for about ten minutes. Harry would give Hermione the command to step forward then twist her hips. Slowly she got faster. Then after awhile he had her step backward then forward.

"There you go. Now a little faster. Good. A little faster then."

Hermione smiled, pleased with herself. But she didn't see what lay ahead of her. A sharp, yellow, number two pencil. She stepped forward and trip. "Whoa!" She was able to break her fall but Harry didn't get off as easy. His grip slipped from her and he fell beside her.

The two were breathing very fast and after a few minutes they faced each other and Harry said, "I think we made a lot of progress today."

Ok, guys! There ya go! I no longer have writers block. I am cured! Message and leem know what you think.