Full Synopsis: Sophie and Robert have thought they had finished solving the mysteries... But the appearence of a new person into the story seems to say the opposit. Some pairings and romance will come much later in the story. Or sooner depending on if I get any reviews or not.

Disclaimer: Well, unfortunatly I own nothing but my own made up characters and my plot. I don't even own the church..

Silas had just been called by The Teacher to go the Opus Dei headquarters to rest. He was dropped off by Remy not too far away and he was now walking to it. He suddenly heard a loud annoying ring of his cellphone again. He felt like breaking it every time. At least he put it on mute whenever he was following someone or it would alert them of his presence.

"Silas, my son, you must go to Saint Paul's Church right away." Father Aringarosa said over the phone.

"But I thought the plan was going to be for later."

"This is very important. We don't have any time to lose."

"Yes father." Silas said, putting the cellphone away. He didn't know how to make the volume on it lower because it hurt his ears a lot.

He didn't have far to go so he simply walked over there quickly.
His mission was quite simple. A Sophie's best friend went to help out at the big church very frequently. He had to find out all the information she knew to help them find where Robert and Sophie are hiding. Then came the hard part. He then had to shoot her and go off to tell what he had learned.

He was getting a little tired of killing people like those who weren't involved in this. Especially when it came to killing women. They sometimes reminded him of his mother which was very painful for him.
He wished Sister Sandrine was the last woman he'd kill. Not to mention killing in a holy place. But she had been working against the church so he had to bring an end to that.

"Thank you so much Natalie!" he heard when he entered. Looking on the left of him, a nun had said that to a young woman. Silas sat down on a bench, pretending to be looking at a statue showing Jesus carrying his cross as he listened to the conversation.

"It's no problem, really. I love being here."

"If only we'd get more people to come with your attitude." The nun sighed but her smile came back.

"Well, it's hard for people to choose one church with so many around."

"I guess that's true."

"I could tell a few people about this place. I know they would love it here."

"You're too kind."

"Just trying to help Sister Augustine. You know, I don't have any siblings so I am happy I can at least call someone sister." Natalie laughed.

"Well, I must go for now." Sister Augustine smiled. Natalie nodded, knowing the everyday routine. The nun walked off so she started walking further into the church halls.

"Finally." Silas muttered silently as he noticed the two seperated. Looking around, he noticed that there were very few people here so this would go more smoothly.

Natalie hummed a song as she walked, carrying a book in her hand. She didn't even pay attention to looking back as she had entered a small library. She put the book away and sat down at a table, where she started to fill out some forms that were for her passport. She wanted to travel later so she had to get it eventually.

"Natalie Dubois?" Silas asked, making sure it was the right Natalie.

She nodded as she finished answering her question. When she looked up to see who was talking to her she was surprised. A man dressed like a monk was pointing a gun at her.
He's probably a robber that had stolen clothes from a church and now he wants to rob me! she thought to herself, scared. But she had been taught to give to money to the robber at all times by her parents. Afterall, life was more valuable for her.

"Here's my money. I've got about 30 dollars but it's all I have with me.." She said, her hand shaking as she stetched her arm out to hand him her wallet.

"I'm not here for your money." He put back her wallet on the table in front of her.

"Then what do you want? I did nothing wrong to anyone!"

"Have you recently checked your mail?"

"My mail..? No, I havn't. I had lost the key so I don't even know if I got any bills to pay yet. But what does that have to do with anything?"

"Do you know Sophie Neveu?" he asked, getting to the point.

"Yes. Why? What happend?"

"Nothing. But I need you to call her."

"Call her? And what do I say?"

"Act normal and I'll tell you what to say when the time comes."

As she dialed the number to Sophie's cellphone, her hand was still shaking. She was scared and didn't know what was happening. Silas put his head next to hers to hear what Sophie would be saying. Though he still held the gun pointed at her so she wouldn't mess this up.


"Um. Hey there Sophie! It's me, Natalie!"

Havn't heard from you since I and Robert were hiding with Teabing. How are you?

"Fine. And you?"

Just great. So, why did you call?

Natalie looked at Silas, wondering what she should answer.

"Ask her where she is." he said in a whisper.

"Well.. I wanted to know where are you at the moment."

Me? Well, I'm with Robert at the Rosslyn Chapel. Can you believe it? Leigh Teabing was trying to make us unlock that Cryptex so he would know the secret! That proves to show you can't trust anyone these days.

"Yeah, you can't." Natalie felt so bad at the moment. She finally figured out she was being used to help find her best friend.
"Tell her you have to go." Silas said quietly.

"Listen, I have to go now. I'll call you some other time then?"

Sure. Bye!

Natalie sighed. She had just betrayed Sophie and she felt so guilty now.

"Do you have a car?" Silas asked. He couldn't get there by foot and hadn't taken an Opus Dei car.

"Yes. Why? You want to steal it?"

"No, you're going to take me to the Rosslyn Chapel." Silas had decided to change the plan. He couldn't kill her if she would be the one driving them to it, so he had a reason he would use to explain.

"You will also-" he was cut off when he heard police sirens.

"Come quick officers!" It sounded like Sister Augustine. How she knew surprised Silas.
He wouldn't have enough time to take Natalie's car. He quickly ran out of the library and ran the opposit direction than the cops.
They kept running in his direction while one stopped by with Sister Augustine to see if Natalie was okay.

"Are you alright?" The cop asked.

"Yes... I am now. But how did you know?"

"Well, Sister Augustine here had called us. She had seen him follow you so she peeked into the library. Seeing the gun, she immediatly went to get help."

"Wow, thanks a lot." Natalie sighed as she suddenly remembered Sophie.

"Monsieur, we are sorry to inform you that he had gotten away." One of the officers said sadly. Natalie just wanted to leave and try to get to Sophie before that crazed man would. "Mademoiselle, will you fill out a report about what had happend?"

"He just wanted to rob me of my car, that's all." she lied. She had to make it short and she wasn't even sure of what happend herself. "Can I please hurry home? I have to finish filling this out and I don't have much time left."

"Are you sure you'll be alright?"


"Well, bonne nuit Natalie" he said as it was getting rather dark outside.

She rushed outside, looking around to see if it was safe and got into her car. She left quickly. As she was driving, she clicked the button 'redial' and Sophie answered.
She told her everything that just happend.

"You can stay here for tonight. It's getting late. I will tell Robert and we will all discuss it in the morning." Sophie said in a calm, reassuring voice.

A/N: For now, the plot hasn't been revealed but it will be in the next chapter. I just can't rush these things.
There was much talking in this chapter and not as much information for the action but it will come in the next chapter.
Reviews will be extremly helpful for me if I get something wrong, so I can improve it in the next chapters.