This story takes place sometime in the first season. For now it's only rated T, but it may go up to M in the future. This is Sawyer/Charlie. If that pairing scares you or makes you angry or something, there are plenty of other fluffy fics out there for you. Just a short first chapter, but if it gets response, I'll write more.

Disclaimer: I do no own the characters in this story, but I do own this story. A vague disclaimer is nobody's friend. :)

Creamy Peanut Butter

Charlie paced about back and forth on the far end of the beach. Claire was the best friend he had on the beach so far and her prenatal cravings for peanut butter was a thing of legend. And after all, what are friends for, right? Sure, occasionally he looked at her in a way that was slightly more than friends, but for now, his only worry was taking care of her. He knew Claire had bad experience with men. Charlie would only bring her massive amounts of badness if he got too close as well, so he stayed away.

But getting her a gift was okay, right? He afterall heard that Sawyer had many things stashed away, things he'd stolen from the plane. From the bodies on the plane. And that was just a little bit morbid. No one really knew everything he had a hold of, but it seemed he somehow had an unending supply of random crap that he'd pawn off for a price. Usually a book or a favor or something. Sawyer seemed to have grown quite attached to trashy romance novels during their stay on the desolate island. Whether that was amusing or disturbing was still up in the air for Charlie.

He didn't have much experience bargaining with people. He had experience being heckled by sellers, yes. He had his 'habit' to thank for that. Still, getting people to lower the price or possibly even give it to him for free were not his area of expertise.

Suck it up, Charlie, suck it up... He thought, shoving his fists in his pockets and biting his lip. Sawyer was over by his little tree where he always loitered, probably reading some other Danielle Steele novella. Charlie couldn't tell, he just saw him hunched over. He slowly approached, not sure how to ask about it. And after a few seconds of just standing, Sawyer spoke, not looking up from his book.

"You're in my light, Chuck." He said without any patience in his voice. Charlie nodded and brushed off his pants, moving to the side so his shadow wouldn't block the pages of his book.

"S-sorry." He said, his thick accent slipping over his tongue. Sawyer quirked his eyebrow and closed his book, taking a second and looking up at him with his little cock-sure smirk he was so well known for, his dimples clearly showing in the sunlight.

"What can I do for you, Chuck?" He said, blinking a few times. Charlie looked at him a little puzzled.

"I'd um... prefer it if you called me Charlie actually." He said. "And um... you... wouldn't have any peanut butter in that stash, would you?"

The odd request piqued his interest. "Why? You and the little Aussie have some kinky plans for later? Because I also have things that are cherry-flavored and ribbed for her pleasure."

Charlie went wide-eyed and stuttered. "N-no! It's not like that, w-we're good friends, really."

Sawyer laughed a bit, more amused than anything. "Right... Anyway, I may or may not. But either way, it's gonna cost you." He smirked, then looked back down at his book. Charlie fidgeted a little and crossed his arms tightly.

"W-what kinds of things will it cost?" Charlie asked. He hoped to god it wasn't anything he didn't have, because he didn't have much. Just his guitar. Oh god, what if he wanted that? Sawyer tapped his chin for a moment as he thought, then he looked back up at him.

"I donno just yet, English. Or Scottish, whatever ya' are. I'll just have to think about it. Now go before I change my mind, Dahlia is about to get her succulent breasts felt up by Gregory." He said, motioning to the page he was on in his book. Charlie nodded and chewed his lip nervously, then turned and walked. He probably would stress the rest of the night over whatever it is that Sawyer might want from him.