Disclaimer: I sadly don't own anything D.E.B.S related except for the dvd and soundtrack. I know: how tragic!

A/N:So this is my first attempt at a D.E.B.S. fanfic. I must warn everybody that I'm not exactly the best writer in the world, but this is an idea that I've been toying with for a while, so I felt the need to post it.

And without further ado... Searching

It had been five long years. Five years of fear. Five years of worry. Five years of searching. Searching everyday for some shred of hope, a tiny glimmer of her lost love. She had to keep searching. It was the only way she managed to keep her sanity. Because if she stopped, even if only for a second, her heart would shatter it to a million little pieces. The tiny shards would cut through her until she was nothing.

She kept reviewing that day. It was almost like an endless loop in her head, that final moment. They had a fight. She'd run out to clear her head. They got so heated sometimes when they fought. She'd always said it was because they were such passionate people. That's what had made them click in the first place, that fire that burned within both of them for each other. Its part of what drove them to give up everything they know for one another. It made her think of a quote she had once heard. "Without passion we'd truly be dead." There's that word again: dead. Death. DEATH!

She was blinded by a flash of light. It took her a moment to realize that she'd been driving on the wrong side of the road. She swerved and then everything went black.

It was a stupid mistake, brought on from the lack of sleep in the last few days. Being back to where it all started seemed to fuel her for a while. She felt closer than she ever had before. She didn't have time to stop for sleep. Even as she lied in a ditch, unconscious, one name still screamed in her head.