Planning a Wedding

Disclaimer: I own nothing, nada, zilch, zero (get the picture?)

Summary: Sequel to And the Stage is Set. Find out how Rory and Logan survive the planning of their wedding with Emily Gilmore, Shira Huntzberger, and Francine Hayden.

Beta: just hidden

Chapter Two: How Did They Get a Key?

"We can still bail," Rory reminded him.

There they were, standing in front of her grandmother's house.

After Emily's phone call that morning she had immediately guilted her into having dinner with the Gilmores, Huntzbergers, Haydens, and her parents. Basically, she and Logan were walking into the lion's den. Willingly.

Madeline, Louise, Paris, and Honor had barged into her and Logan's apartment around noon demanding to see her ring. Colin and Kevin came over a little while later.

"Where's Finn?" Rory had asked.

"Oh, he's too scared that Logan's going to kill him so he's keeping his distance until he's forgiven," Colin had said.

Kevin just hugged her. She could tell he was a little shocked at the predicament. He was still getting used to the fact that his best friend and his little sister were living together, let alone going to spend the rest of their lives together.

"This is what you want?" he whispered in her ear.

Rory nodded and smiled.

"Good," and Kevin smiled.

Heaving a sigh, Rory reached across Logan and rang the doorbell. A maid Rory had never seen before answered the door.

"Mrs. Gilmore is expecting us," she told the maid.

The maid nodded and let the two in. After taking their coats, she led them to the living room and quickly left.

"Rory! Logan! How good to see you," Emily greeted them. "Can I get you a drink?"

"Club soda, please" Rory requested, wishing she was old enough to drink.

"Gin martini please, dry," Logan said.

The two took a seat on the love seat and Emily handed them their drinks. Rory made a note to accept the glass with her right hand.

"Marriage is such a beautiful thing," Shira said.

"I know, it seems just like yesterday that I was trying on my wedding dress," Francine gossiped.

"When in reality it was 40 years ago," Christopher muttered under his breath. Lorelai laughed.

Rory leaned over to her Mom, "What's going on?"

"It's weird. When Chris and I got here they were all talking about marriage. Then, when I brought up yours and Logan's engagement, they just ignored it." Lorelai told her.

Suddenly, the six elders turned their gaze to Rory and Logan, looking at them pointedly. Rory sighed, "Hey, did I tell you I'm getting married?" she asked sarcastically, noting how truly ridiculous this whole thing was.

"Our parents are mean," Rory said as she and Logan entered their apartment.

"My parents, your grandparents," he corrected as he went to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of scotch.

"Oh no, I believe it was my mother who suggested that we get dancers to frolic around the tables while we're eating. Frolic Logan! Who the hell uses the word 'frolic?'" she exclaimed as she took Logan's glass away from him and downed it herself.

Logan laughed and led them to the couch. He sat first and then pulled Rory onto him. "I'm pretty sure your mother was kidding."

"Well of course she was, but she knew the dangers of mentioning the idea. She knew they would love it!" Rory said as she made herself comfortable, using Logan as a body pillow.

Logan handed her the remote and she turned on the TV. Together, they decided what to watch, although they both knew that Rory had final say. Rory's eyes were about to come to a close when . . .

"So what do you want for your birthday?" Logan asked.

"World peace," she said lazily.

"Come on Ace, do you want a party or just friends or a quiet night-." Logan was interrupted.

"I don't think my birthday has ever been quiet. However, I believe my grandmother mentioned something about my birthday party being our unofficial engagement party," Rory said with a face of distaste.

"Yeah, but what do you want to do? It's you twenty-first birthday, you have to do something special," Logan replied, placing a kiss on her neck.

Rory turned in his arms to face him, "I was kind of hoping we could go to Aspen. We haven't been to the house in awhile. I like it up there, you know, when it's just you and me. No cameras or anything," she whispered the last part.

Logan nodded.

"It's just . . . I wanted to be the one to tell my mother that I was engaged. I didn't want her finding out like everyone else. Telling everyone is the fun part."

"Large black coffee please," Rory said to the coffee guy.

She was running late to her first class of the year and it was all Logan's fault. Rory had been dressed and ready to go, but then Logan woke up and . . . distracted her. Now she was low on coffee and needed to find a way to make it across campus in five minutes.

Rory paid the coffee guy and was speed walking to make it to class on time when a certain Australian joined her.

"Where's the fire, Love?" Finn asked as she fell into step beside her.

"I'm late," she said.

Finn gasped, "I'm going to be an uncle!" he exclaimed, catching a few glances.

"No, I mean I'm late to class!" Rory replied.

"Oh," Rory swore he looked disappointed. "So is your future husband plotting my death?"

"No, Finn," Rory said.

"Are you sure, because I'm too hot to die right now; tell him he can kill me what my hair starts to go gray." sad Finn in all seriousness. "I didn't mean to find the ring, honest. Plus, I can't be held responsible for things I say when I'm drunk. And remind him that it's just not right to kill your roommate."

"I'm still shocked that you and Logan ended up sharing a dorm. I mean, wasn't it always the plan that Colin was to be your roommate and Kevin Logan's?" Rory asked.

Finn smirked, "Kevin thought it would be best to not have his room share a wall with Logan's; he didn't want to hear you two moaning," Finn stated bluntly and Rory blushed.

"Oh." Rory stopped walking and downed her coffee.

"I still don't get how you and the lovely Lorelai do that," Finn muttered.

"Well, this is my stop. I'll see you later Finn," Rory kissed him on the cheek before going to her class.

"I'm sorry, but you're wrong," Logan said as he opened the door of the Pub for Rory.

"Excuse me, but I think that Logan was way out of line. Veronica would have gotten herself out of it," Rory argued as the two approached their friends.

"He was holding a needle gun to her face, Logan had to intervene," Logan pointed out in exasperation.

"Are they discussing Veronica Mars again?" Colin asked.

Louise nodded, "I'm sorry Rory, but I agree with Logan. Veronica needed him."

"Hah!" Logan jeered.

"Traitor," hissed Rory.

"Dude, you watch Veronica Mars?" Kevin asked.

"It's a good show!" Rory defended.

"It's a chick show," Kevin muttered, earning a slap from Honor.

"Logan and Veronica totally belong together," Honor added.

"Totally," Madeline, Louise, and Rory agreed.

"Moving on," Kevin interrupted. "I believe we have some important business to discuss."

"We do?" Rory asked.

"Yes," Finn agreed.

"Like what?"

"Like who's throwing the bachelor party," Colin told her.

Finn handed Rory and Logan a drink, "I think that should be left to me. I do, after all, throw the best parties."

"No you don't!" cried Kevin.

"I throw the best parties," Logan insisted.

"Even if that were true, you can't throw your own bachelor party," Colin said.

"I'm throwing Rory's," Paris decided to throw out there.


Louise nodded in agreement, "We all decided this summer."

"I just proposed two days ago," Logan replied.

Madeline rolled her eyes, "Its common knowledge that the maid of honor throws the bachelorette party, just like the best man throws the bachelor party. I'm going to be Louise's maid of honor; Rory is going to be Paris' maid of honor; Paris is Rory's maid of honor; Louise is going to be my maid of honor. Like Friends," Madeline stated matter-of-factly.

The guys just gaped while Honor laughed, "That's genius."

"So that means that whoever Logan's best man is gets to throw the bachelor party?" Colin said slowly.

Paris nodded, "That's not his only duty. He also has to make sure the groom doesn't get too drunk the night before the wedding, that the groom doesn't get too friendly with the strippers, that the groom gets to the church on time, that the groom is properly dressed. It is a big responsibility."

"Finn obviously can't be it," Kevin said.

"Who not?" Finn cried.

"You could never stop Logan from drinking too much and wouldn't be able to wake up early enough to get him to church on time," Colin told him.

"Well Kevin wouldn't be able to stop him with the strippers," Finn exclaimed.

"Hey," Kevin protested.

" Tijuana," Logan said.

That shut Kevin up.

"What happened in TJ?" Honor asked suspiciously.

Logan opened his mouth to answer but Kevin beat him to it, "Nothing!"

"You know what, I don't want to know," Honor said.

"Neither do I," Rory added.

Rory and Logan were just coming back from the pub. Logan opened the door to their apartment and found something that he didn't like.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" Logan asked, walking over to where Shira stood in their living room.

"Shira, what is this . . . Logan, Rory what are you doing here?" Emily asked, emerging from the bedroom.

"We live here," Rory said.

"Exactly," Emily cried triumphantly. "You both live here."

Suddenly, the door opened and Francine walked into the apartment. Seeing that Rory and Logan were there, she turned to Emily, "What are they doing here?"

"We live here!" Rory cried.

"Exactly," Francine echoed Emily.

"What do you mean 'Exactly!' It's wasn't exactly a secret," Logan replied, confused.

"You two aren't married. You can't live together when you aren't married. It's not proper!" Emily insisted.

"Where was all of this a week ago when we told you?" asked Rory.

"You never did tell us," Shira said slowly.

"I told Dad," Logan told Shira.

"And I told the grandfathers," Rory said, annoyed.

"You mean they knew?" Francine cried in astonishment.

Rory and Logan nodded slowly.

"And they never told us," Shira concluded.

"You guys didn't put of this much fuss about that summer when we lived together in Aspen," Rory said, dejectedly.

"What summer in Aspen?" asked Emily in a no-nonsense manner.

"You know, the summer after Logan graduated and we were in Aspen for two months, together," Rory said slowly, regretting ever bringing up Aspen.

"Your mother told me that you two were staying together in separate hotel rooms," Emily retorted, teeth clenched.

"How about we focus on the men in this family; they lied to you, are you really going to let them get away with that?" Logan asked them.

"He's right!" cried Shira, storming out of the apartment, Francine in tow.

Emily looked after them, "Don't think that we are don't talking about this," she said before following her friends, slamming the door.

Rory and Logan collapsed on the couch, mentally exhausted.

"You know what I was just thinking?" Rory asked.


"How much I would pay to see my grandfathers and your father try to find their ways out of this," Rory mused.

Logan laughed, "Yeah."

They were both silent for a moment before Logan said:

"I am so getting the locks changed."

Okay, so I know I haven't updated this story in about five months, and I'm sorry. I just want to say thanks for everyone who reviewed and sorry to everyone who sent messages asking me when I will review. Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own Veronica Mars.

But anyone who likes Gilmore Girls would love that show. The first two seasons are out on DVD and they are great. Coincidentally, the main character ends up with a guy named Logan

Please Review!

Happy Thanksgiving!!