Disclaimer: I don't own them and I don't plan on repeating this so this covers it all, kay?

A/N: Another story! AHHHHHHHHHH! runs in fear


Koenma had just been stamping away, not really paying much attention to what it was he was doing and was completely bored out of his mind. That was, until there was suddenly a bright light and a battered and bloody girl was lying in the middle of his office. To say he was shocked would be an utter understatement, he could very well have needed his diaper changed but luckily he didn't. At first he didn't know what to do, he hadn't exactly had a live human girl just show up, none-the-less an injured one, and he just stood on his chair for a moment.

When he heard a moan come from the small figure on the floor it seemed to set his mind straight and he jumped into action. Calling Botan frantically and wondering just what the ferry-girl could be doing that would be detaining her, Koenma had made his way over to girl on the floor. Seconds later, which felt like forever to Koenma, Botan appeared in his office with a pop' and a cheery greeting that was cut off by her gasp of horror.

"Botan," Koenma addressed her curtly, "I need you to take this girl to Genkai's temple and have Yukina heal her. There are many questions that I need to ask her."

She hesitated for a second, "B-but Sir, the Spirit Detectives…they're at Genkai's."

"Just take her Botan! She is dying and it's obvious that she knows things a normal human does not, this is important!" Koenma demanded, gesturing to the girl on the ground and looking at Botan with a heated glare.

"Yes Sir, Lord Koenma, Sir!" Botan said, hefting up the girl, despite the blood and opening the portal with some difficulty before making her way through and landing on the grounds of Genkai's temple.

She had fallen to her knees, collapsing from traveling with the girl and fell completely on her face, a rock hitting her head and leaving a small gash as she passed out. Genkai had sensed Botan's arrival as well as her distress and made her way out of the temple in a rush, leaving a confused group of boys in her wake.

Kagome had woke up after hitting the ground, wondering at what had softened the blow for her and gasped, both in pain and at the bleeding girl beneath her. Sure, she knew she was injured and that it was quite bad but she also knew that she had to help the unconscious girl because it was obvious that she had been trying to help her. Crawling off of the blue-haired girl, Kagome rolled her over and placed her hands on her forehead and healed the cut with minor difficulty.

That had been the sight Genkai had walked outside to see, to her amazement. She had felt an odd aura, powerful and very pure, that had arrived with Botan and was curious as to its origin. When she had seen a badly wounded girl healing Botan Genkai had been a little taken aback but easily recovered in time to catch the young woman as she slipped into unconsciousness herself. And then the Spirit Detectives had walked out, seeing Genkai with a bloody girl in her arms and shocked look on her face and seeing Botan out cold beside her.

"Alright, what in the Hell just happened?" Yusuke all but yelled, his voice demanding an answer. The other guys were thinking along the same lines, that is, until Yusuke spoke again.

"What did you do Kagome you old hag?"

"Kagome is it? Well dimwit, don't jump to conclusions, I found her out here healing Botan, though her injuries are far worse than Botan's." Genkai snapped, glaring at the young Toushin and he glared right back.

Kurama cleared his throat to clear some of the tension before asking a question, "Yusuke, how is it that you know this girl?"

Yusuke looked over to him, "Kagome? I met her when I was wandering around the arcade at night, she was being ganged up on by a bunch of punks and I helped her out." He shrugged, "She and Keiko kinda clicked and she's like a sister to me now."

"Well, it seems she got herself into another predicament, I wonder what has happened?" Kurama muttered, looking over at the girl and Genkai as she was checked over.

Genkai hefted her up and carried her toward the temple while calling for Yukina. As soon as she stepped through the door she saw Yukina there to greet her, certainly caught off-guard by the bloody girl in Genkai's arms. She rushed forward and began healing her while they took her to a spare bedroom, one in which Kurama usually stayed. All the guys followed behind them, more curious about what had happened to Kagome than how she got here. Kurama had picked up Botan and took her to another room, one adjacent to where Kagome would be staying.

Hmm…what happened, I wonder?' Youko asked, drawing a groan from Kurama at his counterpart's sudden appearance.

Weren't you sleeping?' Kurama asked, not wanting to deal with Youko's moods at the moment.

Hey! Sometimes you make me think you don't love me Red!' Youko exclaimed innocently, though he was wearing a toothy grin on his face.

Kurama shook his head and laid Botan down, covering her up before moving into the next room where only Genkai, Yukina and himself were allowed entrance to at the moment. They were supposed to heal her so that questions could be answered, and there were definitely a lot of questions.

Who is she, this girl you're thinking about?' Youko inquired, never one to turn away a thought about a woman. At first Kurama thought Youko was playing with him but then remember that he had been asleep when they had found her.

All I know is her name's Kagome and she had healed Botan, she must be a caring person to ignore her own injuries in place of another's.' Kurama said contemplatively, an image of her bloody body flashing through his mind.

Hmm…I wonder what she looks like underneath all that blood? I bet she's another uglyfan girl, trampled by her own kind.' Youko said disdainfully, ignoring Kurama's huff.

OR she could just be a beautiful girl, did you ever think of that?' Kurama asked mockingly, enjoying Youko's scowl.

Have we ever met a girl that wasn't a fan girl?' He asked haughtily.

Kurama didn't get a chance to answer that question, though he was pretty sure that the answer he had wasn't going to play in his favor. Just then, as Yukina was wiping blood off of Kagome's body, her eyes fluttered open and tired cerulean orbs gazed into Kurama's green ones and he suddenly couldn't breath. She stared at him a moment longer, her face covered with a mask of confusion, obviously trying to gather her thoughts. All of a sudden she spoke, startling both Kurama and Yukina, who didn't know that she was awake yet.

"H-how's the other girl, the one with blue hair?" Her voice was unsure, and it betrayed the pain that she was truly in despite her strong appearance, or what he could see of it under all the blood.

At first they were both too stunned to speak, shocked that Kagome had woken up despite the major blood loss she had suffered. Yukina was the one who answered her, Kurama still looking at her stunning eyes.

"Botan is well, you did a great job healing her. She is asleep in the next room, you can visit her later if you'd like." Yukina's voice was soft and kind and Kagome found that she enjoyed listening to her speak.

A look of relief ran across her face and she gave a small sigh, though it was pained, "Thank Kami."

"May I ask you," Kurama began, finally speaking to the blue-eyed girl before her as he moved to assist cleaning her wounds, "why you healed Botan when your injuries were obviously the worst of both of you?"

Kagome looked into his eyes, and she saw another behind those green eyes, someone with golden eyes looking right at her. She opened her mouth, her answer obvious in her mind, "Because it was my fault, she was trying to help me and she got hurt."

So you're right, she's caring, but is she beautiful and lacking in fan girl obsession?' Youko grudgingly admitted, almost pouting because he was wrong.

We will soon find out the answer to at least one of them.' Kurama replied, leaning forward to Kagome with rag in hand, intent on cleaning the blood off of her face.

She took the rag with a small, teasing smile while saying, "I can do this myself, thank you. Besides, I will have to remove my clothing to get all the blood off and I would appreciate it greatly if I could do this myself." Kagome said, almost apologizing while asking both Kurama and Yukina to leave.

Yukina stood up and bowed, "If you need any help at all don't hesitate to call for us." She tugged on Kurama's arm as she made her way out the door, surprised that he hadn't already left.

They stood outside of the door patiently, for the most part, and waited for Kagome to be finished with whatever she needed to do. It took around half an hour until Kagome gave a small shout.

"I'm done now." She called out, still not ready to be using her voice.

She had her head bowed as she looked at her hands when Kurama and Yukina walked back into the room. She looked up when she heard the door slide shut and Kurama almost fell backward when he saw her. She was absolutely…

"Beautiful." Kurama muttered, mostly because of Youko's strong influence. He looked away and blushed a slight pink, barely visible to the naked eye.

"Um, I'm sorry to be a bother but I don't have much energy left and I can't heal myself now." Kagome said quietly, trying to avoid looking at the gorgeous red head before her who was blushing.

"A bother, you're no bother!" Yukina rushed to assure her, "You helped our friend, the least we can do is heal you!"

Kagome nodded and blushed, murmuring a thank you as Yukina began to heal the wounds. Both girls were unaware of the conversation taking place inside of Kurama's head at the moment.

She is absolutely exquisite, I hope that you are right about the last part, I don't think we could take a gorgeous and obsessive fan girl.' Youko said with a sense of hopefulness in his voice that Kurama had never heard before.

Youko,' Kurama started, a note of warning in his voice, you better not be thinking about what I think you're thinking about. She's is hurt and we don't know one thing about her!' Youko's silence answered it all.

With a tone of disgust in his voice Kurama said, I can't even believe you, sometimes I wish we weren't sharing a body.'

Unknown to any of the people in the room, someone or rather something heard Kurama's wish. Sure, it wasn't as if it was a pure wish but the Shikon didn't care, that only meant that it could grant its wish and live in peace inside of Kagome's chest. It didn't act upon the wish at first; however, it decided to wait until a better time.

"Suiichi Minamino, correct?" Kagome's voice broke through Kurama's intense disgust for Youko and he looked at her with a wary glance. How did she know his name, he didn't tell it to her.

"Yes…" Kurama replied, both he and Youko wondering what would happen next.

"You poor guy, I've seen you running away from those awful fan girls so many times. Well, there is a bright side, you can always stay fit." Kagome said, rather liking how he looked at her in shock at what she said.

He chuckled, both relieved and truly amused by her statement, "Well, that is true."

She gave a tiny smile and turned toward Yukina who was laughing softly beside her bed, "I'm sorry to have been so rude, I'm Kagome and you would be…?"

"I'm Yukina, I live here at the temple and I'm going to help Suiichi heal you, if he ever comes over to help me that is." Yukina teased softly, smiling at Kurama warm-heartedly.

Kurama blushed lightly but moved over to the side of the bed that had been left unoccupied. Tapping into Youko's demonic powers he grabbed on of the plant pots that he usually kept in the room and took a seed out from behind his ear. He grew the seed and plucked the petals off of the flowers, crushing them in his fist gently causing them to collapse into a light powder. He sprinkled the powder on her wounds and placed his hands on top of them.

Kagome watched as both Yukina and Kurama worked, or Suiichi as she knew him, and stayed silent the entire time. They did a great job and she felt almost completely revitalized by the time they were done. She flashed them a brilliant and thankful smile as she shifted around on the bed. Kagome had a lot of her energy back and could finally sense the energies around her but she didn't act on her instincts that told her to attack the demons around her.

"Thank you, I hadn't expected to receive such kindness from anyone, I owe all of you." Kagome said, her smile still placed upon her face.

"Oh, it was nothing, we owed you after what you did for Botan." Kurama said, patting her hand in a friendly manner.

She accidentally shocked him with her miko powers and gasped a little as he pulled his hand back. She felt so bad that she had hurt him and her eyes glazed over a little with a sheen of tears.

"I'm so sorry, I'm not fully recovered so I'm not entirely in control. I am SO sorry!" Her apologize was sincere and her tears were proof of that and Kurama couldn't help but accept her apology.

"It's alright, no harm done." He gave her a reassuring smile and even reached out to pat her hand again at the risk of getting shocked again, but Kagome pulled back even though she smiled at him.

Kurama felt a little hurt that Kagome had pulled back, though he didn't have any good reason to. He stared at her face as she was making small conversation with Yukina, seeming to enjoy the young ice demoness beside her.

You know,' Youko drawled, that shock wasn't so bad, used in the right ways it would be extremely pleasurable.'

For God's sakes Youko, please tone it down you high profile Fox!' Kurama snapped, though Youko knew that deep down Kurama did care for him.

Fine, for now, but when she's better…' Youko said grudgingly, though he was smirking.

Kagome and Yukina had stopped talking and Kagome was moving around on the bed and scooting closer to the edge. She was getting out of the bed, but it was too soon for her to be getting up. The proof of that was when she tried to walk to the door and her legs gave out and she came crashing toward the floor. Kurama hadn't been quite fast enough to catch her and felt terrible about it, but was amazed to see her push herself up and start walking again.

Yukina and Kurama followed her as she walked oven into the room were Botan was and sat down next to her. It confused Kurama, why would she force herself out of bed to go visit someone that she didn't know, but that seemed to be just the tip of the iceberg. He watched her, her long blue-black hair in slight disarray as it cascaded down her back and slightly over her shoulder while her lithe frame was stiffened the tiniest bit in pain and her blue eyes flashed with the different emotions that ran across her face. It was obvious that she was concerned for Botan, though she didn't have a reason to be seeing as how she healed her.

Suddenly Kurama's communicator went off and caught the attention of both Yukina and Kagome. He excused himself to the other room and answered Koenma's call, shocked by the Prince's concerned look.

"Kurama! Did Botan make it to Genkai's all right? When she didn't contact me I feared the worst, I have no idea what that other girl could be capable of…" Koenma continued to ramble on before Kurama swiftly cut him off.

"Botan is fine, she was injured and unconscious when Genkai saw her…"

"I had a feeling that girl was no good, that rotten woman…"

Kurama cut him off again, "Lord Koenma! The woman she came with, Kagome, healed Botan despite the fact that she was hurt herself. Please, explain to me what happened."

"Oh, well okay then. I was stamping at my desk, as usual, when there suddenly was a bright light and there she was! This girl was lying in the middle of my office, bleeding all over the place and so I called Botan. She left to take her to Genkai's and that was that." Koenma said, quite flustered about the whole ordeal.

"You have no idea how she came to be in your office, huh? I think I'll talk to her about it. Thanks for the information Koenma, I'll let Botan know that you called to check on her." Kurama smirked as Koenma's cheeks flushed a deep red. It was obvious the young Spirit World Prince had a crush on the deity and Kurama had no problem encouraging it.

He returned to the next room, his mind buzzing with questions both he and Youko wished to ask Kagome but he didn't have the opportunity to because, just as he walked in, Botan's eyes opened and she sat up quickly. She grabbed her head and let out a groan and Kagome leaned forward with a deeply concerned look.

"You shouldn't move yet, I did heal you wound but you would still have a little bit of pain, especially from sitting up so fast." Kagome said, giving Botan a light push on her shoulder to urge her to lie back down.

"But I have to go get the…oh! You're okay! Koenma and I were so worried but then I fell out of the portal and I think I hit my head. Did you really heal me?" Botan talked fast and her voice still held some of the exuberance that it always did.

Kagome giggled, Botan sounded a lot like Rin did, "Yes, I did heal you and Yukina and Suiichi were kind enough to heal me afterwards. It was like a healing chain!"

Yukina gave a giggle as well and Kurama watched from the doorway, liking the happy side that he was seeing of Kagome. He let the girls have a moment to talk a little, though Kagome did seem a little out of sorts sitting and talking where any other person would feel fine. He watched her laugh behind her hand and smile but she rarely spoke, just listened to the other girls speak. A small smile sat on his face as he listened to Youko talk about her hair and about her body and her face, and he was content to just stand with his eyes on her. Someone else, however, finally took notice of Kurama and waved.

"Hey Kurama! Don't just stand there, come in and sit with us!" Botan exclaimed, waving her hand as fast as she could.

He nodded and kept his smile polite, walking in and sitting down next to Kagome, who had a quizzical look on her face.

"Kurama? Hmm, what an interesting nickname, I won't ask questions about it though. Do you mind if I use it?" Kagome asked, tilting her head to the side, her hair tumbling over her shoulders making her look absolutely adorable.

Hell no we don't mind!' Youko exclaimed excitedly in the back of Kurama's mind, It sounds deliciously wonderful when she say it!'

"Not at all, I'd be delighted." Kurama said, though Youko's excitement seemed to be catching.

The group chatted for a bit, Kurama explaining that Yusuke and Kuwabara had gone out to "visit Yusuke's grandmother in the hospital" which Kagome was hesitant to accept but did so anyway. They all had a nice evening but Botan and Kagome were still tired so they were ushered off to bed. Because Kagome had taken Kurama's room he didn't have a place to sleep but that was solved easily enough.

"Kurama? I know I've taken you room and I was wondering where you planned on sleeping." Kagome said, her head peeking out of the doorway of the bedroom.

"Well," Kurama said, a little embarrassed, "I'm not quite sure at the moment."

Kagome gave a small blush and ducked her head before responding, "I feel horrible that I've taken your room and the bed is kind of big anyway, so I was wondering, if you needed a place to sleep, if you wouldn't mind sharing a bed with me. I do have control over my powers now so I won't shock you, if that's something you're afraid of."

Oh, say yes, she's offering to let us sleep with her, say yes!' Youko practically howled.

We can't, who knows what you'll do to her while she sleeps.' Kurama said, getting ready to turn down Kagome's offer.

Don't say no, I won't do anything, she's still hurt so she wouldn't enjoy it.'

…I don't know…'

Come on Red, I'll be good…'

Well…alright, but if you do something I will find some way to torture you, I swear it.'

With that said Kurama gave Kagome a smile and nodded, glad to see her smile brighten up despite the fact that her eyes still contained such pain and sadness that he had yet to see leave her.

"Well, come on then! I have to warn you though; I tend to be a cuddler so I hope it doesn't bother you."

It won't bother us, I know that for sure.'

It won't, as long as she is the one that does it.'

She climbed into bed and he gave a small chuckle at the way she snuggled into her pillow and sighed as she collapsed into a rather comfortable position. He made his way into the bathroom and got ready for bed, slipping on his pajama pants and leaving himself shirtless, mostly under Youko's influence or so he told himself. When he got back she wasn't quite asleep but he could tell she was getting there.

He was a little uneasy about lying with her; all he was wearing was a pair of pants and she was wearing a large T-shirt that she had borrowed from him earlier. It was nice to smell his scent with hers but he couldn't think on that now, so he climbed into bed next to Kagome. At first he was caught a little off-guard when she snuggled into his side but she did warn him that she was a cuddler so he relaxed and put his arm around her and they both fell asleep that way.

Something else wasn't sleeping though, the Shikon no Tama was awake and still focusing on granting Kurama's hidden wish. It definitely was an easy wish to grant but it would have been better to grant it without Kagome being around, the excess kitsune energy could have an effect on her and the souls of the Tama weren't sure what that would be. But it had a wish to grant and it couldn't hold off any longer, the pink light filled the room and focused on Kurama, seamlessly separating the souls of Youko and Kurama but the extra energy made it's way to Kagome. She fidgeted around as the energy seeped into her skin and she was glowing a new color all her own, though it was hard to tell what color it was because the pink was taking over the room.

Suddenly the light grew in it's intensity and nothing could be seen but, when the light died down, there was an extra body in the bed, that of Youko Kurama. All three of the people lying in the bed had kitsune ears and tails and, if you listened closely, you could almost hear a whispered "oops" as the light faded back into nothing.