Disclaimer: Once again, I don't own them, but for some reason or another, I've been seeing Jonsey and Jude reruns for three days now. Jonsey and Nikki's first date, the three month break up and Jude's first date with Starr when they do kiss.

A/N: Please read and review. Spoilers to The Kaki Girl, thanks!

Sarah: Thanks for your review, sorry if it wasn't the greatest, I hope this is better.

Mellow: I got your review just as I was putting up this update! Hope you like it!

Everyone else who reviewed: You're all the reason I wrote this chapter! Hope you like it!

A dare, a drink, a bad co-ed sleepover. Jonsey had Wyatt and Jude over at the same time Jen had Caitlyn and Nikki over. They were laughing and hanging out in the basement, drinking the alcohol they'd 'borrowed' from Jen andJonsey'sparents,when Nikki had an evil idea.

"Let's play…Truth or Dare." Caitlyn giggled hysterically.

"Oh, yes! That'll be fun!"

"Sounds like fun," added Jen.

"Sure," added Wyatt. Jude nodded and Jonsey shrugged.

"Okay. Who wants to start?" he asked.

"I will," said Wyatt.

After several hours of drinks, dares and secrets revealed, the six were starting to get carried away. Nikki had the evil look in her eyes again as she narrowed in on Jonsey.

"Jonsey," she said as he took another drink, "Truth or dare?" Jonsey looked at her trying to figure out which would be worse.

"Dare," he said, they'd ingested too much alcohol that night to really care.

"Alright, I dare you to kiss…" She scanned the room and spotted Jude. "Jude." There was a collective gasp, mixed with 'whats?' and 'you gotta be kidding!'

"No way! Jude's a guy!" yelled Jonsey.

"Brilliant observation, Jonsey. That's why it's such a good dare," said Nikki.

"There's no way in hell I'm kissing Jude!" Realizing that people were talking about him, he looked up.

"What's up, dudes?" he asked.

"Jonsey has to kiss you," said Nikki.

"Whoa. I didn't agree to this, dudette. Can we not?" he asked.

"I agree with Jude!" yelled Jonsey.

"What are you? Chicken?" asked Nikki, clucking.

"No, I just-I'm not kissing a dude!"

"Oh come on! It's just one kiss, and if you don't…I'll tell everyone you two already kissed once."

"How'd you know about that?"

"I have my sources."

"Why me?" Jonsey looked over at Jude, who was honestly too drunk to care. Jonsey leaned in and Jude looked at him.

"Whoa, dude. What are you doing?"

"It's a dare, nothing more," Jonsey insisted, but it wasn't quite true. No matter how he resisted, he'd always wanted this.

"Oh, okay." And Jude was there, their lips only an inch apart, so Jonsey closed the distance, a soft, quick kiss on the lips. But as Jude pulled away, Jonsey realized how right it felt and with the amount of alcohol in his system, he couldn't stop himself. He put on hand on Jude's shoulder and pulled him in again, this time the kiss was longer as Jonsey let all his bottled up feelings for the skater boy fall out. When he realized what he was doing, Jonsey pulled back and fell over.

"Dude what did I just do?" he yelled at the ceiling.

"I don't know, but can I say 'whoa'?" said Jude, also falling over on his back. The look on everyone's face said the same thing, but Nikki said it out loud.

"We never speak of this again," she said in utter shock. Everyone nodded in agreement and Jonsey blushed the darkest shade of red they'd ever seen.

Those who read this about a month ago are probably wondering what happened. Due to conflict and my own lack of determination to finish this, I took off the last two chapters and made this complete. Thank you for reading.