Disclaimer: I don't own 6teen, but if I did...you know the drill.

A/N: This is my first attempt at a slash fic (jonsey/jude) so please be nice. R&R cause I like knowing what people think, if you think it's good, I'll try and write more!

It had all started out so innocently. Completely by accident, and somehow…we'll it became less innocent. When had friendship become so much more? When had Jude become so important? The questions filled his mind, but he couldn't answer them. It had all started when he and Nikki had started going out. Leaving the Lemon he'd hit Jude on the butt. It had been a slip; he'd been aiming for Nikki, but still.

"Sorry, Man. I was aiming for Nikki," he said, Jude smiled.

"No problem, dude. That cheek's still numb." They'd laughed and kept walking. But the moment played in his head all the time, through the three months with Nikki he'd thought about Jude…a lot. Then it happened. Three months apparently required a gift, and Jonsey was freaking.

"What am I supposed to get her?" he asked, Judd just shook his head and suggested making something since Jonsey was working at that clay store. When it became obvious that Jonsey didn't know what he was doing, Judd slipped in behind him, putting his hands on Jonsey's hands and guided him. It took a while for them to realize how it looked and they jumped a part. It had been a month since then. Jonsey was working at the coffee shop, but he was seconds from being fired when Jude walked in.

"Hey, Dude. Didn't know you were walking here," he said as he slid up to the counter on his skateboard.

"Yeah, figured I should get a new job and here was the only place that was hiring. You want something?"

"You actually know how to make coffee?" asked Jude, suspiciously.

"I have lots of talents you don't know about," replied Jonsey.

"Well, sure, give me a usual."

"One usual coming up."

"You know my usual?"

"They don't call it a usual for nothing. You have the same thing all the time."

"Oh, yeah. Duh." Jude lightly smacked himself on the head and Jonsey laughed. He was so…cute when he did that.

"No!" his mind screamed. "You can't think of Jude like that!" He shook his head a little as he got Jude his coffee.

"Here, you go, Dude." Jude took the coffee and handed him some cash. "You wanna catch a flick tonight?" he suggested.

"Sure, dude. New action flick out tonight."

"Let's go now. I'm getting fired soon, I just know it." As if on cue, Serena's friend/Jonsey's boss, showed up.

"Are you gonna serve any customers today?" she asked.

"Sure, I just served Jude here his usual."

"Jude doesn't have a usual. And he's the only customer you've served."

"Let me guess…"

"You're fired. Get out." Jonsey shrugged and left.

"Is that a record yet? How long did you work there?"

"Two hours, and yeah I think it was."




R&R: like I said, Please review and I may write more. This might be going somewhere, maybe...