Hey! Since I don't usually update a lot, I decided to make this chapter a lot longer than the others. I'm having a little trouble with pacing, so if it seems rushed feel free to tell me and such. Review lovies! And suggestions would be quite nice.

As usual, I don't own KH2 or Axel and Demyx or Agrabah. . One could only dream.

The slip of bright light that escaped the window was enough to wake the slumbering redhead. He opened his eyes slowly, feeling a soft warm object shift slightly on his body. Yawning silently, he glanced at the fluffy hair that tickled his bare chest. He grinned groggily and ran a hand through the soft locks.

Suddenly his eyes widened.

"What the hell!" he yelled, waking his body's occupant. The younger boy was tossed over and ended up bumping his head on the base of the bed.

"Jeez Axel! That hurt!"

"Don't 'Jeez Axel' me! What were you doing on top of me?"

"Hmm? I think I was sleeping?"

"Well, that's obvious! But why are you in my bed? …Wait a minute…this isn't my be- why am I not in my bed? What am I-" before Axel could finish his babbling, Demyx placed a finger on his lips.

"Shhh. I'll explain- just don't get mad."

"Explain! Get mad? It's a little too late for that right now…"

"You fell off your bed and on to my futon."

"And why didn't you tell me?"

"You were sleeping."

"And why didn't you wake me?"

"You'd get…" a troubled look appeared on Demyx's face, "You'd get mad." Axel blinked, and stared at the sad looking boy. Sighing, Axel rose from the futon.

"This never happened," he said, as he began to dress. Demyx looked up to see a flushed face contemplating something. Demyx nodded slowly, as he too put on his clothing.

Something growled.

Axel cautiously stared around, and then looked down at a blushing Demyx.

"I'm…a bit hungry."

"Hmm, I guess we'll go grab something to eat."

Axel outstretched his hand to help his friend up. He pulled him to his feet, a bit surprised at how thin and long Demyx's fingers were. The fingertips of hand were slightly callused due to heavy usage on his sitar, but the palms and front were soft as a baby. For a moment, Axel held on to Demyx's without even knowing he was until the already blushing Demyx became a brighter shade of red. Quickly Axel withdrew his hand and headed out the door, cursing himself and thinking, 'Today is a bit too touchy-feely for comfort.' Demyx followed shortly after, the feel of Axel's hand still lingering on his own.

When Demyx said he was hungry, he was sure he didn't mean his wanted meager strips of meat. He stared at his plate and glass of orange liquid and looked up with an incredulous expression.

"Um, Axel?" he asked modestly, as he saw Axel chew on his own pieces of meat. The cyan-eyed boy stared at Demyx nonchalantly.


"Why…when- um…"

"Spit it out."

"What the hell is this?"

"I believe it's bacon."

"Yeh, I know that- but why is there only, um, bacon?" Demyx picked up a strip and tasted it. Axel gazed at him with amusement as he reached into his pocket and sent down a miniscule amount of munny balls.

"This is all we have."

"What? What about all that munny I gave you in the beginning?"

"Well, the hotel did use up most of it, and…"


"Well, I'm saving up."

"For what?"

"Whatever I want."

"What? Axel! I'm hungry!"

Demyx knew there was no point in arguing with Axel, who stopped eating all in all. He sighed and continued eating.

Axel dumped his bacon onto Demyx's plate. Demyx looked up at him puzzled.

"For the bed."

Demyx stared at him for a hot second, and then felt a smirk coming up his face. He laughed a bit, seeing Axel flush a bit angrily.

"Even though you spent most of the night on the floor?" Axel turned a deep shade of red, which looked quite strange due to his already red hair.

"Shut up and eat before I change my mind!"

Demyx volunteered to start the search, Axel reluctantly agreed. He didn't feel right trusting a job on someone like this water-wielder. For a long while, there was silence. Soon, Axel's patience grew thin.

"So, where we goin'?"

"Wherever Sora is- Roxas should be too."

"Where's Sora?"

Demyx's face looked as though he was deciding between a few choices. For what seemed like five minutes or so, he turned around and stared Axel.

"I think he's…"


"Actually, I don't know."

Axel nearly fell backwards. His jaw swung open and he looked at the sheepish Demyx.

"So you're saying we've been walking for four hours for no apparent reason!"

"Fresh air?"


"Sorry! I just thought walking this way I'd remember something of…"

"Enough said, we'll just teleport into Agrabah or something." Demyx stared at Axel who already created a portal of darkness.



"Axel, wait!"

Axel looked over his shoulder and stared at the green eyed water specialist.

Demyx stared at his boots with a serious look on his face, "Why?"

Axel spun around completely and placed his hands on the back of his head. His eyes looked curious, confused as to what Demyx was asking.


"Why did you…" Demyx hesitated, the question was bothering him for a while now. Axel barely talked to Demyx when they were at the organization. What was this new strange request for help? "Why did you pick me?"


"Why did you ask me for help? Me of all people. Is it because you knew I'd say yeah? Is it because I'm easy? A simpleton? I mean the superior would pile jobs on me that I'd love not to do but you know I'd never say no because that's just not me and obviously I'd be of so-"

Demyx felt some thing warm on his lips, interrupting his babbling. His eyes widened when he saw two closed eyes and a pair of red eyebrows. He felt his lips slowly part, as a wet tongue slipped in. Demyx, not knowing what to do, closed his eyes and gave into the unexpected kiss. Axel stepped forward a bit, pushing the blonde against a nearby brick wall gently. His hands swept up to the golden locks and then rested on the bricks as he deepened the kiss. It tasted of bacon and orange juice- strange but still delicious. Slowly, he pulled away and stepped backward. Demyx opened his eyes awestruck.

"You talk too much," Axel said and entered the portal.

Woot. I didn't expect it to put in a kiss in here, I swear. The cliched, "Shut up and kiss me," act, yes I know, forgive me. Also, forgive me for OOC-ness- this chapter is filled with it. . . Well review please! Oh yes, and one more thing. This chapter is the last installment before I go to India- which is uh, tomorrow. So unfortunately I probably won't be able to update this for another three weeks. I don't think I'll be able to finda computer there, but if I do I PROMISE I'll work on this. Well, thanks for reading guys!