The air was thick with humidity, the sun merely a hazy glow in the high overcast. Tendrils of mist curled amongst the vegetation where two beings huddled in what shade they could find. In fact, the larger being was providing most of the shade for the smaller one as he leaned over him resting on one arm. His other hand lightly stroked the length of the smaller's frame.

Skyfire seemed to sigh softly as vents opened and tried to pull in cooling air. Mist rose faintly from his body, the slightly cooler air touching his hot armor and condensed around him in a cloud. His partner, red optics dim, gazed up at the huge mech. The cloud, backlit by the sun, glowed slightly. Starscream reached up and touched Skyfire's arm and ran his hand down his arm. His fingers traced a trail in the moisture that clung to Skyfire's body and Skyfire trembled slightly.

"You're overheating," Starscream commented.

Skyfire smiled. "It was worth it."