To all of you who've been coming back to this story (if there are even any) thank you for your patience and support. To those of you who've just found it, please accept my apologies. I've decided to take this down for personal reasons. If you have an offline copy, I ask you to delete it. If you really would like to hold onto it, please just don't share it.
I don't know about finishing these stories. The me who wrote them isn't the me I am today, and that's making it hard to continue the ideas and the writing. Perhaps a rewrite is best. I really can't promise anything, but I do hope I can come back to this some day - soon would be better.
I have an account (ibestarlight) over on AO3 with about two stories on it, and a Wordpress with virtually nothing. If you'd like to see if I've updated or rewritten anything, those would be your best bet. You can also email me for whatever, I can always use a friend.
I hope I see you guys around.