.: The Way It Is :.
heyy guys ..am back ! D .. yes i know my last fan fic was a disastor. LOL still havent gone past chapter 2, it kinda got boring, and physics started to become hard so i had to give up. damn. you corrado. damn you okay .. well this is a new one, that i KNOW i will keep going, because even IM interested in the plot. Anywhoo the roles of the characters are completely different. Sakura is a shy girl with no friends except Eriol and Mei-Lin, but even they are not that close. Syaoran is best friends with Tomoyo and they now live together ... annndd the rest will become more noticeable as the story goes on .. SOO on with the story :D o and plz do forgive the grammer or the vocab, m really not in the mood .. tankoo
Disclaimer: i dont own ccs or sakura... buttt i will ONE DAY ! muahaha .. or not ... damn evil plans always get ruined shakes fist
School: Survival of the Fittest
"Is Syaoran in class?" asked Mr. G
No one answered. He repeated his question. Again it was shunned. Only the stupidest would talk about Syaoran. Only those who wished for death would talk about him to a teacher.
"Sakura, have you seen Syaoran in the dark room today?'' asked the photography teacher
"No, sir," came a quiet reply "I haven't" Why does he always pick on me? I just wish today would end
Everyone looked at the quiet girl; apparently she wasn't aware of what she had just done. Well, she would soon find out.
… Why is everyone staring at me?
"Alright class, you're dismissed and remember the only person in this class who is finished their project is Sakura so whoever wants to pass should come tomorrow morning at 7:30."
"7:30!" a student yelled "Jeez, I wake up at 8:45"
"Holy crap!"
"I guess I fail again…"
I can't wait to get home. I have so much work to do. I don't know what I am going to do if I can't finish it all in time. I have that project for history and then the other project for religion …
"Sakura, I was wondering, you always work alone. So, tomorrow, could you maybe work with Syaoran?" said Mr. Grenalda coming up to her. "I don't like to fail students, no matter how … weird … they maybe. It would be a great favour to me."
No! I don't want to, please don't make me. Say no... You don't want to work with anyone; you want to be left alone. Tell him you don't want to work with anyone.
"I- I umm, sure, I'll do what I can," Sakura heard herself saying.
Argh. Sakura you're a wuss. I am so useless. I can't even help my self, how am I going to ever help someone else. And especially someone like him?
"Thank-you so much." replied her teacher smiling "Well, Ill see you tomorrow"
"Err, yea"
Sakura went to her locker put her books in neatly, got her jacket and walked out the school. It was raining. Not drizzling, it was actually pouring. She stepped into the rain and made her way home.
It's raining. It looks so beautiful.
"Hey Hey, look at pretty!" A boy called out emerging from a gang of laughing boys. "Where are you going?"
Ignore them Sakura , just walk home, they can't do anything to you. Just don't look at them. Ignore them .Keep your eyes on the road. They will get bored and walk away.
"Hey, where do you think your going?" said the boy walking over. "Oh? Playing hard to get are you?" Now the whole gang of boys was walking over to her. She was surrounded.
"My names Micheal" said the boy who had called her pretty "What's yours?"
Don't answer them, just keep walking. Nothing will happen, they'll eventually get bored. Just make sure you don't cry, don't cry. Don't show them you care.
"Yo, bitch, I'm talking to you" said Michael as he grabbed her hand "Oh, shit, did I make you cry? Don't worry I'll give you something to cry about" The whole gang laughed at this.
"Let me go"
"Aww, she wants me to let go, should I let go?" " Hmm, I don't think I want to"
"P-p-plea-ease, just let me go, I haven't done anything"
"You haven't but I will."
She could feel his grip getting harder. He took his left hand and pulled her hair.
There was a sudden SLAP, and she was free. Sakura ran for her life while the gang followed.
Her hand seemed to act by itself, and a good thing it did. He hadn't seen her hand go up and come back down with such force she imagined she could never have.
Sakura kept on running until she saw the main road, she slowed down.
The main road! She was saved, cars whizzed past her, and she quietly walked home cursing at herself for hitting him because she knew they would be waiting for her tomorrow. And no matter how much she tried to tell her step-mother, her mother would not listen and she would be forced to go to school again.
The Next Day at school
"Where were you Syaoran," asked an angry Mr. Grenalda " You have not been coming to class consecutively for the last three days. I have tried calling your house yet no one picks up. If you dont come up with a proper excuse then I will have to send you down to the principle young man"
Syaoran raised and eyebrow. " I was tryin' to tell y--"
"He was in the dark room," cried a boy from the back of the class
Syaoran turned around and glared at the child. Damn that bastard!
"No, certainly not. And Chris your name is not Syaoran so please keep your mouth shut. Now, Syaoran if you are planning to use that same excuse let me tell you, Sakura has already told me that you were not in the dark room yesterday."
"I was going to tell you I didnt come to class because my mother is in the hospital and that is the reason why no one picked up your calls at home."
"Oh! uhh umm what is wrong with her?" asked Mr. Grenalda skeptically
" Dunno, but if u dont believe me you can call the doctor, i dont give a damn." said Syaoran sauntering over to his desk.
"Please dont use that language in my class"
Even the teachers didnt want to mess with him.
"By the way, your new partner is Sakura, she is going to be helping you in this course."
"What! Since when do we have partners?" cried Syaoran
"Since you started failing this ..." Syaoran gave him a hard look and he shut up.
Mr. Grenalda looked back at the class and gulped. " Now class, as you all know we are going to the zoo trip tomorrow. We need to take pictures for our finals which are fast approaching. These shots will be worth 35 of your mark. Now I need you to choose your partners and then we will review for the exams.
Syaoran sighed and looked around. This is gonna be a long day. He walked over to Sakura's desk
" I guess we're partners?" he asked the shy girl
"I-I guess," replied Liandra not looking at him God help me, why him? Oblivious to them, everyone in the class stared wondering what Syaoran might do to Sakura
Why the hell are all the girls always afraid of me? I haven't done anything to them, just the guys and only if they piss me off. Syaoran thought peevishly
"Oh, Syaoran, you and Sakura dont need to be partners in this, just after this, she is only going to help you develop your shot."
... as long as you shut up. thought Syaoran
Thank God. Sakura sighed, relieved
Sakura could see Eriol walking upto her.
"Hi," she said as she smiled to herself
Syaoran stared at Eriol and then left
"Do you want to go with me and Mei-Lin?" he asked kindly
"Umm sure." Eriol and Mei-Lin were the two nicest people in the class. They were her only friends and she liked it that way.
"I dont know if I'll be able to make it tomorrow for sure, but Mei-Lin will be with you."
"Umm okay, but this is worth 35 of your mark, dont you need it?" she asked anxiously
"Eh, whats the point I'm only gettn 15 in this course, its not like I'll get anywhere. But I'll try getting there just for you guys." He smiled and went back to his seat.
Mr. Grenalda started his review
AngelicUzi: SOO how is it so far? .. its just leading in .. itll get more interesting .. plz review :D
nuff luv