A/N: Hi all you Phantom and Dracula fans! This story has a little of both for you all, so read on and review!

Christine awoke to a bright sunny day in early spring to the birds chirping just outside her window. Her chocolate, curly, locks were tangled and strewn every which way on the bed that she and her husband, Raoul, the Count de Chagny shared. Her eyes, that matched her hair, had seen so much in her young life, and it seemed as if today would be one of those days that her frightful past would come back to haunt her, even if she did not know it.

Raoul, of course, had been out of bed early and gone off into town for his work and would not return until late that night. As of late, the Chagny's had suffered the terrible death of Raoul's brother Phillipe, and so the whole weight of the Chagny estate was thrown onto Raoul's shoulders. Christine smiled as she remembered Raoul complaining to her:

"Honestly." Raoul shouted as he threw the door closed grumpily, "I can't understand how my brother did all this? It's a nightmare, with those damn lawyers coming night and day, along with the reporters, my various family members, and not to mention all the men from my business. It's a wonder how Phillipe even had a wife, let alone a personal life!" Christine smiled gently at Raoul's frustration and ran her hands over his back, releasing the pent up tension Raoul had gathered.

"Just relax. You'll manage. We'll manage." She said and he hugged her closely.

"How did I end up with you as a wife? I don't deserve you." Christine laughed and placed her head against his chest.

"I seem to remember you having fought to have me. So I do believe you do deserve me." They shared a brief kiss before Raoul nodded to her.

"This is why I love you Christine." Christine kissed him again and smiled.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

To be simple, this meant Christine was virtually alone during the days, apart from the various servants that tended to the enormous property. This was very hard for her because she always would miss Raoul dearly, for she had been alone most of her life, but as the old saying goes: Absence makes the heart grow fonder. This was certainly true for the happily married couple of only a year and with this thought it mind, Christine thought it was high time to get out of bed and moving. Throwing the sheets aside, so that they spilled over the side of the bed like the waves in the ocean, Christine yawned and stretched briefly before going towards the closet to pick out a light spring dress of pale blue.

She wandered down towards the kitchen in her favourite soft blue shoes and met Adeline who was scrubbing the floor of the giant kitchen. She glanced up quickly, and shook with terror when she spotted Christine in the kitchen normally reserved for servants.

"Oh Mme. you mustn't be here!" the young girl cried and struggled to her feet, dropping into a low curtsey.

"Adeline, you don't need to do that." Christine smiled at the frightened girl, who blushed deeply.

"Please, if you'll go to the dinning room, I'll prepare you something." She said quietly, knowing she wasn't supposed to speak to her employers.

"Don't trouble yourself. I have no problem getting something myself. I'm quite used to it." Christine replied cheerfully, "besides, you look quiet busy I don't want to bother you"

"Mme. is never a bother." The girl replied quickly.

"Well thank you Adeline, but I'll see to it myself. You go ahead cleaning." The girl looked positively scared and confused at the conflicting orders, but with some more cajoling from Christine, she resumed her work.

Bernadette, the plump chef of the Chagny estate was washing various pots and pans as Christine softly entered. The faint aromas of breakfast still lingered here and Christine took a deep breath, it smelled like Raoul had eaten porridge and she grinned. She loved porridge. Christine crept over towards the towering cabinets filled with stacks of plates and bowls and snatched a bowl from the top. There was a clanking sound and Christine glanced over towards Bernadette, who was still unaware of her presence. Sighing, Christine fetched a scoop of porridge from a giant pot, still warm on the stove and smiled to herself, she was home free. If Bernadette had ever known that anyone was in her kitchen, she would be livid. Sneaking out a spoon from one of the many drawers, Christine made her way silently out the door and back past Adeline who stared at her in disbelief. She winked and made her way to the front door with her warm delight.

Henri, who was almost always present at the door, was nowhere to be found and Christine silently thanked her lucky stars that he wasn't. She didn't really want to have to explain to him her every move. He was probably with Gerard and Raoul, now more then ever, Raoul needed all the help he could get. Christine pushed open the enormous French doors of the Changny mansion and made her way to a pretty white gazebo located on the front lawn, surrounded by trees and flowers. Christine made her way down to it and sat down gingerly with her hot porridge and began her breakfast. No sooner had she taken her first bite, Christine felt as if she was being watched. She looked up and peered into the surrounding bushes and flowers. Christine gasped.

There was a pair of red eyes staring at her though the bushes!