Title: Anywhere But Here
Author: castrovalva9
Spoilers: none
Distribution: anywhere
Rating: G
Summary: Double drabble (200 words). Rose has grown less than satisfied with most of their destinations, and finally tells the TenthDoctor why.
Disclaimer: "Doctor Who" is property of the BBC.
Note: Beta read by Kara MT.

"Where have we landed?" Rose asked suspiciously as the Doctor pointed her toward the TARDIS door.

"See for yourself," he urged her. "You're going to love it!"

Hoping he was right this time, Rose eased the door open and peeked outside. Her heart immediately sank.

"It's Montreal in 2007," the Doctor beamed from beside her, oblivious to her dismay. Then he elaborated, "Montreal, Canada," in case she didn't know.

Rose rolled her eyes as she pulled her head back inside the TARDIS and shut the door. "I know where Montreal is, and I definitely don't love it."

"Why?" The Doctor frowned. "What do you have against Canada? Perfectly nice country, you know."

Rose pretended to think for a moment, then launched into her speech. "The same thing I have against Cardiff, London, Utah, France, 10 Downing Street, the Powell Estate, and Scotland: It's on Earth. Most of our trips so far have involved Earth or a close variation of it. I was born on Earth. I lived there for 19 years. And I would really like to go to places other than Earth for a while. Now, will you please take me to a proper alien planet for a change?"