Disclaimer-I own nothing


"Ugh. They caught us?" Ginny said laughing. "I guess we weren't sneaky enough."

"Oh no. I was sneaky enough. They only caught you." Harry said.

While they were talking, Rose, John, Megan, and Victoria were all up in Rose's room watching them talk.

"They're still talking." John said. "That's a good thing right?"

"Ya. I guess so." Rose said as she paced the room.

"Dad's laughing. Should he be laughing?" Megan asked John.

"Oh no. We don't got a chance. I mean, if they're yelling we have a chance, but laughing." John was shaking his head.

"Moms gone!" Victoria said. "Rose, we don't have a mother! What are we gonna do?" Ginny walked into the room. "Megan you need to stop overreacting."

"Mom, what's going on?" Rose asked. "John and I followed you and I can't believe you would cheat on dad!"

"I wasn't cheating on him." Ginny said.

"Well then who were you with?" Megan asked. "John said he saw you with another man."

"That man was your father."

"You mean dad isn't our dad?" Victoria asked.

"Yes. That's who I was with." Ginny said.

"So you lied to us?" John said.

"Well, we wanted time alone. And we couldn't get that with 6 kids around."

"It still sounds like you wanted to get rid of us."

"Let me ask you this, have you ever snuck out of the house?" Ginny asked with a look that said tell the truth.

"Ya. I went to Diagon Alley. It was cool." John said.

"You've been there a thousand times. But it was different because you weren't supposed to be there. So it was dangerous." Ginny explained.

"I get it Mom." Rose said. "And I think it was very cool."

"Now I need to get downstairs. There's a man waiting for me." Ginny said.

After she left, Megan went to look out the window and said "It's ok. It's dad."

The next day Emma, Ron and Hermione's oldest daughter, came over.

"Rose, I think my mom is cheating on my dad."

Rose rolled her eyes and left leaving a very confused Emma.

The End


Thanks to all my wonderful reviewers!