Disclaimer-I don't own the characters


Harry and Ginny had been married for 15 years and had 6 kids. The oldest, Rose, was 14, John was 12, the twins, Megan and Victoria were 10, Daniel was 8, and Mike was 6. They lived a happy life until one day everything changed.

It started off like a normal day for the Potters. Megan and Victoria were playing in the back yard with John and Daniel. Rose was helping her mother by watching Mike, while Ginny cooked lunch.

Tonight Ginny was going out with Hermione for their annual girls night out. They had this once every two weeks. Normally the girls would go shopping or go get their hair and nails done.

Later that night, Ginny was getting ready to leave.

"O.K. Rose, dinners cooking and its almost done. Remember your father has a meeting tonight at the Ministry and won't be home until late." Ginny said this as she came down the stairs with a large purse. This was normal for her because she had a lot of stuff.

"I know Mom. You treat me like I'm a kid. I'm gonna be 15 in a month."

"I know sweetie, I just worry sometimes. Now the rest of you behave, Rose is in charge."

"Yes Mom" they all replied in unison.

"O, I left something upstairs. If Aunt Hermione comes, tell her I'll be right down." Ginny said as she ran back upstairs.

"What does mom need all of this for anyway. This back is huge!"

"Megan, get out of her stuff!" yelled Rose.

"Whoa! Rose, look at this!" Victoria held up a sparkling red dress and black heels. "I wonder why she needs this?"

"Victoria, you can be so stupid. Can't you tell mom doesn't want us to see this? Put it back." Rose replied.

Right as Megan and Victoria put the clothes back, Hermione apperated into the room.

"Hey girls. Where's your mom?"

"Hi Aunt Hermione. She's upstairs. She'll be down in a second." Replied Rose.

As Rose was talking, Ginny came down.

"O.K. Remember what I said. Bye, I love you"

"Bye Mom." They all said. And with that, Ginny and Hermione apperated away.