Isabell blinked, confused, and reached for the remote. It wasn't there. She looked around and stood up. She wasn't sitting on it. Then she turned around to see that it was still resting on the television set. Hmmm... that was odd. A cold chill swept through the room and the 17 year old shivered. Again, she looked to the staticy screen. She knew, that something was different. She knew, and what made her different from all others before her was that she made no move to turn the tv off. She simply stood there, watching. A well apeared on the screen. It was open. Soundlessly, with only the static heard, a girl crawled out of it. Now one would normally see this as creepy and menacing. Isabell meerly found this as strange. The girl moved, contorting her body as she did so. In a split second she was up against the screen, paisty white hands pressed against it. Her black hair covered her eyes, hiding them, but Isabell saw past that and could tell the girl was sad.

Then Isabell did something that would probably make most question her sanity. She walked toward it, feeling for the girl. "What's wrong little girl? Why are you so sad?"

The girl stroked the screen with one, wrinkly white hand and her body shook a little. Isabell was sure she would have heard a sob, but the noise wouldn't pass the screen. All she heard was static.

"You cant tell me?"

The girl shook her head.

"Is there some other way I can find out? Can you...can you..." Isabell knew this sounded crazy, but said it anyway. "Can you show me?"

To her suprise, The girl nodded.

Isabell kneeled in front of the screen, putting her hands up to the girls. To her suprise, she felt there hands touching, as if there were no screen. Suddenly Her mind exploded with images. Horiffiying, sadening. Tears leaked down Isabells face in sympathy.

Her mind was brought back to her own mother. Cruel, uncareing, abusive. All her life, Isabell made a promise to herself to never be like her. When she had a child, and indeed she wanted one, she would care for it and love it no matter what. She knew what this little girl was asking for, and she just couldn't find it in her heart to say no.

The girls hair tilted back to reveal her eyes. Isabell was hit with a wave of pity and sorrow for her. She saw the pain in her pure white eyes.

"Yes." she said, "I'll be your mother."

Two months later Isabell had a bulging stomach and covered it protectively as her mother screamed at her.

"BABY!? How dare you get pregnant. You ARE going to get an abortion!"

"I wont be doing that mother." she said quietly, but bravely.

" Well then we will just have to make sure the child doesn't live through the pregnancy." The woman grabbed Isabells' arm and threw her to the floor. Then she raised her fist to beat her.

" NOOOO!!!!!!!!" Isabell screamed, covering her stomach for dear life.

Suddenly her mother stopped and grew woozy, then she promptly dropped dead. Isabell, suprised, yet relieved, stood up and stared at her. Then questioningly, she placed one hand on her stomach and asked her.


She knew then the answer was yes, but this didn't bother her. Summy didn't kill her in cold blood. It was self defense, after all. She calmly checked her ex-mothers' pulse to make sure she was dead, and then called 911 and told them that her mother died of a heart attack.