Epilogue 6

The Beginning

In one of the more picturesque areas of the New York Estate a lone figure sits in the darkness, she perches on a small stone bench just in front of an ornate pond. Her piercing sapphire eyes, enhanced by immortality allow her stare to penetrate the murky depths of the water and study the various rare fish that swim about. There would have been a time when the darkness bothered her, when she would have been intimidated by the towering, contorted trees, and the distorted shadows of marble statues that surrounded her palatial home. But that was a long time ago, now she was one with the darkness, the wind disturbs her flowing black dress and silky raven hair making it appear that she was literally melting into the darkness. As her sapphire eyes remain fixed on the small pond the light of the full moon reflects off of the waters surface, illuminating every inch of her flawless ivory face, such a tranquil moment, she thought to herself… how she longed for the days when she could become lost in a single moment. Suddenly a wave of shock swept through her petit, doll like body as the snap of a twig tore he from her tranquility. She sat bolt upright, however she did not turn around, a slight flare of her delicate nostrils told her everything she needed to know. She smiled slightly and returned her gaze to the pond. "In all the years that this Estate has been our home…" she spoke softly, her voice dancing in the night air like music "… it's walls… its defences, have never once been breached by a human. My compliments."

"Thank you Ms Van Cleve." A dry monotone, yet surprisingly friendly voice answered her.

"I don't suppose it would do me any good to ask just how you managed it?" She asked politely.

"No…" the stranger smiled "No it would not."

"Very well." She grinned slightly "What brings you to my home Agent Washington?"

"My government has requested that I welcome you back to New York after your trip to Europe, and to express its desire to continue our political cooperation."

"How very proper of you." She nodded, still not really paying attention to him "But it is Malachi you need to speak to… he is our Regent."

"And you are his Princess." Washington answered her "Perhaps the only one that has any real influence over him, we would be grateful for your assistance."

"I will do what is best for my people Agent Washington… as will Malachi."

"Of course." He nodded

"Tell me Agent, how are things in the city? After operation Hades."

"The city is recovering… slowly."

"You blamed it on the work of terrorists, I hear the papers and the media refer to it as… The Decollation… pretty powerful imagery. New York has been through a lot, the city will rebuild, the people will adapt… life goes on Agent."

"Forever in our case." A strong English accent answered her, as a single emerald eye illuminated the shadows. Soon the well dressed form of the New York Regent emerged from the darkness, his pitch black tailcoat blending him into the night, Washington watched as the silver point and handle of his walking cane reflected the moonlight into his eyes.

"Mr. Davenport." The Agent smiled "How long have you been there?"

Malachi nodded into the distance as a series of glowing cobalt eyes became visible, the Agent could not see clearly but he knew that the ominous silhouettes were those of Malachi's Death Dealers. "We've been tracking you since you got here." Malachi spoke coldly "Tell your President that I will meet with him soon to discuss where our peoples relationship goes from here."

"Very well." He nodded

"Jasmine!" Malachi called out, a single female Death Dealer emerged from the shadows just over the Agents shoulder "Escort Agent Washington off of the premises will you?"

"Yes My Lord." She nodded.

"My compliments Mr. Davenport." He smiled slightly "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." Malachi replied coldly.

"Ms. Van Cleve" He nodded before being led away by the Death Dealer.

"Goodnight Agent Washington." Nina replied politely.

As the Agent was led away Malachi gave a slight wave of his hand, indicating to the rest of the Death Dealers to go pull back. "That man is a pain in the ass." He sighed in frustration as he made his way to the stone bench and perched next to Nina. Planting a gentle kiss on her cheek he tried to follow her line of vision "What are you looking at?"

"Answers." She shrugged slightly as she allowed her body to rest against his.

"You think your gonna find them at the bottom of the pond?" He asked with a raised eyebrow."

"No." She laughed slightly, before taking Malachi's cane from him and placing it on the ground. "Come on…" she said gently as she took him by the hand and led him to the edge of the pond "…that's where I'm looking for answers." She whispered softly as she pointed to their reflections "The only ones who have the answers are us Malachi, so we need to look within ourselves…" she again watched the pond as the wind disturbed the surface of the water "…but the reflections are distorted, just like in real life, it's hard to find the answers."

Malachi reached into his pocket and pulled out a coin, he flicked it into the pond causing the water to ripple and the reflection to disappear "You don't have to worry about reflections anymore angel… its all smoke and mirrors. I know life has been uncertain for us since you brought me back, but all that changes now… this house… everything is ours… and this war, Adam, Abigail, Kraven, Viktor, Selene, they don't matter now… because now it is just the two of us." As the eternally youthful couple stood at water edge he slowly brought her into his arms, her back resting against his chest, feeling his soothing heart beat.

"I'm so happy to hear you say that." She smiled, a slight tear forming in her eye.

"Well it's true." He whispered as he kissed the top of her head.

"Actually it's not." She replied hesitantly.

"Of course it is." Malachi reassured her, tightening his embrace on her slightly.

"No Malachi, it was just the two of us…" she corrected him as she interwove her tiny delicate fingers with his massive, deadly hand and gently guided it to rest on her stomach "…now it's just the three of us."
