Me: I'm sos sorry that I haven't updated so long! I have been busy with college work and I had a exam over the Christmas break and I still have other things I have to do like study to the next exam. Plus I rewritten this chapter tons of time and for everytime I wrote it there was something wrong with it. Also I'm stuck on next chapter, but don't worry I'm trying to get rid of the writter block (chase the writter block with a mace).
An another note is that no one have beta this chapter since my friend have been busy to, so there are going to to be ton of gramma mistake. Enjoy the chapter!!
"…" Speak
/…/ Bitbeasts speaking
'…' Thinking
Chapter 21
The stranger hands stop glowing and everyone notice that she started to breath again. That meant her heart had start to move again! Silently they celebrate over that she was alive. The stranger then move his hand up to the necklack thingy she had around her neck and he curl his fingers around it. Before any of them could ask him what he was doing he destroyed it with simply press it till it gave in for the pressure. He then carefully took it away from Aurora's neck and gave it to Ray.
"Keep this. This is the thing which torture her body and her nerves system." The stranger told Ray and lay into his hand.
Ray look at the thing and wonder how so small can give so much pain to a human body. The stranger rise up and was going to to leave when Hilary called him.
"Is Aurora going to be alright now?" Hilary ask him with a worried tone in her voice.
Though they others weren't sure, but they could swear that he was looking at them. Though the hood made it impossible to know.
"I healed her body and the other damaged that thing has caused her, but she still need rest and build up her strenght. I will say about 2 week with rest and some light traning to make sure no other muscle where damaged in the process. She then have to train hard to gain the strenght she had before." The stranger explained to them.
Kai look at him with cold eyes. "How come did you know that we were in trouble and where to find us?"
They others look at Kai and back to the stranger, but he had a point. Till now they have only met him when they were close to die or when they don't find the way out. When the stranger spoke again, he sound amused.
"The reasons are my own and the one with the two wolfs are precious to me. More you don't need to know, you aren't ready yet to know the burden you all bear deep in your hearts and the sorrow you all going to share in the end."
They look at him as he was crazy, Kai and Max look wide eye at him. Someone precious to him? It only could mean Aurora, but how did he know her, for they had heared the warm tone in his voice when he mention the one with two wolf. She was the only one with two wolf and since Tala only had one.
"You all will understand in the end, be careful for now on. The path all of you are walking on is bittersweet. May the Gods and the elements be with you." Then when all of them blink he was gone. Like the wind, like he never have been there at all.
They all stare where the stanger had stood, but then shake their head. They had more important things to do and had to get away from here. Ray lift Aurora from the ground and he start to walk to the car. "Come on! We have to get her to the hostipale just in case there are more injuries."
They all sits inside of the car, but this time Kai sat in the backseat with Ray, since they had to lay Aurora over their legs. So Bryan sat infront with Tala. Tala start the car while the others hold something for their dear lives, though Ray had to hold Aurora so she didn't fall down on the floor in case Tala had to push the break. They didn't know how long the ride last since no one spoke or anything, expect when Tala ask them where the closet hostipale was. All of them felt it had gone several hours when they finaly reach the hostipale, Ray and rest of them, expect Tala and Bryan since they had left to park the car, rush into the hostipal and shouts that Aurora need a doctor. Foryuntanely for them there was a doctor close by.
"What's wrong?" The Doctor ask them as he hurry up to them.
"She need a medical attention." Ray hurried to explain to him what had happened to her (not everythign of course). The doctor eyes widen and said to Ray to lay her on the bed(the thing which have wheels on which they have in the hostipale) and called a nurse. He then ask them for more detaila, they told him mostly everything expect that they left out few details like about how she was mostly healed and others they felt the doctors didn't need to know. The doctor then ask them to wait in the waiting room till he was finished to check on her.
Spencer, Ian, Kenny, Hilary, Tyson and Max walk to the waiting room, while Ray and Kai look at the door where they was going to help her. Ray cast a sideway glance at Kai.
"She is going to be ok you know." Ray spoke softley to Kai, as he start to walk to they others. "She as a strong will to live."
Kai didn't answer, but instead he followed Ray. Yes, he knew that she was going to survive, for some reason he trust the stranger. I didn't know why but he just knew that the stranger wouldn't harm her in anyway. Also Dranzer had told him to trusth the stranger, plus he know that he can trust Dranzer. Bu he decided to try get Dranzer to tell him who the stranger was, but Dranzer refused to tell him anything which annoyed him to no end.
He look around in the waiting room, he also notice that Tala and Bryan was there as well. He walk up to Tala and sat down the chair beside him. Tala just cast a glance at him and didn't say anything. Max start to look through some of the magazine which lay on the table. Kenny was on the laptop, Hilary had called to Mr.D to tell him about the recent event, Tyson just watch out the air with a blank face, Ian and Spencer also look through magazine and Ray laid back in the chair with his eyes closed as he was dead tired. Kai look at the clock on the wall and notice for first time that it was 5 in the morning. 'We must have been out all night.' Kai mused he briefly remember that they left 23 or something. It felt like a lifetime ago.
After a hour they hear someone open up the door, they lift up their head and notice it was Mr.D, who had grim expression on his face. He look at all of them and they were unabel to read his eyes.
"Tell me what happened." Mr.D order them. They look at each other and Hilary decided to tell him, while Ian, Ray or Max gave some details over things Hilary didn't know about. They told him about everything, expect few details they left out. Though Mr.D notice this, but decided to ask them later since it wasn't a place they shouldn't diecuss this.
"It was very idiotice of you to go to that base without telling someone. What if something got wrong? What have you done then?" Mr.D ask them harshly to make them understand that they should have told someone what they were doing. Some of them want to say something, but decided against it. They knew he was right, though it was the right thing to. Also that they had saved Aurora's life in time. "But you saved Aurora, that is most important, also that she is alive, but I wonder what do they want with her."
They look at each other. Even they didn't know what Boris was after, Spencer then remember he had grab a paper with Aurora's family tree on it.
"Is this going to help?" He ask and show them what he had. They all look at it with shock in their expression on their face.
"How did you get it?" Tala ask his teammate.
Spencer shrug. "Grab it in one of the room we had to hide in. Look important."
Mr. D take it and look it through. "Wonder why he have her family tree, there may be some clue in it, but that have to wait for now." He finished to say, as he place it in his pocket when the door to room where the doctor and the nurses had brought Aurora in. Everyone jump up when they see him.
He look at them and smile. "I have good news. She doesn't have any damaged any place on her body expect few wounds here and there." 'But after what they told me she should have critical injuries possible have died too. Oh well maybe its a mircale she is alive then.' The Doctor shrug mentally over it, when he see the happy looks everyone have, though two of them didn't show emotion. "Though she need rest for 1-2 weeks, even though her body is healed she still need to train lightly to ensure that her body isn't going to wound itself because of harsh traning." He warn them, Kai nod. He was going to make sure she train correctly.
"Can we visit her?" Max ask the doctor. He wanted to see her again, they all had been so worried about her.
The Doctor smile, but shake his head. "I'm sorry but you can't. She need to rest and it's late in the morning and I guess all of you need rest. You guys look like you are going to fall down anytime. So get some sleep for few hours at least. Doctors order." He said as some of them was going to protest. "Don't worry we call you when she wake up."
None of them wanted to leave but they understood and start to walk out. Mr. D stay behind to talk to the Doctor about how much it would cost for treatment and for the stay.
They decided to let Tala drive them to Tyson house since the Demolition boys had been sleeping in his place instead for pay a room in a hotel. Everyone, expect Kai and Tala fell asleep in the car on the way back to Tyson's Dojo. They didn't say anything as Tala didn't drive in full speed for once. Kai leaned back and look out of the window.
"We made it you know." Tala said on low voice so he didn't wake up the others. Kai didn't answer, just continue to look out of the window. "You know better than me that we just have won the battle, but not the war."
Kai still didn't answer, but inside his soul, were only Dranzer could hear it. 'I know. Someone is going to die before this is over.' As he notice the sun is rising up for a new day.
(A/N: This was a perfect place to have a cliffhanger, but I'm going to be nice and just continue with the story.)
Aurora lay floating in the cold darkness, she miss the warm arms that had hold around her. When suddenly flash of colors surround her.
'What is this?' Flash of pictures started to go through her mind.
"Aurora! Its time for dinner! Come back in."
"Remember this sign of ____"
'Is this my memories?... When I was a child?' A memory of her and mother sitting beside a fire place.
"Mommy, whats a ____?"
"Well dear its about ____ and _____. Their story is a sad tale, filled with grief, sorrow, lose and love, but we will always remember it because thay are our ____ and ___ ___ we from. As ___ always watch over us."
'Why can't I remember it? I feel its important, like I met someone.'
"How are you, little star?"
'Who is that? Please DON'T GO!' As she trying to reach out for the figure as it was walking away, but then another memory come instead. This one was clear.
"Don't be afraid, my little daughter. My little light. We will always be here, in your heart." The mother told Aurora as she hold around younger Aurora in her arms in her bed, while her father stood beside the door with a smile on his face.
"But mommy!" Protest a 6 year old Aurora who was crying in fright, as the storm rage outside of her bedroom.
"Shh! Shall I sing a song for you then? Ok little light, listen to my voice." Her mother spoke gently to her, as she start to sing in a soothing voice.
Little child, be not afraid.
Though rain pounds harshly against the glass,
Like an unwanted stranger, there is no danger.
I am here tonight.
Little child, be not afraid.
Though thunder explodes and lightning flash,
illuminates your tear-stained face.
I am here tonight.
And someday you'll know,
That nature is so.
The same rain that draws you near me,
Falls on rivers and land,
on forests and sand,
Makes the beautiful world that you'll see.
In the morning.
Little child, be not afraid.
Though storm clouds mask your beloved moon.
And its candlelight beams, still keep pleasant dreams.
I am here tonight.
Little child, be not afraid.
Though wind makes creatures of our trees.
And their branches to hands, they're not real, understand.
And I am here tonight.
For you know, once even I was a
Little child, and I was afraid.
But a gentle someone always came
To dry all my tears, trade sweet sleep for fears.
And to give a kiss goodnight.
Well now I am grown,
And these years have shown
That rain's a part of how life goes.
But it's dark and it's late,
So I'll hold you and wait,
'Till your frightened eyes do close.
And I hope that you'll know...
Everything's fine in the morning.
The rain'll be gone in the morning.
But I'll still be here in the morning.
(A/N: This song belong to Vienna Teng)
The little Aurora feel alseep in her mother arms, as her memory fade away, but remember the warm feeling of warm and belonging.
Aurora smile as she watch her memory, she decided that even though whatever had happened to her in the past. She was going to move forward to face the future. Suddenly everything became dark like the night itself, she heard screaming and crying for help, her eyes widen. She was going to have vision again. She feared what is was going to show her, but somehow she knew it was going to be different then the those she usually have. Aurora notice the same people running again like the last one she had few weeks ago or was it days? She didn't remember anymore. She saw flames and creatures follow them through the sea of fire. The woman, she thought it was a woman because of the clothes, she was bearing something in her arms, as the man send energy attacks behind them. Attacks she never have seen before.
"Run!" The man yell to her as he turn around and looking at the creature which rise to the sky.
"But love!" The women protest. "I can't leave you like this! You need my help!"
The man look back at her with golden eyes filled with warm and love for the women
"There is nothing you can do, you have to protect our child. We both knew this was going to happen one day, please go and live happily if I don't make it." He said with love in his voice.
The women start cry as she heared his words, the baby start cry out. Frigthen over the power it felt. The women hush the baby and whisper to it with soothing words. The man had walk up to her and touch their child and kiss the baby's head. "Live well my son, live your life as your own." He rise up the women head and kiss her on the lips. "I'm sorry, my love. Sayonara!" He turn around and start to run back to fight against the beast flying in the sky.
As the women look after him as tears fall before she turn around and walk into the dark night.
Aurora gasp. She never had vision like this before. There was so much grief and love between that man and the women. Also those golden eyes... She felt like she had seen them before some where in her past. Also what was the beast he was talking about? Before Aurora could ponder over it more she hear a shooting voice and it sounded like that man from her vision.
'Its time to go back now, my little star. Let the past lay in peace for now. Your friends are waiting for you.'
She close her eyes and knew that the voice was right. It was time to go and so she decided let the healing light bring her back to her friends, who she knew where waiting for her in the living.
She slowly open up her eyes and she had to close them again. The light was to strong, but more importantly what was that annoying noise?! She turn her head where she heared it and open up her eyes again. She then see the heart machin thing they use in the hostipal, she never remember what they called it. 'Am I in the hostipal?' She blink when she hear the door open up and see a nurse walking in.
The nurse smile to her as she see that the pasient is awake. "So you are awake miss Snow." She stated the obvious. "Here, drink some water." The nurse walk up to her with a glas and help Aurora to drink it. Aurora hadn't honestly notice that she was tirsty at all, torture can do that to you.
"How long was I asleep?" Aurora ask the nurse, her body didn't hurt at all. She was just so tired.
Nurse lift up a clipboard hanging on the end of her bed and look through it. "You have been here almost 12 hours, when the nice boys came here running with you."
Aurora eyes widen. 'My teammates! But there were others too!' "Do you know if they are here or if I can contact them?"
The nurse smile again to her, which made Aurora to twicth. "Yes they are actually still here. They want to visit you since they get to know that you where alright. I'm going to get them and tell them that they can come in The nurse walk out, as Aurora look at the celling.
'She said I was alright, but how? I was heavily wounded at least it felt like that, but it feel almost like a faint memories now.' She ponder over it but give up. She just hope that the guys can tell her what happened. She then hear running feets outside of the door and that the door is slam open.
Before Aurora could register what happened, she hug by a person with blond hair. "You are awake!!"
"Max! Get off her now! She need to rest!" She hear Hilary yell, she felt relife her friends where ok. Hilary scold Max for to do something like that to a pasient.
Aurora just smiles. "Don't worry Hilary it didn't hurt. I'm just tired."
Hilary look uncertain, but decided not to comment on it. Ray, Tyson and Kenny moved to stand beside the bed she was lying in, as they to had sigh in relife over that she was ok. But still how did that stranger heal her wounds which most was fatale? They had ponder over it after they had a good sleep, they never thought about that it may had been a trap to kill her in her weaken state.
Aurora look at the unknown people whos still stood beside the door. "Who are they?"
They others blinks and look behind them. "Oh! I forgot you never have met Demolition Boys." Tyson exclaim and point each of them. "That is Tala the captain of their team, Bryan, Specer and Ian, the Shorty."
"What was that you PIG!!!" Ian shouts at him and both start to bicker again. They others sigh an mutter both where hopeless. Aurora just laugh, she notice that Kai wasn't there. None of them spoke of it since it would be pointless, she felt a ache in her heart. She didn't know why, but she was worried. 'I hope he is ok.'
Then a nurse run in and glares at them. "I told you not disturb the patient!" She shouts at them. "You could only be in here if you were quiet, but since you don't managed you all have to go out!!!" She grab Tyson and Ian ear and start to drag them out of them room and the others decied to follow then nurse they wish Aurora to get well and that they see her later. Aurora wave bye to them as she lean against her pillow and close her eyes. Which is why she didn't ntice Kai walk in as the others was gone. He sat in the chair which was beside her bed. She open up her eyes and look at him.
"You are ok." She stated with a soft smile.
"Hn." Kai answer. Nothing else was said between them as both, both felt something had been damaged because of the kidnapping but they didn't know what.
"Will you sing?" Kai ask silently to her in a hush whisper.
Aurora heared him and start to sing softly. She felt it would say more that just talking to each other.
Beneath a veil so cold,
You deeply sleep, all alone
The melody of prayer; on the lonely fields,
a little light shined
I watched as you dreamed
You laughed like a child
So dear, and yet so far -
That is the promise of our future
That one day, on a green morning,
One day, we will make it there
Because in this wintered sky
We still believe
Fields of Hope
On the day we were born,
we were embraced
And now we search for those gentle hands again
The melody of prayer; one vanishes,
And all begins again; a powerless, painful continuation
One day, to that green morning,
We'll cross through all these nights
Because that is the place each one of us searches for
Now, within my own heart,
I want to keep you warm
So dear, and yet so far -
In the name of peace
Fields of Hope
So dear, and yet so far -
The fields of promise
Fields of Hope
Fields of Hope
(A/N: don't own it, its from one of the Gudamn series)
They both where quiet again enjoying the little peace they had, as the sun in the horizon was going down for the day.
Me: I hope you all like the chapter and I still trying to kille the writter block (miss it witha inche). Also I try to catch the plot bunny since I need inspiration to the next chapter! Please Review!