Me: This is my first Beyblade fic, so be nice.

Max: Is it really your first?

Me: Yes! Kai, can you please do the Disclaimer.

Kai: Why should I?

Me: Do it or else.../holds a frying pan, ready to hit Kai/

Kai: AnimeCrazy88 doesn't own Beyblade, except Aurora, Dieel and Nox.

Me: Thank you Kai.

Kai: Hn.

Ray: On with the story!

"..." Speak

/.../Bitbeast speak

'...' Thinking


In a village somewhere in Japan the houseswas on fire andoutside theburning buildingswas a 8 years old girl running, looking for something or someone.

"Mommy! Daddy! Where are you?" The little girl yells, while running. Then she heard screams through the flames, she started to run after the sound. When she reached where it came from, she would see something thatwouldgive her nightmaresfor many years to come.

"MOMMY! DADDY!" The little girlyelled terrified.

There was men in black dress' and they were holding the little girls mother and father.

"Aurora RUN! Get out of here!" Her father shouted. "Don't let them take you!"

One man with purple hair hit her father.

"Shut up you fool, if you value your life!" The purple haired man said. He turned around and looked at Aurora. "Come here little girl, come here and we will not kill your parents."

"Honey, run away! Don't listen to them!" Her mother shouted to her. "Let Dieel and Nox protect you! RUN!"

The same man hit her mother as well. Thenhe took out a gun and pointed directly attheir heads. Aurora stared with wide open eyes.

"That's it!You'll both die right now!" He said with montone voice. Without hesitation, he shot both of them. Aurora only stood there and looked at them with terrified eyes. She turned around and ran away from them. She knew that she'd never see her parents again and Aurora's bitbeats was now theonly thing she had left from her parents. Aurora knew that those men was hot on her trail. They shouted to her saying that she should stop or be shot in the back, but she didn't.

/Run faster, Aurora/ Dieel yells to her in her mind.

'I am runningas fast as I can!' Aurora cried to them.

/Come on, you can do it. Don't stop no matter what/ Nox yelled to her.

She made it out of the village, through the forest and finally to a city. She didn't stop there either, she didn't stop before she was sure that those men wasn't following her anymore. She saw that shewas in a park and found a nearby bench where shesat down. Then Aurora started to cry over what she had lost

Suddenly a shadow came over her. She looked up, with an afraid face, but it was only an old man with white moustache. He also had friendly eyes.

"Why do you cry, little one?" The unknow man asked her.

"Mommy and Daddy was... they were... " Aurora only started to cry again.

"They what?" He asked her friendly.

Aurrora looked up at him, still crying. "They were killed" She whispered.

"Oh my!" He said startled over the informationand looked at her sadly. "Come here, little one. I'll help you."

Aurora looked at him with a worried lookon her face.

'Can I trust him?'Aurora thought.

/You can trust him, Aurora/ Dieel said to her.

/Yes, we don't sense anything evil with him/ Nox said friendly.

Aurora, who trusted her bitbeats with her heart, tookthe unknown mans hand and rose up from the bench. She thenfollowed him out of the park.

"By the way, what is your name, little one?" He asked her.

"My name his Aurora Snow. What's yours?"

"My name his Stanley Dickenson, but you can call me Stanley or Mr.D."

"... Ok."

"Now tell me what actually what happened with your parents."

Aurora took a deep breath to calm her self down and told him everything about what happened in the village. She also told him that she had two bitbeats and about thepurple haired man who killed her parents. Mr.D knew that now, that the police couldn't help them with this, but he would try anyway. Then Mr.D got an idea.

"Aurora, what do you sayaboutmetaking care of you?" Mr.D askedher softly and looked at her.

Aurora looked up at him, with tears in her eyes. "Really?"

"Yes, I will. What do you say?"

Aurora smiled behind her tears. "Yes, I want you to become my guardien."

Mr.D smiled softlyat her. "Then its settled, Aurora. Come let me show you where youwilllive from now."

They walked to Mr.D house, where she was going to live from now on.

Ray: That was sad. Poor Aurora.

Me: I know, but it had to happen.

Tyson: Why aren't I in this chapter?

Kai: This is the prologue dimmwit.

Tyson: Hey!

Me: Thanks Kai!

Kai: Hn...

Max: Please Review!