Summary: Draco has to learn what love is after a life without being shown any. Can Harry, who is unexpectedly his mate, show him what it's like to truly be loved? SLASH

Disclaimer: Holy shit, would thing have been different if I owned them…

Warning: It's called SLASH for a reeeeason.

A/N: It's unbetaed. Sorry in advance for random typos.


Show Me The Meaning Of Love – Chapter Eleven

Once inside the sitting room of their dorm, Draco grabbed both of Harry's wrists and spun him around to face him. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Me?" Harry snarled, twisting his hands free of Draco's hold. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Draco's face twisted into a sneer and his voice rose to a yell. "It's just a stupid portrait! Stop acting like a spoiled child. You can't just demand another portrait."

Harry frowned and turned away from the blond. "You don't know what you're talking about," he said softly.

"Like hell I don't!"

"You don't know that portrait like I do."

"It doesn't fucking matter!"

"Stop fucking yelling at me!" Harry suddenly snapped, spinning around. His head started aching and he felt a familiar tug at the back of his mind.

"Yeah, sure! I'll stop yelling! And fucking coddle you like everyone else!" Draco stepped up to Harry and gripped his shoulders hard enough to make him winced. "Everyone does what Saint Potter says because he's the fucking Golden Boy of the Light! Get over yourself, Potter! You fucking sod!"

Harry's face went pale and he started shaking violently. "Don't touch me!" He shoved Draco away from him and backed into the wall. When he slid down to the floor, Draco was shocked from his anger and he watched as Harry curled up on himself. It took him a few seconds to realize what he had done before he rushed forward and kneeled in front of Harry. Pride stopped him from pulling him into a hug.

"Shit, Harry. I'm sorry." When he reached out a hand to touch him, Harry flinched away, his green eyes flicking from him to the door. Guilt flooded Draco and he bit his lip. During their fights at the summer house, Draco had discovered that certain words or phrases that he yelled at Harry would trigger a flashback and send him cowering into a corner. Each time this happened, Draco vowed that he would torture and kill the man who had done this to his mate.

When Harry flinched from him again, Draco reached forward with both hands and placed them on either side of his head, carefully avoiding the delicately pointed ears. "Harry, look at me. Look at me." When Harry's eyes finally met his, he smiled softly. "Relax, you silly elf. He's not here."

Harry blinked at Draco a few times before his breathing slowed and his face regained its color. When the tension completely drained out of him, Harry shook his head slowly. "If this is what it takes to get you to truly smile every once in a while, I don't think I want you smiling."

Draco snorted and pulled away, his smile disappearing. "You need therapy."

"You say that as if I don't already know that."

"It's good that you understand. Just know that I'll be paying for it."

Harry narrowed his eyes at the blond. He still wasn't comfortable with Draco buying things for him. Grunting, he decided not to restart that argument and glanced around the room instead.

"Merlin," he groaned. "It's Christmas decorating gone wrong. Who the hell furnished our rooms?"

At Harry's declaration, Draco frowned and turned to glance at the sitting room. 'Christmas decorating gone wrong' was an apt term. The room was covered with bright reds and greens. The two house banners hanging on either side of the fireplace spoke of the decorator's intentions.

"Ah, it seems Dumbledore is trying to give us a hint," Draco drawled, gesturing at the banners.

Harry glanced at the banners and sighed. "There will be no house unity as long as he continues to let our two houses fight like we do. This is a poorly constructed message. It would have been better had he combined the banners." Harry walked slowly up to the Gryffindor banner and grabbed hold of it, running his fingers along the fringe at the bottom of the fabric. "He wants to remind me where I was placed." With a violent tug, the banner fell from its mounting and floated to the ground. "I want no part in it," Harry said softly as he gathered the silk in his arms and tossed it into the fireplace. Draco half expected Harry to pull down the Slytherin banner as well, but he never glanced at it as he drew is wand and set fire to the red and gold fabric.

Draco cleared his throat. "We'll fix the room later. There's no way I'm living like this."

Harry snorted and turned away from the fireplace. "Of course." He glanced around the room again and sighed when he saw three other doors, one white, one red, and one green. "I think I'll want to change my room first," he said blandly as he walked towards the red door. He paused with his hand over the handle before swinging the door wide and stepping inside. "Fucking hell," he muttered as he slammed the door shut behind him. Draco chuckled, having caught a glimpse of mostly gold furniture with red accents. He glanced over at the green door and frowned. That would be the first thing that changed. No one colored a door to a room like that. That was just tacky.

A few minutes later, both boys emerged from their rooms, laughing at each other when their doors turned out to be the same dark brown color.

"Did you keep yours the same?" Harry questioned, seeing green fabric draped over the bed in Draco's room before he closed the door.

Draco snorted. "No. Everything was silver. Metallics are bad as a main color."

Harry winced and nodded in agreement. His eyes trailed over to the remaining door and he suddenly groaned. "Damn."

Draco's eyes lifted from their study of the red and green floor rug in front of the couch and he frowned at Harry. "Problem?"

"If you haven't noticed," Harry started slowly, "we have to share the bathroom." He lifted a hand to point at the white door.

Draco watched Harry silently for a moment before rolling his eyes and crossing his arms. "Bloody fantastic," he drawled walking towards the door. "I have to give up my time for you. I get it first."

Harry suppressed a taunt about the 'girlish' amount of time Draco usually spent in the bathroom and turned towards the sitting area with a vague grunt. "I'll see what I can do in here then."

"Good luck," Draco muttered, shutting the door behind him.

In comparison to the sitting room and their bedrooms, the bathroom appeared rather tame, though the yellow of the counter and tub gave Draco a queasy feeling. That would have to change before he could start getting ready for bed.

He started with the two wicker baskets containing his and Harry's toiletry items, a thoughtful addition which would have been more appreciated had the baskets themselves not been the same sickly yellow as the counter. When he was satisfied with his changes to the room, he reached for his basket, pulling out his toothbrush. The large sandstone floor tiles stayed their natural color and the tub, counter, and cabinets were changed to black. All other items, like the towels and baskets, were Slytherin green, something Harry would just have to deal with if he didn't like it. When Draco settled into his nightly routine, a small voice that suspiciously sounded like Harry reminded him of all the time the elf had teased him about spending so much time in the bathroom. He grunted and picked up his leisurely pace.

He exited the bathroom ten minutes later only to freeze outside the door, eyes shut at the sudden onslaught of color.

"Potter, what… in the world… are you on?" he hissed as he forced his eyes to open. The room seemed to be cut into sections, each abruptly meeting the next as color styles from contemporary to rustic each had their chance at the room. Harry sat half asleep on the couch, now colored a deep blue with silver trimmings, his wand almost falling from his fingertips as his head dipped dangerously close to his chest. At Draco's statement, he shook himself awake, looking around the room in confusion.

"Huh, did I do this?" Sleepy green eyes wandered over the black and white floor rug at his feet. "I didn't even realize…" He trailed off, glancing over at Draco, his face heating up slightly in embarrassment.

Draco huffed in annoyance as he walked over and helped Harry to his feet. "You go to sleep. I don't trust you with this anymore." He pushed him in the direction of the bathroom. "I'll do it."

Harry glared over his shoulder in light protest. "I can do it. I was just distracted."

"Sure you can, Potter. Go."

Harry sighed and pocketed his wand. When he entered the bathroom, he paused in the doorway, frowning. "Nice, Malfoy. How typically Slytherin of you." The now black door was shut lightly behind him.

"Glad you like it," Draco drawled as he flicked his wand at the walls, turning them white with black trimmings around the doors and floorboard. The stone floor turned darker in color and the wooden furniture, like the table most likely provided for homework, was turned to a light ebony, practically black if one didn't look too closely. The rest of the furniture he turned deep blue with silver trimmings. He would never admit that he picked the color because of the way it offset Harry's eyes moments earlier. No, he wouldn't even admit it to himself. At least, not yet.

He stood in front of the fireplace, staring down at the dying fire and the ashes of the Gryffindor banner before looking up at the Slytherin banner still hanging on the wall. It only took him a few moments to consider it and he simply banished it with a wave of his wand just as Harry stepped out of the bathroom, looking around appreciatively.

"You have a better sense of style than I do," Harry said softly, running long fingers through his hair.

Draco sneered over at him, turning his back to the hearth as he pocketed his wand. "Of course I do. I'm a Malfoy. It's easy to have more style than someone who has none, don't you think?" His eyes lingered on Harry's layered shirts hiding under his robes as if to emphasize his point. He wasn't going to think about the pants, oh no he was not. As much as he teased Harry for his bad sense of dressing style - one simply did not layer shirts of colors that did not go together and orange and green did not go together - he was almost glad for it. After seeing Harry finally put on those pants, he was afraid of how the public would react to Harry Potter dressing properly for once in his life. Dean Thomas's actions were enough proof that he was going to have to fight everyone off with a stick the day that Harry gained some fashion sense.

No, no, no, he did not just think that. Damn.

"You know that would imply that you're more feminine than me." Harry was smirking at him.

Draco scowled. "Having a sense of style does not make you a woman, Potter," he replied haughtily. "It is a culturally rounded thing."

Harry started laughing, holding an arm across his stomach as mirth danced across his face in a pleasant manner. Draco found himself biting his tongue, not for the first time since he had brought Harry home with him. Laughter looked good on Harry - he would admit that, it was undeniable.

Then, suddenly, Harry's smile fell and his eyes widened a little, his bottom lip drawn into his mouth. Draco sudden smirked, walking quietly across the floor to stand in front of him. He knew that look. It meant that Harry had just thought of something embarrassing and anything that embarrassed Harry Potter, Draco wanted to know.

"What did you just think about?" he purred quietly, following when Harry stepped around him, obviously nervously. Harry's cheeks tinged pink and Draco's smirk grew. "Hmmm?"

Harry laughed nervously and subtly tried to scoot towards his room. Draco noticed and quickly blocked his way, arms held wide. "I wasn't thinking about anything," Harry said quickly, ducking under one of Draco's arms only to be pulled back by his robe. He made a strangled sound as he fell back on his ass. "What the hell?"

Draco was in front of him on all fours, his hands on either side of Harry's hips. "I do believe you're lying," Draco whispered, one hand lifting to brush Harry's cheek. The darkening flush told him that Harry could feel the beginnings of his allure. "If you don't tell me now, I know just the way to… convince you to spill it."

Harry cursed under his breath and scrambled away from Draco while awkwardly slipping out of his robes. Draco groaned quietly - Harry had such a nice ass and, for a brief second, it was right before his eyes. His control over his allure slipped, and for a moment, both boys were frozen, hearts pounding furiously. "You're not playing fair," Harry growled.

"Who told you that I was fair?" Draco said with a laugh, rising to his feet at the same time Harry did. "I would be much obliged to call them a liar. As it is, you use the anti-veela charm potion so often, it's only natural that I take advantage of when it wears off. Which should be about now, yes?" He stepped forward.

"As if I have to answer that, you selfish prick." Harry retreated some more, placing the couch between then.

For a second, Draco frowned at the couch before placing a hand on the back and jumping over it. His robes fluttered back down as he turned to Harry once more, a smirk on his face. "So glad you noticed."

Harry's hands lifted, ready to smack away Draco's hands if he tried to grab him, and quickly moved backwards until he bumped into one of the chairs surrounding the table. At Harry's hesitation, Draco darted forward, pushed Harry onto the chair and sat firmly on his lap, grinning at Harry's surprise.

"Get off!" Harry snapped, pushing on Draco's chest. When the blond didn't budge, Harry pushed even harder and Draco was suddenly sprawled on his back on the floor, blinking up at Harry in surprise.

"You're getting stronger," he said with a cough, his lungs greedily sucking back in air.

Harry stared down at him, then was on his feet, bolting for his room. Draco growled, quickly catching up and crashing into him, both landing on the couch, which shifted on the stone a little with the force of their fall. Draco smirked triumphantly, pinning Harry's wrists above his head. "Tell me."

Harry's jaw fell and he squirmed uncomfortably. "You're serious? What the hell, Draco, get off."

"Mmm, I don't think I want to. Now tell me."

Harry sighed and rolled his eyes. "You know you'll have to try harder than that. You can't just demand something like that from me."

"Thanks for the invitation," Draco drawled, bringing their faces closer.

"I wasn't giving you an invitation," Harry said flatly, his hands twitching under Draco's hold.

Draco chuckled and scooted forward, sitting on Harry's stomach. "Close enough."

Harry growled in frustration. "No, not 'close enough.'" With grunt from effort, he sat up, forcing Draco to fall backwards for the second time, this time to the other side of the couch.

Draco's mouth twitched, his pride refusing to allow those muscles to form a pout. "Oh, come on, Potter." He sat up and crossed his arms. "I'm giving you one more chance to tell me before I get serious and start using the allure again."

Harry narrowed his eyes, frowning. "Now that's just cheating."

"I'm a Slytherin," Draco said simply. "Now are you going to tell me or not?"

"No, I really don't feel like being laughed at."

"You'll still be laughed at if I have to force it out of you, so why not say it now?"

"That's only if you can force it out of me. You're not trying very hard with your allure." A small smirk graced Harry's lips.

"I was being fair and giving you a chance, but if you don't tell me soon…" Draco trailed off, grinning.

"Are you threatening me?"

"Only a little."

Harry huffed. "I'm still not telling you."

Finally tired of their banter, Draco leaned across the sofa and grabbed Harry's wrists tightly, allowing his allure to spur forward. Harry shivered, eyes fluttering shut. When the elf cursed softly, Draco chuckled deeply, rubbing his thumbs over wrists that were no longer trying to escape his grasp. "Can't say I didn't warn you."

"Fuck you, I'm not telling."

Draco leaned closer and watched as Harry opened his eyes to stare at him defiantly. "You're going to make me, aren't you?"

"Make you what?"

"You just keep inviting me, don't you?" The distance between their faces grew even smaller.

"No!" Harry yelped. "Stop interpreting my words pervertedly!" When he tried to pull away, the force of the allure increased and Harry groaned as his strength seemed to evaporate.

"It sure sounds like it, Harry," Draco whispered as he drew closer, his mouth hovering close to his ear. His hands slowly made their way up Harry's arms to his shoulders. "I won't give up until you tell me."

"I - I'm sure you will," Harry stuttered, not sounding sure at all.

Suddenly the door opened without warning and Dumbledore stepped into the room. His smile turned to surprise when he spotted the two. All three stared back at each other. Harry's face turned a darker red when he realized what their position must look like to the headmaster.

"You need anything, Professor?" Draco growled, glaring darkly.

Dumbledore's smile returned. "I just wanted to check up on you and inform you that if you want to eat food in here instead of in the hall, you can summon one of the house elves." His eyes twinkled knowingly and Draco could feel Harry bristle under him as Dumbledore turned to leave without another word.

When the door shut behind the headmaster, Draco continued to scowl at the door until, finally, he lifted himself off of Harry and disappeared into his room. Harry frowned after the veela, not sure if he should be grateful or pissed off.