I have finally done the unthinkable and joined into the crazy whirlwind that is Saitou/Misao. It's been my desire to write this couple for a long time and now I've finally got the guts to do it too. I write this for my personal pleasure and will not accept receiving flames on the couple choice. Personally I think this is a spicy couple that has endless possibilities...that and I'm not sane. Try it. You might end up liking them together and there are some very good stories with SM on Fanfiction.

This drabble was written for the community 10snuggles, a great themed community on LJ...so go check it out now! Just go on the profile page of my LJ and you will find it there.

Blue Nights
By Royal blueKitsune

"If you don't stop squirming right now, I promise you that your attempt at cuddling will become my attempt at ripping that blanket of you and a complete success at having my way with you...again."

Misao grinned upwards at him, knowing that she was the only one who could tease him and get away with it. Mibu's wolf looked awfully cute with his fur ruffled.

Wrapping her arms around Saitou's muscled torso, she nuzzled the sensitive spot just below his collarbone and watched him with a light expression of contentment. It almost brought a smirk to his lips and he pulled the blanket closer to their cooling bodies, enjoying the closeness only she could make so pleasurable.

The heat of the summer night weighed down on him - damp, humid, with a certain something that stubbornly clung to his skin - but the dark sky and the muted roar of the crashing waves made it all worthy. And, of course, he couldn't lie to himself about the woman in his arms either - the aftermath of sex, sake and her faint magnolia scent made a heady combination.

He had allowed her to drag him out of his office at sundown, which had been more than others had ever been able to accomplish. He had listened to her constant chatter - faintly making heads and tails of what she was trying to tell him - and had allowed her to bring him to the beach of all places without as much as a complain.

Of course, such small indulgences had come with a price from her part - though Saitou couldn't quite say that he'd been cruel when he'd pulled her to a more secluded place, far away from prying eyes, and proceeded to discard her clothing like there was no tomorrow. And discarding clothes hadn't even been the good part of their little play. There had been a lot of hungers to satisfy and a lot of fantasies to fulfill before the night had properly settled over them...

His eyes gleamed feral in the pale moonlight and he tugged Misao closer, brushing his rough fingers against the underside of her breast and admiring the strange sensuality of the way her clothes hung loosely from her shoulders; they'd both half dressed, neither liking the vulnerability of being completey naked in such a public place, but her way of bundling up was leaving nothing to imagination. It was terribly enticing to his eyes

"What has you so silent tonight husband?" It was a question begging to be asked; at least as far as Misao was concerned. There was just something in the way Hajime was looking at her that made her think he was undressing her with his eyes.

A silly thing because, as far as she was concerned, she wouldn't be stopping him if he took the initiative. What was the point of just thinking it when doing it could be so much better?

He didn't seem to acknowledge her words but Misao knew better.


Misao sighed and drummed her fingers on her husband's chest. It was as much prodding, as it was the incessant desire to touch him wherever she could. Hajime didn't seem to mind and as his calloused hands started different patterns on the sensitive skin of her hipbone, Misao realized that he was just as content to keep the contact between them as she was.


Two years of being married to him and she was already starting to pick up his nasty habits...like monosyllabic sentences and respect for silence. She was going to have to spend more time with the Oniwabanshu again; with her luck, Aoshi was suddenly going to consider turning her into his meditation partner.

"It's a good night."

Misao sighed! Yay...

"You always did know how to woo me. Here I am, almost completely disrobed in your arms, after a few cups of fragrant sake, clothes in disarray, opportunities just waiting to pounce out of nowhere at any given moment and here you are, fantasizing about the wide blue yonder." Misao drawled, pushing a wayward strand of hair behind her ear. Then, in a fit of childishness, she reached up and tugged on his bangs. "Can't you find something flattering to say to your wife?"

Saitou seemed to ponder her sulky statement for a few moments, his hands still doing distracting things to her back and slowly, progressively, moving down to her thighs. Then a slow smile curved his lips upwards in a way that promised nothing good to come.

"I could think of a lot of things. But then again, you'd have to be on your back first..."

Misao didn't really know how to respond to that - without resorting to something downright hysterical and reminiscent of her youth - and her husband wasted no time, pushing her back and half onto the white sand beneath them. Following suit of course...

"Would you like to hear them?"


Waaaaay off course. Oh well. Enjoy. xD