Mummy Boy

Mummy Boy
(To the Tune of "Danny Boy")
A song parody by Katie Sullivan
Rated G. Set just after the murder of Pharaoh Seti.


Oh Im-ho-tep, the Med-Jai, the Med-Jai are coming

With curses foul and big sharp pointy knives

They'll kill us both, so go and save yourself

Oh Imhotep, oh Imhotep, I love you so...

And when they come

And all the blood of Pharaoh

Still stains my hands, the floor and all around

I shall die, but only for a little while

Oh Imhotep, oh, Imhotep, I love you so...

And when ye see me next inside the temple,

If I am dead, as dead as I well may be,

You will use the Book of the Dead

And bring me back again to be with thee

And I shall hear, though soft you speak the words

And so my death a short-term thing will be

For we will be together then forever

Oh Imhotep, oh Imhotep, I love you so.

Oh Imhotep...oh Imhotep...I love you so...