Title: Memories in the Rain
Author: Sono Suteki
Pairing: Sora x Riku
Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts.
Author's Note: Big thank you to Yako, who was my beta and helped me write this.
Sora leaned again the window pane, palms flat against the glass. He enjoyed the pitter-patter song the rain made as it hit the earth.
Riku was watching him, admiring his child-like gaze at the outdoors. He always wondered how he could be so…so gorgeous without even trying. I mean, we were talking about a boy who didn't even own a mirror and brushed his hair in the reflection of a toaster.
He silently filled more thoughts into his head. Would he put the sausage in my omelet? No! Bad, Riku, bad! No perverted thoughts.
While all this was going on, he hadn't noticed Sora, who had quietly left out the vacant door. He saw him through the window he was staring out previously, and Sora was looking up at the overcast sky, the rain gently falling against his tanned face.
Riku knew how much Sora had loved the rain, ever since they were children. It was a rare and welcomed apparition that appeared on their usually vivid island.
He joined Sora outside, quietly creeping up behind him and putting his arms around the young boy's petite shoulders, startling him.
They stood there for awhile, silent whilst listening to the beat of the rain.
Sora turned to face Riku, breaking the warm embrace they were having. "Dance with me?" he asked softly, staring with bright beryl eyes and sea foam ones staring back.
Riku giggled at this. "Anything for you."
So they danced, not a care for who was watching, or even if anyone was watching. They just stared in each other's eyes letting the rain get the best of them.
Now as everyone knows, Sora was slightly shorter than Riku. The younger one raised himself onto his tip toes and gently kissed Riku on the nose. He smiled gently at Sora through the raindrops.
"You're cute when you're soaking wet."
Author's Note: Inspiration hit me hard. And I've been meaning to get with the program. XD So I'm starting fresh with a Soriku. Hope you liked it. ;;