Me: Well, is everyone alive I presume?

Dark Link: I'm sure we are.

Link: Yup, quite positive.

Me: Good cause this chapter might cause some random deaths flying around so... just to let you know...

Dark Link and Link: EH?!

Me: Now onto the reviewers.

ulquiorra000: Don't' worry Dark Link forgave you. As for the Light sword Link loves it!

Link: SWORD!! (Hugs sword)

Dark Link: (sweat drop)

thelostzelda: I rather like the play you wrote out, Dark Link and Link rather enjoyed it too. x3 Well here's your next update!

Link: It was funny!

Dark Link: ... yeah it was.

kindcrazynarutofan: Eh?! I'm sorry! I was only playing around! You can have more M&Ms there are plenty in the world. And yes, here's another update for you.

Link: M&Ms are good... (Eats more M&Ms)

Me: Link!

Link: What?

Dark Link: Idiot.

Link: Eh?

Blue Fire Lily: Yes everyone gets insane at times, that would be me a lot xD (raises hand)

Dark Link: (cough)

Me: (glares)

Link: (also raises hand with a confused look)

Ereathea Shadow: I am very flattered at that comment, it made my day. I'm very glad that you love my story and that you joined because of me, so I hope you stay here until the end!

Me: Well that's everyone, and I'm so happy everyone loves this story!

Dark Link: The girl is practically glowing.

Me: Onto the chapter!

Link: YAY!

To sneak in disguises

It was a rather hot day, and the desert seemed to burn with extreme heat from the flame star. The Gerudos didn't seem to mind, they were rather fond of the desert heat and walked around keeping guard as usual. Though two boys weren't so happy, being locked up in a pit that was starting to bother them with all the desert heat. Link swore under his breath.

"What I would give for a plan." He said leaning against the wall for support and trying to undue his hands from the bonds. Dark Link scoffed at Link, more desperate to get out of his own bonds.

"Yeah, so much for the Hero of Time who can't even get us out of this god forsaken pit!" He countered rather pissed. Link narrowed his eyes.

"Well sorry, it's not like some random weapon they didn't find will be in my tunic and we can escape and-" Link was silent. Dark Link raised an eyebrow. Link looked up at him with a sheepish expression. "Oh would you look at that, a hidden dagger." Link said holding up a dagger in his now free hand laughing nervously. Dark Link just stared at the idiot.

"Way to go oh Hero of Time." Dark Link drawled rolling his eyes.

"Oh ha-ha." Link said freeing Dark Link from the ropes. Dark Link flexed his fingers trying to get the blood back to them.

"Now how is it that we get out oh Hero?" Dark Link asked still sarcastic. Link gave Dark Link a strange face and tried to think.

"I dunno, it's not like-"

"Not going to work this time I know it." Dark Link said looking at the open hole above that could be their freedom. Link sighed.

"Ok, geez, why don't we just climb up instead!' Link stated.

"Oh yeah, and how would we climb up?" Dark Link countered. Link suddenly held up a fabric object.

"We could use these." Link said. Dark Link just stared.

"Where did you get those clothes?"

"Oh I found them on the floor a while ago, and they seem to be the Gerudo's outfit."

"... Really." Dark Link said not believing this. "And why would that be possible?"

"Maybe they threw in the extras for storage or something." Link shrugged.

"Ok, so what do you suppose we do with that?" Dark Link asked.

"Well climbing wouldn't work... so maybe... we could disguise ourselves as Gerudos!" Link exclaimed.

"Men disguising themselves as women, interesting." Dark Link said sarcastically.

"Well I'm sure it'll work, because we don't have weapons so..."

"Alright fine, whatever will get us out of this pit!" Dark Link exclaimed grabbing the outfit. Link just shrugged and took hold of his own.

"Oh yeah, I think I got an idea on the climbing out of here part..." Link said.

"Great, just great, first I have to wear a purple bra, and now you are stepping on both my butt and my head! There goes my dignity." Dark Link growled holding onto the wall as Link's weight dug into his back and head.

"Sorry but you're not the only one wearing a purple bra! I almost got it, just need to reach, a little more..." Link reached up with his hand. His fingers brushed on the wood surface and he nearly missed but getting his fingers on it he grabbed it tighter getting a better grip. "Got it!"

"Just hurry up!" Dark Link snapped, not in the mood. Link quickly did so and pulled himself out of the hole and Dark Link rubbed his sore back. The ladder came down next to him and he climbed up.

"You know, I really don't think that these disguises will work, considering the skin color." Dark Link said pointing to his more dark skin. Link scratched his head.

"Eh, I dunno, we'll see." Dark Link sighed. If they were to find May like this, who knows what she will say.

"Well let's go and see..." Dark Link said not liking this at all.

"Ok!" Link exclaimed though feeling odd about the outfit change. Just as Link was about to walked through the fortress he noticed his and Dark Link's swords lying around. "Hey our weapons!"

"Great, at least we'll have something to fight with." Dark Link said picking up his sword and attaching it to the outfit. Link got his and attached it as well.

"Yeah, let's go rescue May." Link said and the two "women" headed off.

They continued walking and strangely enough none of the Gerudo's noticed the difference in the two. One group of Gerudos asked what the sudden change in skin color was, Link quickly responded (in a girly voice) with the fact that he was indoor most of the time and Dark Link was outdoor all the time. They seemed to go with that. Then Link and Dark Link found a cell in one room they looked at it and noticed that it was one of the carpenters locked up in the cage.

"Huh, looks like we found one of them." Link said walking up to the cage, where the man confused them with the real Gerudo's and cowered away. "Hey, do you need help getting out?" Link asked obviously forgotten he was in disguise.

"You know the story, us wanting to join but you just threw us in here! What kind of a person would do that!" the carpenter said. Link blinked.

"Oh yeah, were in disguises still." Link said just remembering. Dark Link slapped his forehead. The carpenter looked at the two with a confused look.

"Disguises?" He asked. Link pulled down his veil that covered his face.

"Yeah, everything was taken but our swords so what other choice did we have." Link said. The carpenter just stared.

"Eh, you guys er, well watch out!" the man screamed and both Link and Dark Link turned to find two Gerudo woman in red outfit instead of purple.

"How interesting, two men dressed up as woman." The Gerudo on the right said.

"They shall pay." The other said. The two women brought out their sword and got ready for a fight. The two boys sighed and got out their own swords.

The battle began.

Link fought one while Dark Link fought the other. The battle was skillful and each gave a little of what they got but Link and Dark Link both switched enemies at the last second which caught the girls off guard. They attacked and punched the girl's in the stomach causing them to fall back.

"Damn!" One Gerudo said and they both threw a deku nut on the ground. A flash of light blinded the boys for a few seconds before recovering and finding the two girls gone. Link saw a key on the ground and picked it up and freed the carpenter in the cage, the man thanked them and ran out quickly after saying to save the others.

"Well that's one..." Link said.

"And more to go..." Dark Link finished. So they continued to sneak in, going to each cage getting the same response and fighting the same woman until finally the last battle was done. Link freed the last carpenter and he ran off just as quickly as the others.

"Finally everything is done." Dark Link sighed; he pulled the veil off his face hating it. Link did the same.


"Hm, you two are rather good at fighting." Both Link and Dark Link quickly turned around to see the two women they've been battling covering their faces with their hands. They blinked.

"Only, dressing up as women was rather odd." Both Link and Dark Link grimaced, their dignity flying out the window.

"But, you're strong, so here, take this as our new members of Gerudo's and yes you can take off the disguises." The Gerudo on the right said. She handed Link an old looking paper with the words Member Approval on it. "Now you can walk around freely." The Gerudo finished before both her and her partner disappeared. Both Dark Link and Link quickly took off the girl's clothing over their main ones and both finally relaxed.

"Finally!" they both said as they got their weapons that were lying on a crate in one of the cells. Link was happy getting everything back. Dark Link was starting to get impatient when Link took forever with his reunion with his "beloveds."

"Any day May could be saved Link." Dark Link said, Link snapped out of his "reunion" and quickly put his weapons away and ran after Dark Link as they explored deeper in the fortress. Hearing voices form a room they entered without knocking and found May yelling at one of the Gerudo's.

"No freaking way! I'm not old enough AND I hate that bastard of a king! He should burn in hell!" May screamed throwing random objects at the girls, they dodged them.

"May?" Dark Link called. May stopped and turned to them, she smiled at them, waving.

"Hey guys, about time you came." She said. The Gerudo's noticed the boys and were about to lock them up again but Link held up the "Approved Member" list and they stopped.

"Hello newcomers." They all said. They seemed rather happy for some reason.

"So you finally joined, sheesh took a while." May said, walking over to them. "How did you guys get here anyway?" Dark Link and Link looked at each other each not sure whether or not to tell May.

"We were... in a disguise." They said. May raised an eyebrow.

"I see." She said crossing her arms. "Well now that you two are members we can finally get to the Spirit temple!" May exclaimed happily. Both boys nodded.

"Right, Shall we go?" May asked. Both boys looked at her odd. "They'll let you?"

"Now that your members they don't have the right to take me from you now." May said smiling and hugging onto Dark Link's arm. Dark Link blushed. "Besides, they treat me like a queen, which is something I'm not going to be." May grumbled watching the Gerudos back away.

"Ah, well let us go then."

"To the desert!" May said, walking out of the room. The Gerudo's following behind them.

Me: Well that was rather interesting.

Dark Link: Ugh, the disguises, my dignity!

Link: (cries)

May: Like I said random deaths.

Dark Link and Link: (cries)

Me: Yeah, confused on the Gerudo's following her, yeah that will be something random in the next chapter. Some type of short plot. Which I am still trying to form. Though I know how it ends. x3

Dark Link: When it ends?! Don't say that lightly.

Me: What? It is close to the ending.

Link: But we liked the story...

Me: I know, I know. Let's not worry about this now, for now, everyone review please!

Dark Link and Link: Please and Thank you!

Me: Sorry this chapter was a tad bit odd, i'll try to make the next chapter funnier, or something.
