Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

Author's Note: I know I've been writing a lot of stories lately but what can I say? I'm a writer.

Forever and a Day

Chapter 1 – Meeting You

Rubbing her burning skin, Kagome washed the blood of the oni demon of her arm. Her puppy dog ears swiveling every which way to make sure no one found her while she bathed.

Dammit, the female hanyou thought as she scrubbed harder. It won't come off! If I don't get it off-

"So a lowly, naked, beautiful, hanyou female is alone and smelling of blood?" a sinister voice rang out.

Turning her head in a flash, Kagome quickly put her dark green kimono on and stood, waiting for a fight. "What of it?"

"Where'd the blood come from?"

"Heh," Kagome sneered. She knew who this was now. "You're the damned oni's brother aren't you? Come to take revenge huh? To bad your bastards brother's blood won't come off our I'd drench myself in your blood."

The said brother appeared behind her with a feral snarl. "BITCH, you pay for killing my brother!" The oni yelled as he ran towards her with an ax in his hand.

"That's what you think jackass!" Kagome screamed as she jumped high in the air.

The oni looked up but was blinded by the sun. A few seconds later he saw her come down and got his ax ready but before he could strike he was slashed right down the middle, his blood spurting forwards, almost hitting Kagome in the process.

Kagome laughed, "Revenge, huh. I've never been hurt so I don't know what pain feels like." Walking back to the hot spring Kagome began to undress till a thought struck her. Demons will come wanting to devour this oni. I need t find another place to bathe, damn him. Fixing her clothes, Kagome looked back at the oni.

She had been chased by those two for a couple days now. They had seen her eating some fish by 'their' river. Claiming she was in 'their' lands and said she needed to get out. She had killed the first one earlier and now this one.

Hmph, taught them didn't I Kieko. At the mention of Keiko's name Kagome snickered. That Bitch of an adoptive mother hated her. In the end Kagome killed the demon woman at age 5. Killed her demon husband at age 14 when he began to hate her. Both her parents died by their village when Kagome was 4. Her mother's wishes if she died were for her to be taken care of by her sister, Keiko. Her husband Tokogawa loved her till she had turned 14. The village had finally gotten to him. Tokogawa actually thanked Kagome when she killed Keiko since he had hated her the day after he married her.

Her parents were a tragic story. Her mother Akita and her father Mataro. Her mother a dog demon and her father a human. Their story was also a weird one. Never in Keiko's life had she seen a human male love a female bitch.

A twig snapping brought Kagome out of her reverie. "Who's there? Show yourself!" Cracking her knuckles, Kagome bared her fangs.

"A fellow hanyou huh?" The male barked as he emerged. "I had been looking for that oni for a while. Had something of mine it did."

Kagome smirked. "Well he's dead. The only thing I saw on him was the clothes on his back and the ax he carries." Crossing her arms, Kagome looked the hanyou up and down as the male did the same to her.

He had white sparkling hair, this hanyou did. A red kimono, fire rat at the look of it. She saw the hanyou smirk; he had amber eyes and two white dog ears atop his head. By the look of it he had a nice physique, but his clothes were to baggy.

"You have a name?" Kagome purred.

"Inuyasha... you?"


Inuyasha smirked. He finally found another hanyou his age. This one was beautiful. Black hair falling about her face. Big black dog ears turned towards him, making some stray hairs fall. Two locks of hair at the side of her head and the back of her hair tied in a messy bun. Her eyes like the color of maple leaves. Her skin a slight pale against the dark green of her kimono. The kimono stopping just below her butt and an obi holding her stomach in. The sleeves of her kimono were cut from the rest of the cloth tied just above her elbows and the shoulder of her kimono stopping just below her shoulder. White flowers covered the kimono. She was a breath taking hanyou.

"Well, Ka-go-me if this oni just has the clothes on his back and the ax in hand what is in your hand?" Inuyasha asked as he watched Kagome's smirk widen.

"So you can see it yes?"

"If I didn't I wouldn't be asking would I?"

"Heh... well... I need to talk to this flea. He owes me something." Opening her hand, the said flea took a deep breath and yelled. "Lady Kagome was that necessary?"

"Myoga... you know her?" Inuyasha barked with a tilt of his head.

Turning in Kagome's hand Myoga bowed. "Hello Lord Inuyasha. And yes I do now her. She is the daughter of the late Lady of the East. When your father was still alive he wished you married her."

Both hanyou's giving the flea the look of death and before he could run Kagome squeezed him. "This is the 'man' my mother wanted me to marry?"

"What the hell does that mean bitch? I am a man!"

Laughing, Kagome smiled. "You are nothing but a pup Inu Kasha was it?"

"It's Inu YASHA bitch!"

"Well, pardon me your lowness but there is no way in hell I'm marrying a weakling like you!"

"Weak... ling...?" Inuyasha growled as he shook his balled fists. "Myoga I thought I told you I already have a intended!"

"Ho! So there is a bitch willing to take you as a mate huh?" Kagome teased.

Inuyasha growled. "No one calls Kikyo a bitch, bitch!" Charging towards her, Inuyasha slashed at her but she dodged.

"To slow."

Looking up, Inuyasha saw that Kagome was standing on his head. "You're a bother, Inuyasha." Jumping off his head (making him land in the dirt) Kagome backed up about 5 yards. "So you are the one my sister can't stop talking about eh?"

Getting off the ground, Inuyasha stared at her. "Kikyo only has one sister and it's the whelp."

"She's my sister; she hasn't told anyone since she's ashamed of having a half breed sister like me. We shared the same father; I'm a bit younger than her but our dad loved my mom more than hers. But he managed to get a bitch to bare Kaede so I guess it's all good."

Rustling reached the hanyou's ears. "Inuyasha did you find the de-mon?" Kikyo said as she saw her lover talking with her hated sister. "So you have my most hated sister, Inuyasha?"

Inuyasha almost choked on the breath of air he just had gathered. His intended and this beautiful creature of a hanyou really were sisters?

Author's Note: Tell me if you liked.