Disclaimer: I don't own the Dukes of Hazzard, not making any money, just cheap thrills.

Warning: Angst, Violence, Slash, Incest

Rating: FRT

Italics and/or indicates thoughts

Learning To Love

Chapter 6

The moment Bo felt his arms fall free, he struggled to his feet. Stumbling across the room to where Luke lay, Bo fell to his knees and carefully pulled his cousin into his arms. "Oh God," Bo whispered fearfully at the sight of Luke's blood. Laying a shaking hand against Luke's throat, he sighed with relief when he felt the steady but weak pulse against his fingers. "Luke? Please wake up Luke. I love you, please don't leave me, don't let her win." Bo begged his lover, not noticing the twin looks of shocked surprise on the faces of Enos and Rosco.

From where she lay in front of the sofa, Kathy Sue watched the scene playing out in front of her with hatred in her eyes. How can Bo choose him over me? I love you Bo, I only did what I had to. I never wanted to hurt you... Oh God it hurts, somebody help me, please.

Rosco holstered his gun and stepped over to the Shelton girl, kneeling down, he felt for a pulse. Surprised when he found one, though by the way it felt, he guessed she wasn't going to make it. Looking up from his spot beside Kathy Sue, Rosco was startled by what he was hearing. Shaking himself from his dazed state, the sheriff pulled himself to his feet and called for two ambulances. Though he really didn't think the Shelton girl would be alive by the time it got here, he knew it was his duty to get her the help she needed, or try to anyway. Glancing over at Enos, Rosco saw his own shock mirrored on the deputy's face. Wanting to offer some comfort, Rosco stepped over to where Bo sat holding his cousin. Laying a surprisingly gentle hand on the younger man's back, Rosco leaned down, "Bo, help's on the way. Luke's gonna be okay." Returning to Kathy Sue's side, he knelt beside her and applied pressure to her wound though he was sure it wouldn't do any good.

Kathy Sue could do nothing, her ability to hurt anybody was gone, as she turned away from the sight of Bo and Luke. In her entire life, she had never felt anything so painful, though at least part of the pain was from hearing Bo's words. It felt as though her chest were on fire, and it hurt to breathe. She giggled quietly at that thought, hurt to breathe? That was funny, breathing doesn't hurt, not supposed to anyway. Kathy Sue moaned in pain when the coughing started, she could taste the blood in her mouth. Suddenly, for the first time in her life she felt afraid. As though she knew her final breath was coming, Kathy Sue turned her head back towards Bo and Luke. Her final sight, the picture she would carry with her to the grave, was of Bo leaning forward to place a gentle kiss on his cousin's lips.

Bo barely felt the hand on his back, but he clearly heard the words that Rosco whispered in his ear. Smiling through his tears, Bo pulled Luke closer to himself, "Ya hear that Luke? Help's coming so you hang on. Please hang on for me love, I can't do this alone." Bo jumped slightly when Enos dropped a towel into his lap.

"Here Bo...for the bleeding," Enos said, as he dropped a kitchen towel in his friend's lap. Stepping back, he found himself standing next to the sheriff. Looking at the older man nervously, Enos wasn't sure what he should say, if he should say anything. "Sheriff, what do we do now?"

"What are ya talking about Enos? We wait for the ambulance and then we get a hold of Daisy and Jesse, let them know what's happened. Even a dipstick like you should be able to figure that out," Rosco snapped at the younger man.

"I know that sheriff. I meant...well you heard what Bo's saying. It ain't..."

"What it ain't Enos, is none of our business. I don't want to hear you telling anybody what you heard neither. If I do...I'll fire ya. You understand me?" Rosco told the younger man, surprising them both with his words.

"Yes sir sheriff, I won't tell nobody," Enos stuttered out.

Hearing the sirens, Rosco stepped outside to meet them. While he waited in the yard, he tried to regain his usual bluster. I can't believe I said that. I should be calling Boss and telling him about this, got to be a way we can use it against the Duke boys. So why ain't I? Why did I tell the dipstick I'd fire him? When the ambulances arrived, Rosco directed them inside. Not even noticing when the attendants came back from the house with Luke on a stretcher, he countinued to stand there lost in thought. He remembered how he had felt when Sue Ann conned him. Rosco also remembered that it was the Duke boys who had come after him, who had helped him to capture Sue Ann and her partners. If it hadn't been for them, he would never have been able to recover his dignity. For that matter, if it hadn't been for Bo and Luke, Boss probably would've fired him over it. Guess maybe that's why I said that? If I learned one thing out of that mess, it'd be that love shouldn't be used against people. Besides I owe them boys and after all Bo's been through, guess keeping their secret is the least I can do. Rosco was pulled from his thoughts by the sound of Jesse's pick-up pulling into the yard and parking beside the remaining ambulance.

"Rosco! What's going on? Why's there an ambulance here? Where's my boys?" Jesse yelled his questions as he hurried towards the house.

"Jesse hold on a minute now," Rosco ordered, stepping in front of the older man and placing a hand on his chest. "The Shelton girl escaped from prison two days ago..."

"Two days! Why didn't you tell us Rosco?" Jesse interrupted angrily, the next moment nearly collapsing at the sight of a sheet draped body being brought from the house. "Who?"

"Kathy Sue's the only one who died Jesse. I would've told you sooner, ya know I wouldn't keep something like that from y'all. Thing is I didn't know until this morning myself, I called out here just as soon as I did too. That's why I'm out here, when I couldn't get an answer and knowing she had escaped, well I got worried. So me and Enos came out here to check things out. When I came up to the house, I heard the Shelton girl say that she was gonna kill him. I didn't know who she's talking to, but I knew I couldn't let it happen. I kicked in the door, saw she had a shotgun pointed at Luke, and was about to pull the trigger. That's when I shot her, I guess I wasn't fast enough though, cause Luke got shot too. I don't know how bad it is Jesse and I don't see the other ambulance so I guess they done took Luke to the hospital."

"Yes sir they did, Bo went with him." Enos told them as he came up and heard the sheriff's words.

"Tri-County?" Jesse asked.

"Yes sir, Uncle Jesse," Enos replied.

"Enos I need to get to the hospital, Bo's gonna be needing me. Could you go to the Boar's Nest and tell Daisy? Make sure she gets to the hospital okay, would you do that for me?"

"I sure will Uncle Jesse. Don't you worry about a thing now, I'll get Daisy to the hospital, you can depend on me," Enos answered.

When they arrived at the hospital, Bo was forced to the waiting room despite his protest. That's where Jesse found him, pacing the room, his shirt covered in Luke's blood. Walking up to him, Jesse hated the pain he saw in his nephew's eyes. Opening his arms, he smiled softly when Bo stepped into them and leaned his head on his uncle's shoulder. "Any word Bo?"

"No..." Bo whispered, "Uncle Jesse what am I gonna do if...? I love him Uncle Jesse, I can't live without him."

Feeling the younger man beginning to shake, the fear and stress of the last few hours catching up to him, Jesse led him to the chairs along the wall. "Come on now Bo, sit down here." Placing his fingers beneath Bo's chin, Jesse gently raised the younger man's face until he was looking him in the eye. "Now Bo, you got to have faith. Luke's gonna fight to stay here with ya, you can't be giving up on him," Jesse assured his nephew.

"I know Uncle Jesse. I'm trying...but there was so much blood and they made me leave. I want to be strong for him, I'm just so scared..." Bo trailed off, leaning against his uncle seeking the comfort he'd always found in those strong arms.

Wrapping his arms around Bo, Jesse ran soothing hands up and down the younger man's back. Jesse did what he could to offer Bo comfort and support as they settled in to wait for word of Luke's condition.

Twenty minutes later they were joined by Daisy as she came running into the emergency room, tears streaking her face. Sitting down on the other side of Jesse she leaned against him, "Uncle Jesse? Is Luke...?"

"We don't know anything yet baby, but he was still alive when they got here. All we can do is wait and pray," Jesse gently told her, patting her on the leg with his free hand.

An hour later the doors from the exam area swung open. Stepping through them the older man in a white coat called out, "Anybody here for Luke Duke?"

Jumping to his feet, Bo rushed over to the doctor, followed closely by Daisy and Uncle Jesse. "That'd be us Doc, how is he?"

"You are...?"

Laying a firm hand on Bo's shoulder, Jesse stopped his nephew from saying anything. "We're Luke's family Doc, I'm his Uncle Jesse and these are his cousins Bo and Daisy," Jesse introduced them all.

"Yes, well Mr. Duke I'm Dr. Larson, I've been treating your nephew. To answer your question young man, your cousin will be fine. He's a very lucky young man, he received only a glancing blow. After x-rays we determined that there were no bullets in his body, which means we were able to avoid surgery. However he did lose a bit of tissue from his side, and stitches were required to close the wound. Luckily this was one of those case where the injury really did look worse than it was. He will need to be careful for a couple of weeks while the wound heals. No heavy lifting or strenous activity, but as soon as the nurse finishes cleaning him up he's free to go home."

"Home? Are you sure that's a good idea Doc? I mean he was shot, what if something goes wrong?" Bo asked.

Seeing the blood covering the young man before him, Dr. Larson correctly concluded that he had been with his cousin when he was shot. "Bo wasn't it? I'm sure it must have been upsetting to see your cousin shot and bleeding, but I assure you he's fine. Luke wasn't really hurt that badly, all he needs is time and rest, both of which he can get at home. I will give him a prescription for pain killers, but he probably won't even need those after a few days. As I said he's a very lucky young man..." Dr. Larson stopped speaking when he saw the young man in question coming towards them. "Now why don't y'all take him home?" Dr. Larson suggested, nodding his head in Luke's direction.

Turning in the direction the doctor indicated, Bo grinned from ear to ear when he saw Luke coming towards them. Rushing towards him, Bo wrapped strong arms around his cousin. Just barely resisting the urge to kiss his lover, Bo reluctantly pulled back. "You okay Luke?"

"I'm fine Bo. Are you okay?" Luke asked in concern when he saw the blood covering Bo's shirt.

Seeing where Luke was looking, Bo rushed to reassure him, "This? It ain't my blood Luke, I'm fine, I swear."

Joining the boys, Jesse and Daisy each took a turn at hugging Luke. It only took a few minutes to take care of the necessary paperwork and then they were heading home.


Bo lay in bed next to Luke wondering how to tell his cousin what it was he wanted, no needed, to do.

"Bo? Why don't ya stop thinking so loud and just tell me what's bothering you?" Luke asked, raising himself up on one arm and looking down at the man he loved.

"Sorry. I just don't want to upset ya Luke and well...you're gonna think I'm crazy."

"Too late, I've known that for years," Luke couldn't resist teasing.

"Cute love, but true." Pausing for a moment, Bo licked at suddenly dry lips. "I've been thinking about this for a couple of weeks now. There's somewhere I need to go Luke, something I need to do before I can move on. I know it may sound strange, but...LukeIneedtoseeKathySue'sgrave," Bo said in a rush, before he could lose his nerve.

"Bo! Slow down and take a breath...okay now you want to say that again, slow so I can understand ya?"

Taking a deep breath, Bo closed his eyes, not at all sure what Luke's reaction would be. "I need to see Kathy Sue's grave. I know she's gone Luke, but I feel like I need to go there and see her name on the tombstone. I know it sounds crazy and I'll understand if you can't be with me when I go, though I hope..."

"Bo, shhh..." leaning down, Luke placed a gentle kiss on Bo's lips, hoping to calm him down. "I understand and of course I'll go with you. You'll never have to face anything like this alone, not as long as I'm here. When did you want to go?"

"Could we do it today, before I lose my nerve?" Bo quietly asked.

"Of course we can, just as soon as chores are done, okay?"

"Yeah, thank you Luke. Have I told you lately that I love you?" Bo asked, pulling Luke down for another kiss.

"Hmmmm, let me think. Not since last night, and I love you too," Luke replied with a smile.

Three hours later, Bo and Luke drove up to the Shady Rest Cemetary. Parking the car, they pulled themselves out of the General and began walking towards where Kathy Sue Shelton's body lay entombed. Kneeling down beside the tombstone, Bo reached out with a trembling hand to trace the letters upon it. "Kathy Sue, I didn't know when I came up here what I was gonna say to you. I've never understood why you did the things you did, guess I never will. I wish things could've been different, there was a time when I loved you...maybe if. Well there ain't no point in thinking about what might have been. Like Uncle Jesse says, coulda, woulda, shoulda, did. Can't change the past and I guess I don't really want to. Not that I enjoyed what you did to me, but if you hadn't done them things, I doubt I ever would've fallen in love with Luke. No matter how hard it was, no matter what you put me through, I can't completely regret something that brought me as much love as I share with him. I suppose what I'm trying to say Kathy Sue is, I forgive you for what you did and I hope you've found some measure of peace, wherever you are." Patting the headstone, Bo shoved himself to his feet and walked back to where Luke waited a few feet away.

"That was beautiful Bo," Luke whispered, wrapping his arms around the younger man. "You ready to go home now?"

"Thanks love. Yeah...let's go home," Bo replied, putting his arm around Luke's waist and leading them towards the General. Sliding behind the steering wheel of the powerful car, Bo turned to Luke and grinned. Pressing down on the gas pedal, Bo pulled out of the cemetary drive and headed towards home, finally at peace with himself and the past.

The End.

Well there it is, please let me know what ya think.