Author: Hinata6

Summary: It's been three years since that day Sasuke told Hinata to wait for him if anything has ever happen to him. Sasuke had left Konoha that year in search of Orochimaru to have him train him so he can become stronger. Hinata has been waiting for his return…for him to return to her but he had never come back. Naruto promised Hinata and Sakura that he'll bring Sasuke back for them (especially Hinata). Naruto himself was gone training for two years trying to find Sasuke. Will Naruto ever find Sasuke? Will Sasuke come back to Hinata? Will Hinata move on to someone new? And when Naruto finds Sasuke will they fight? The answers to all your questions is in this story so please read and enjoy.

Falling For You pt.2

Chapter One

Hinata POV

It's been three years since that day…that day he asked me to marry him. The day after that…that's when I found out he left Konoha. I remember that day like it was yesterday.


As the dark haired girl was walking towards her bedroom she couldn't get Sasuke's words out her head.

"Promise me if anything happens you'll wait for me"

She didn't know what he meant by that. Was he planning on doing something and leave her. The question still lingered in her mind, but she stop thinking about it when she remember that he asked her will he marry her. She blushed at the thought of marrying the Uchiha.

She walked towards her desk and sat down and noticed the picture that was on her desk. In the picture Naruto is in front of the picture holding up the peace sign with both of his hands as Sakura as frowning at Naruto as Sasuke was holding Hinata hands but he wasn't looking at the camera while Hinata was blushing as usual while smiling.

She smiled to herself as she looked at Sasuke. "Sasuke-kun…where are you?" She thought to herself as she continued looking at the picture. She slowly got up from the seat as she went towards her bed to sit on it.

"I'm really tried…I should get some rest" Hinata said to herself not talking to anyone in particular. Hinata walked towards her dresser drawers as she pulled out her pajamas.

The next day Hinata awoke she felt eager to see Sasuke…her Sasuke. She went to her bathroom to take a shower and when she came out she put on her clothes. As she walked out of her bedroom and towards her front door she noticed that Neji seemed to have left before her which he hardly ever does. But she shrugged it off and continued her walk outside the door, when she walked outside she saw Naruto running. The young Hyuuga girl walked towards him…well more like ran towards him since he was moving so fast.

"Naruto-kun…" Hinata said as the blonde turned around and looked at Hinata. His expression was one of anger, sadness and concern. "N-Naruto-kun are you alright?" Hinata asked while looking at him. Naruto looked away from Hinata.

"Hinata-chan…Sasuke left…he left the village…to go find… Orochimaru" Naruto said sadly as he looked at Hinata. Hinata looked at Naruto in complete utter shock. How could he just leave like that…leave her…not say goodbye…why did he do it?

"…." Hinata remained quite as she looked down at the ground as the tears began to well up in her eyes. Naruto looked at Hinata and felt her sorry for her and wondered why Sasuke would leave her like that as he walked towards her and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry Hinata-chan…I promise I'll bring him back…no matter what" Naruto said as he looked at Hinata but Hinata still wouldn't look up at him.

Naruto lifted her chin up forcing her to look at him. "I promise" Naruto repeated once more. Hinata looked up at Naruto as the tears came down her eyes as she gave him a small smile. "T-Thank you…Naruto-kun" Hinata sniffed as she looked at him. Naruto smiled at the girl before him.

(End of Flashback)

Since that day Naruto and Hinata has become closer over the years. Naruto has become like her best friend. He has always been there for her and she was happy to have someone like him around.

Hinata always did remember Sasuke words…to wait for him and that what she has been doing for the past three years.

"I promise Sasuke-kun…I'll wait for you" Hinata thought to herself.

Okay that was the first chapter. I know it was pretty short and I'm sorry about that but I promise the next chapters will be longer. The next two chapters will be base on Sasuke's and Naruto's fight when Naruto fought Sasuke before he left to go to Orochimaru, but I'm making the fight take place three years later when Sasuke is already with Orochimaru and he's trying to make he come back to Konoha. So please enjoy the next chapter which is coming soon.