Black Wolf, White Blossom

Chapter I Legends of the Street

Greetings one and all, and now I know that people were expecting a rewrite of the original like I had originally planed however I have something different in mind. Same title, different storyline, different means of meeting. I hope that you guys enjoy this story.

Pre-story rant: You want to know what bugs me? THE FACT THAT PEOPLE CALL SAKURA SAKU OR KURA! It doesn't work that way. You want to know why? Because in the Japanese language, if you were to look up the bloody female version ov the word Sakura, you would find that, IT IS A SINGLE BLOODY CHARACTER NAME! HOW THE HECK CAN YOU BREAK A SINGLE WORD NAME INTO PARTS? Granted three syllables, BUT IT DOESN'T CONSTITUTE MIS-TYPING Sakura's NAME! For god sakes, DO YOUR BLOODY RESEARCH! Just because in romanji the name is three syllables long doesn't mean that it's actually three characters. OKAY? Okay, I'm done my rant.

Summary: Sakura and Syaoran, both gang leaders of the city of Tomoeda, Japan; both are well renowned in their own respect. Sakura Kinomoto, known as the White Blossom, leads the Silver Hawks. Syaoran Li, known as the Black Wolf, is the leader of the Wolfs Hell gang and heir to the Li clan. Both gangs, territorial often rumble against one another. However when a third gang forms, threatening the lives of both units, will they join together, or will they end up destroying one another?

Pairs: Primarily Sakura X Syaoran, but there will be a bunch of others. I just don't remember all of them at the moment.

All was quiet in the city of Tomoeda, or as quiet as it could be, considering the morning traffic, the crowds and the like. Everywhere one looked, people walked around, getting to work, going to school, or going on morning walks. At various parts of the city, many people stopped and enjoyed murals that had been painted at various areas within the city. The day was nice, and most people dressed casually, while those who had to be formal tried to find clothes fitting for the hot sweltering day. This was the beautiful city of Tomoeda at its best.

Inside a coffee shop, a group of friends mindlessly chatted about things. Mostly girls, future plans, and upcoming parties were the topics of their discussion. Yet throughout their conversation, one thing led to another, to the point they ended up on the topics of gangs, or rather the local gangs.

"Hey, did you hear, Silver Hawks and Wolf's Hell are going to rumble tomorrow night," one person said.

"Are you serious, another rumble? That's the 5th territorial dispute this month," a second person stated in awe and exasperation.

"What are you guys talking about?" a third asked, earning incredulous glances from the other two.

"Are you serious?" the first asked.

"You seriously don't know who the Silver Hawks and Wolfs Hell are?" the second asked after the third.

"Uh…no?" the third meekly replied, shaking her head.

"You've got to be kidding me," the second groaned, slapping his face.

"The Silver Hawks and Wolfs Hell are the number one gangs in the city. Heck, their names are basically scrawled up along the walls throughout. They tag their areas to mark their territories," the first explained.

"The Hawks tag using a rather elegant SH symbol. I don't know why they use English when Kanji, Katakana, or Hiragana is so much easier, but that's their prerogative. Then there's the Wolf's Hell, who uses the Chinese character for wolf to mark their territory," the second then stated.

"So you're saying that all those markings I see everywhere are the various territories that the gangs control?"

"Yup," the first replied.

"Well actually Jess, what you see besides the SH and the wolf symbols, are remnants of old gangs that had either been run out of town, or destroyed in previous gang wars," the second replied.

"Then why keep all the other symbols?" Jess asked, scratching her head.

"It's simple really," said the first. "It's their idea of common courtesy to a point."

"Common courtesy Steve, explain."

"Basically, depending on how the war goes, if the leaders of the victorious gang deemed the war to have been honourable, they will allow the old symbols to stand, except that below it will be marked with the victorious gang's symbol. Then there are those who will use any means to win, meaning cheating, then the Wolfs or the Hawks will completely erase the gang's existence, and mark the territory as their own."

"Heck, that's why rumbles even occur, it's because the territories are often stolen, by marking marked territories," the second added.

"I see. Actually I am wondering, walking about, I sometimes hear people taking about Black Wolf, and White Blossom, especially now. Know anything about them?"

"At least you know them by name," the second grumbled.

"Black Wolf and White Blossom are the titles of the leaders of the two gangs," Steve explained. "Black Wolf leads the Wolfs Hell, while White Blossom leads the Silver Hawks. No one knows what they look like, as they rarely go out and rumble. They usually send a close friend to lead instead. However there have been occasions where they will reveal themselves. However by the time word gets out, the battles would've been done and those two would be long gone before their gang member's start leaving."

"Then there's a rumour that there is a supposed rivalry between the two leaders. The gang members are just competitive with one another, often challenging each other to rumbles, with the occasional territorial rumbles, like the one they're about to have soon."

"Speaking of which, James, isn't it true that Wolf and Blossom are going to show their faces?"

"Are you kidding me? Wolf and Blossom are going to lead the rumble themselves?"

"Uh guys, what's so big about the leaders showing up to the rumbles?" Jess curiously asked. She instantly received scandalized expressions from her friends.

"It's only the fact that they only come out when either huge segments of their territory is in dispute, or they somehow pissed each other off bad," James stated, fire bursting from his eyes.

"I mean heck, they are the best fighters in their gangs, and not only that, they apparently have access to huge amounts of cash to fund their gangs," Steve added in support.

"Wow," Jess breathed in amazement. "They sound like legends to me."

"Damn straight," James smugly replied. "They are well known here in Tomoeda, and also in surroundings cities. Ever since the huge gang war a couple years back against the Red Foxes, and the Gold Crushers, they haven't had to worry about other gangs harping on their territory. Heck their popularity spread largely because other gangers told stories of the two."

Indeed, the stories of the Wolfs Hell and Silver Hawks are well known throughout all of Japan. They are considered one of the most powerful gangs due to their organisation, the level of interest of the gang members, and the fact that they had some of the best equipment money could buy, and also the fact they had good leaders at the head. However Wolfs Hell is also a gang well known in China, due to their origins. The Silver Hawks is a fairly new gang, however in a span of 5 years, the gang had quickly rose to power, lead by someone else, until it was handed off to White Blossom, thus far only spent a year leading the gang. However in the year White Blossom led, White Blossom led the gang through various exploits that made it the power gang that it currently was today.

As the three friends continued to talk about the various intricacies of the two gangs, in another part of town, around the Western part, a gang meeting took place. Deep within the basement of a fairly large mansion, the members of the Silver Hawks spoke about their plans concerning the rumble they would have tomorrow night.

"Guys, Black Wolf and I have agreed to be a 20 on 20, rumble," said a feminine voice. "We have also agreed that it will be a full out rumble."

"ARE YOU NUTS?" a member bellowed. "Are you actually willing to risk the lives of 20 of us, including yourself, over Cenotaph?" A few others suddenly got up as they argued onside of the protestor. They started saying that the rumble was nothing but a waste of life and that they should just do a standard rumble and such. One suddenly had the gall to say she was nothing but a battle crazed freak

"Watch your tongue," another member shouted back. Her pale face indicated she was horrified at such an accusation. She instantly made her point she wouldn't allow anyone to do such a thing as insult her leader.

"Tomoyo, enough," the feminine voice spoke. The one called Tomoyo looked to her right, as her waist length lavender hair swayed from her movement. Her amethyst eyes reflected the worry in her heart, especially since she too was concerned about the rules of the rumble.

"Listen," the voice said, "I know that a lot of you guys do not understand the significance of Cenotaph. However, that is the area where we had defeated Gold Hammer, and where White Hawk went down. She died ensuring that our gang lived. I owe that much to ensure that her resting place isn't desecrated. You guys haven't been in long enough to have known that. However much of the gang was destroyed that day. Only a few survived, and it was that day I became the leader. So please respect my decision."

The entire gang held onto their breath as they waited for the protestor's decision. For a moment it seemed like they would continue to protest, until the instigator sighed and sat down. The others soon followed in resignation, somewhat seeing the folly of their actions.

"Your concern is somewhat warranted, but when you've been in the gang as long as I have, you will see that some things are worth dying for. Black Wolf understands that, and therefore he accepted my terms of all out battle. I will select the 19 people that will come with me tomorrow. In that time I am gone, I expect you to give Tomoyo the same respect as you give me, is that understood guys?"

"Hai White Blossom," everyone bellowed.

White Blossom couldn't help but smile as she said, "Thanks guys. And if I don't get another chance to say this, I love you guys. You guys are the best friends a girl could have."

Meanwhile, along the eastside of Tomoeda, another gang was having a meeting within a warehouse owned by the gang. Inside, everyone was either sitting or leaning on crates, or were sitting on the floors as they listened to their leader speak.

"White Blossom and I have finalised the rumble tomorrow. It will be a 20 on 20, battle, all out style."

"What the fuck? Why the hell are we doing all out-?"

"Shut up," the leader suddenly growled, his amber eyes speaking nothing but relentless pain should the protestor continued. "Those who I have selected will bring a close combat weapon, preferably a sword, two standard 9-mms, one submachine gun preferably the Mini Uzi, and the 4 I have told to will be using the new P-90's."

"Wolf," a member said, "may I ask why?"

"No you may not Eriol," Wolf muttered. Eriol sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. It was a deep navy blue that accented his navy blue eyes. He wore a pair of glasses, and always, always, had some sort of smile on his face.

"We will meet here at 6 pm sharp. All late comers will have to make it on their own. I will not wait for you. Is that understood?" Everyone nodded their heads in understanding as they waited for further orders.

"If there's nothing else get the fuck out of here," he growled as he walked towards the nearest exit. Others followed suit as they made their way towards their rides out.

Wolf sighed as he mounted his bike and stared up at the sky. He had heard many stories about the great White Blossom, all of them speaking in a positive light. Despite his cold demeanour, he had respect for the girl. He heard that she was fairly young, and only led her gang for a year. Soon he was going to meet her in person, instead of just through untraceable phone calls. Soon he would match the voice with the face, and would silence both in honourable combat, or he hoped.

Blossom flopped onto her bed as she stared up at the window on her ceiling. She had asked for it there so that she could get a good look at the stars and the moon. And on this particular night, the moon shined brightly through her window. She had often wondered what the great Black Wolf looked like. The only thing that anyone could really say was that he had the eye colours of a wolf, amber. She tried to imagine what his face looked like, but found it greatly difficult. She sighed as she fell asleep looking forward to meeting the wolf tomorrow night.

So what are your thoughts? Was it okay, was it boring, did it give a good impression, you tell me. Please give me your opinions, they would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers Ja ne