
Chapter one: The new three

The wind swept over him as he looked over the training grounds in a gentle touch, causing his blonde hair to dance along. A small smirk on his face as he crouched down low and waited, his legs slightly tensing from the impending meeting.

"Are you really so sure they'll show?"

"They'll show. Have no doubts about that."

"You put too much faith that they are like you and I Naruto."

"And you put too little. I feel it in them, from the moment we saw each other."

"Alright, but if this backfires you know who to blame."

"Shut up baka fox. They'll show." Though even as he cut the conversation short two figures stepped into the moonlit clearing, both clasping a small note in their hands and a small look of confusion on their faces. "Well, lets begin." And with that the blonde leapt from his hiding place in the trees and landed with a small thump between the two people and flashed a grin.

"Tch. Figured it was you." The male of the two spoke glancing the blonde boy over once, his onyx colored eyes glaring into the boy with interest. The par normal orange jumpsuit was missing from the boy, replaced by a pair of black shorts and a orange tank top. Flicking his gaze over towards the other person another blonde, though female in sex, Ino Yamanaka . The vein that was steadily getting bigger warned of the impending explosion, which Sasuke waved off with an upheld hand to her. He had a feeling what this was about. "So Naruto decided to stop holding back so much?" Sasuke asked in a indifferent tone outwardly though inwardly he was hoping his guess about the blonde loudmouth was correct.

"So you knew along then?" Naruto said shoving his hands in his pockets and looking over at the raven haired boy. "Should have figured." He said shaking his head softly, and looking over at Ino who had still held her look of confusion on her face. Glancing between the two boys she frowned slightly having no clue what Sasuke meant the boy had been holding back.

"Think about it." Sasuke said to Ino while keeping his eyes on Naruto. "Standing before you is a boy that managed to paint an entire mountain in a plain view of hundreds of villiagers and shinobi alike and escaping whilst being chased by ANBU after the deed was done. How can anyone with that much talent however poorily shown be considered an idiot? No there is more here then meets the eye, the only question is why you brought us to here." He said while leaning against a tree near by to watch and listen. Ino stood there for a second in deep thought but then tore her gaze from Sasuke to reguard Naruto, she hadn't thought about it like that before and now that she did it made alot of sense to her.

"Alright since time isn't on our side yet I'll make this straight to the point." He said dropping the normal goofy grin and placing on a mask of indifferent on keen level with Sasuke's. "Tommorrow is the examinations, and I've been doing alot thinking recently. Trying to figure out just how I can set this up for my goals without revealing myself to the world yet. Sadly I found no means of doing so without damaging my ninja carrer beyond repair. And I've also realized I can't achieve this goal on my own, there lay my problem." Naruto began taking his time to look between the two. "Now the first problem came because the teams are based on scoring, if I continued to show little talent they would most certainly placed me on Sasuke's team and that was a no go. And if I worked harder then they would have placed me on Ino's team another no go." He said hearing a glare from both Sasuke and Ino, though Ino started balling up her fist and making her way to Naruto. Sensing the world of hurt on his way he quickly threw up his hands in surrender and hastily continued. "And that's simply because I want to be the one running the show on my team, and which is exactly what you two want." That statement stopped them both in their tracks.

"How would you know anything about us?" Ino snapped as another gentle breeze glided over the group, too which she was answered by a sly smirk that crept across Naruto's face.

"Becasue I saw you fighting over him." He said as he jerked his thumb over his shoulder towards Sasuke. "There is a major difference between yours and Sakura's eyes when you look at him." Sasuke pushed himself off the tree and made his way over towards the two of them his interested grabbed while Ino's left eye twitched. "She looks at him with love or total obession however you wanna see it. While you my dear Ino-chan, look at him like a prize to be snatched away." He said as his bright blue eyes held the gaze of her pupil-less grays. "Sasuke looks the strongest of the bunch and you won't let another take that prize from you, just like you won't let another take the show. Even if it was Sasuke." He said staring at her with unnerving clearness into her emotions. "You would at first keep the same fan girl gaze when you stared at him, but when things began to pick up you'll want to control more and shine more."

"How do you figure?" She snapped, while not out rightly disreguarding his statement, but as the blonde began to speak Sasuke beat him to the punch with a smirk on his face as he began to realize. He had to admit, now as he heard it and thought about it there was a certain charatisic that showed in them all.

"Because its how he and I would act too." He answered as Naruto grinned and turned to him.

"Genius for a reason hmm?" He said and turned back to Ino. "We're dominates Ino, another leading us around just isn't part of our game plan. And all for the same reason in just different views, we have to be the best. And being followers we can't do that." Biting her tongue softly and putting most of this away from later thoughts she sighed and caved.

"Alright so how do we work this then?" She asked placing her hands on her hips, and watched as Naruto sat down with his legs crossed and brought out a kunai and slammed it into the ground in front of him. And gesturing for them to sit across and next to him to form a triangle.

"Simple, I saw this coming before so I set it all up." He said as they got comfortable in their postions. "Being a loud idiot I demanded the Hokage to make a bet with me, the bet being that if I tied with Sasuke with rookie of the year, that we got to pick our own team instead." He said closing his eyes and folding his hands in front of him. "And there was the trap, if there was a tie teams got to be picked by the rookies of the year."

"Alright so we get to pick our teams, but that still means we would have to fight for leader in those." Ino said dropping the bite in her tone, liking the idea of being rookie of the year. Images of her family doting her over feeling her mind.

"Not so, there are those in the class that would readily give us the top spot and their loyality, and a few that with a few choice words would fall in line too." Naruto said with his eyes still closed and moving his hands around in front of him for no reason what so ever. While Ino sat in thought about that, the only obvious people to her that fit in that was Sakura to Sasuke, which she clearly voiced.

"And Hinata to you Naruto." Sasuke said causing Ino to raise an eyebrow but again only to file that away for later. "But who else is it going to be?"

"Simple, Shikamaru and Chouji for Ino since their families would most likely demand to placed together. And seeing how neither one of them show any hints of a back bone she could simply bend them to her will. While Kiba would have to come with Sakura, Sasuke. His sister seems to tick him off so a woman leading him like that would cause problems and needless fights. And I refuse to work with the mutt and would end up killing him when it came down to it. And besides I've already snagged Shino into my web."

"Alright then, say we agree to this." Sasuke began giving a small shrug. "How do we pull it off? The judging is tomorrow and there isn't enough time to pull all of our skills to the same level." With that Naruto replied by pulling out a kunai, and tossing it in the air a few times and catching with a smirk on his face.

"That I already have covered." With that he stopped smirking and cast the kunai into the ground and his expression going dead serious again. "But before I tell anything, I'll put this on the line now. This is a seal for life, if you ever consider backing down from your dreams then tell me know so we can cut this short. I've had to deal with enough bullshit and lies to last all of our lives, I don't need anymore. I want to be the best, that's all there is to that, if either of you don't think your life can go down that path then put that out here now." His face had been a mask of indifference but on the inside there was a totally different scene.

Kyuubi I can't fail now, if this all comes apart here I'm finished.

No, we can manage. But until then we deal with the now." Naruto had been about to answer when Ino broke through the silence by placing her hand on his shoulder and smiling down at him.

She didn't know why his words stung her heart like they did, but all the confusion was too much to bare it seemed. Here was the thought to be the dead last of their class, and the would-be rookie of the year having a civil conversation. While in class they were always ready to tear each other's throat out, and then on top of that to find out the whole thing had been nothing more then a play. Though she had to admit she was quite fooled by it all, but as she looked at the blonde in front of her she couldn't bring herself to believeing that big doopy grin was ever on his face. So when he bared his soul and basically his future in front of her instead of the blonde boy in front of her she saw in place herself.

"Alright, I'm in." She said with a soft smile looking down at him not really trusting her own resolve on the matter, until those blue eyes caught her in their gaze. She saw the same pain she hosted in her soul. The constant teasing as a younger child about being a soulless demon was for the first time matched by a equal pain, something she hadn't thought possible. She had drove herself to be strong enough to shoulder the weight of being alone until she was the best, but when she looked at him she knew then even if he hadn't come out right and say it he had drove himself to the same. Grinning back at the boy she cast her gaze up at Sasuke he in turn held his head down.

"If." He began with fragile tone, a first in all her years of knowing the boy. She could almost feel the struggle he faced as his voice dared not work.

"I'll help you kill him." Two heads whipped in the direction of the blonde who now began to rise, where Sasuke's voice seemed like a suspended shard of glass on the verge of breaking, Naruto's sounded like solid stone unmoving and unbreaking. He returned Sasuke's surprised and questioning look with one of absolute certainity. "Even had I not been on my path now, I wouldn't have let you drive yourself insane with hate." He finished in the same stone cold tone, to which Sasuke nodded and held out his hand to him to which he grasped firmly. Feeling the staliness that statement made Ino grinned and broke through to the both of them.

"Alright kid, we're in. How do we do it?"

Breaking his staring contest with the raven haired boy, Naruto reached down and brought the kunai out of the ground. Taking a deep breath and closing his eyes he set off into his planned out explaintion. "I've studied a branch of jutsu's only a me and a few other's are able to do." Here he held up his hand to stop Sasuke's question already forming. "Which I'll explain later, but for now I've found a jutsu that will allow us to level the playing field but this requires sacrifice. Since I'm the only member of my clan I know of and know nothing about it besides my research I could careless what happened to the name of it. But you two have a different problem then me." He said shoving his hands into his pockets and taking another breath. "This requires our blood to mix to such a point that we would be brother and sister in everyway, and there lays the problem. If you are willing to give not only the blood of your clan but your all into this. For me if we do this then I'll see it as we are family, and since I've never had one the chance of getting one is dear to me, so I'll try my damnest to make us that. Its up to you two if you want that kind of relationship." He said stopping here for reactions, while trying to slow down the beating of his heart.

"Two more people with Uchiha blood just means I'm closer to reviving my clan." Sasuke said with a shrug, and which Naruto returned with a nod. While Ino bit down on her tongue for a moment before nodding, she made her bed when she came here tonight, and she knew she would have to lay in it.

"Alright then, now has far as this jutsu goes there is also a matter of choice in it. How much of your clan are you willing to throw into it. There are several advantages with it, but there is a drawback to it. The more you put the deeper the connection. On that point, there are two points that these focuses on. One is blood the life force of your clan and its history. One drop would be making us half family, two will make us full family and three will make us triples or twins pending." He stopped here biting his tongue, deep in thought. His unease clearly showing in his body motions.

"So then what's the problem?" Sasuke said coping Naruto's motion by shoving his hands into his pockets. While Naruto sighed and looked up into the heavens above for a moment before answering.

"I'm not sure how that will effect us honestly, only two drops of sacrifice have ever been recorded. So I'm not sure of the limitations or problems that would cause." He replied honestly with another sigh.

"Nothing is ever known until its done, so we'll deal when it comes." Ino said batting aside the concerned look and waiting for the blonde to finish.

"Alright but if I wake up a woman I'm going to be so pissed." He said with a sad tone in his voice making Ino roar with laughter and Sasuke's eyes widen with shock. "But as I was saying there is another point of sacrifice this will need." He said over Ino's laughter which promised to continue for a while. "And that's chakra, that carries you and your history in it. How much you pour into it depends on how much of yourself you're willing to throw in. Strained allowence will just allow us to blend blood and bind us, somewhat unrestrained will burn away some of the defects the blood carries after years of weakening while totally unrestrained will burn away all of it. Basically putting us on keel with the purest of the blood in your clan, the orginal. Again only somewhat as been recorded so I don't know what that will do to us." He finished with a small nod mainly to himself before pulled his kunai out again asking the Kyuubi to hold back on the healing just enough for the jutsu to work. Making a small cut on both of his thumbs and another on his left pinky he tossed the kunai to Sasuke and formed the dragon seal. "One drop only cut the left thumb, two cut both, three copy me. As for chakra how ever much you pour into the seal will determine." Without a second thought Sasuke copied him motion for motion and tossed the kunai to Ino and formed the dragon seal as well, a smirk played on Ino's face as she copied the boys and tossed the kunai into the ground and formed the seal. Nodding Naruto began channeling his chakra into the seal, giving his everything before calling out in a loud voice.

"Chinotsunagari doushi no Jutsu." Gritting his teeth he watched as his blood began to spiral around his hands for moment before a stream of light blue chakra joined it in spiraling then in two different streams connect Sasuke and Ino to him and then to each other in a tightly formed spiral of red and light blue. The process starting again with Ino as her blood swirled and was soon joined by gray chakra and forming another triangle within Naruto's and Sasuke's dark blue blue and red triangle inside it.Which was the last thing Naruto saw before darkness swarmed his vision. Never seeing the red that rocketed from his body and joined the jutsu.

It felt so weird he couldn't discribe it his entire body hurt and felt at peace at the same time. That sensation alone was enough for him to hold his eyes shut out of fear that he might wake up on the dead plane. But a soft nudge to his ribs pried his eyes open and his body upright from his laying postion. Ino kneeled by his left side and Sasuke to his right sitting down. blinking to clear his vision a bit he realized his surroundings were completely white with no visible ceiling, walls or even floor. Though in front of them stood three doors, or floated however he looked at them, the words mind, body, and soul engraved in each respectivily.

"We have to choose." Sasuke said standing up and dragging Naruto up with him. "Three doors, three people so I think we choose. And since this was your idea you go ahead." He said with grin and shoving him forward. Glaring slightly at the other boy's smirk he hunched his shoulders and looked at the three doors. He had no clue what this meant at all, for all he knew he could very well be loosing the thing he choose.

"At least I'm not a girl." He said over his shoulder before opening the door marked soul and stepping through, and once again found himself in a white room and the door he stepped through vanishing. Though before he could panic a calm breeze washed over him and he found himself back in front of Ino and Sasuke with the soul door gone. Blinking a few times and looking down at his body he shrugged and sat back down trying to figure out the puzzle that just occured while Ino bolded grabbed the door marked mind opened and stepped through shortly followed by Sasuke who went through the remaining door. And like himself the two reappeared a moment later, though their surrounds changed and left them in a setting all too familiar to Naruto as he gazed at large golden bars.

My chakra didn't kill you three, that's good. A loud growl rang from the other side of the bars causing the other two to leap back from their previous exaimation of the word seal on them.

Hey there

Urm..yea. This is my attempt at a Naruto story...not sure if it will go far, but eh. There it is.
