Chapter One – The Love Lost in Time

This Fanfiction was inspired by the song Against All Odds by The Postal Service, it's not necessarily a songfic cause it doesn't match the music at all, but I was listening to the song while I was writing 'cause it's sad and everything, so yeah.




Summary – Sasuke comes back to find that Sakura has married someone else! But who? He finds her and professes his love to her and…

Disclaimer – sarcastic oh yeah, I SOOOO own Naruto and everything, I could be SOOOO brilliant to come up with these awesome characters and romances, YEAH RIGHT! Anyway, I don't want to get sued, so I don't own Naruto or anything.


As Sasuke made his way back to Konoha after six long years he thought about Sakura. He was now 19 and knew he was meant to be with her. He hadn't been able to keep her out of his mind. He kept remembering the night he had left Konoha. "I love you so much. If you stay here I promise everyday you'll be happy," Sakura's voice rang out clearly in his mind like a broken record player. Somehow he had convinced Orochimaru to remove the cursed seal and let him go. But he had promised to come back every three years. For what, he hadn't said. He walked up to the entrance and looked at the guards on duty.

"I'm here to see the Hokage to request a mission," he stated simply, he had never met the guards before and so he knew they wouldn't recognize him, as long as he stayed out of sight, he wouldn't be caught before he arrived at the Hokage's office. The guard nodded and allowed him to pass. He jumped from roof to roof swiftly. He arrived at the Hokage's office and knocked on the door. He heard a male's voice say "Enter."

He slowly opened the door to reveal Hyuuga Neji. He knew his face gave away some shock but he quickly recovered, he couldn't say the same for the Sixth though. Neji quickly stood up and shouted, "Who let this scum into the village!"

"Calm down, you're not the one I'm looking," he said calmly. "I'm looking for-"

"Sakura?" Neji cut him off. He stood up and moved around his desk. "She no longer lives in Konoha. She got married. You can find Naruto to find out the rest of the details. I'm busy." He sat back down at his desk and continued leafing through the giant stacks of papers on and around his desk, although Sasuke caught sight of a picture of TenTen in a simple, long white kimono and Neji in dark robes. Sasuke smirked and let out a short chuckle while he closed the door.

After Sasuke had left the Hokage's office he headed straight for the Ichiraku Ramen Shop that he knew Naruto would most likely be at. He saw Naruto sitting in the middle stool of the ramen shop and simply sat next to him. He ordered a bowl of ramen, looking down with his eyes shadowed over from his hair. Naruto didn't even bother to look over at him, he just enjoyed the ramen that he had been eating since he was very young.

"You haven't changed a bit, scaredy-cat," Sasuke stated so quietly that only Naruto could heard him, not that there was anyone else anywhere close to listen in on a conversation.

"What was that?" Naruto said angrily, noticing the "stranger" next to him for the first time. "S-Sasuke…-teme?"

Sasuke didn't even look at Naruto, he merely continued to stare at his arms that he had folded on the counter in front of him. "I hate to admit it, Naruto. But I've actually been missing that nickname you gave me." He laughed low and short.

"What are you doing back in Konoha?" asked Naruto, looking back his bowl of ramen.

"I'm looking for-"

"Sakura?" Naruto cut him off like Neji had done.

Sasuke sighed. "How does everyone know that?" he asked to no one unparticular.

"It's kind of obvious, teme," Naruto answered before slurping down the broth that was left in his bowl.



"Do you know where she is?"


"SAKURA, YOU BAKA!" Although he looks a lot more mature he hasn't changed at all. He's an adult yet he still acts like the same 13 year-old child I used to make so mad, Sasuke thought. After not being around him for so long it seems like it's a lot easier for him to get me mad. I never had to put up with any of this at Orochimaru's.

"Oh, she doesn't live here anymore," Naruto answered shortly.

No stinkin' duh, you baka, thought Sasuke.

"Neji told me that," Sasuke said, looking slightly disappointed at having receiving no new information yet.

"She lives in Suna now."


"She got married to some dude there, I don't remember who though," Naruto said, smiling that dumb, quirky smile at his old rival.

"You don't remember?" Sasuke asked, looking at him doubtfully.

"They eloped," Naruto said like he was answering the most obvious question to a 6 year-old.

"Oh," Sasuke said, disappointed. He began slurping his ramen quietly and thought everything over.

Naruto and Sasuke walked down the road toward Naruto's house. "You can stay at my house tonight if you want, Sasuke-teme. Hinata's out on a mission with Ino, so it's pretty empty, I could use the company." He walked the same way he had six years ago, hands behind his head and looking up at the sky, not paying any attention to where he was going. Though he had lived in Konoha long enough to know every street and building.

"Why are you and Hinata living together?"

"We got married, baka! I would've invited you to the wedding to be my best man, but you were out running around with Orochimaru," Naruto answered.

"Wow, a lot of people are getting married."

"Yeah, Temari and Shimarku, me and Hinata, Sakura and someone else, Neji and TenTen, Ino and Chouji, and Kakashi and Kurenai, too."

"KAKASHI GOT MARRIED!" Sasuke yelled, stopping in shock.

"Yeah, duh," Naruto said not stopping.

As Sasuke lied in the guest bed at Naruto's house, which was surprisingly big, thinking of Sakura. He wanted her to be laying in the bed next to him, cuddling up to his side so much. He missed the way she had always yelled his name when she arrived at training and then yelled at Naruto when he called her "Sakura-chan" or called him "Sasuke-teme." He rolled onto his side and remembered how she had always visited him in the hospital no matter how big or small the injury was, she always brought a daffodil. He closed his eyes and imaged her light pink hair that had gotten chopped off during the Chuunin Exams. He had preferred it short and was glad when she had continued to cut her hair, although he knew he never had shown this. He imaged her bright green eyes, piercing into his midnight black eyes, piercing into his very soul and thoughts. He pictured her smooth, creamy white skin and the rolling curves of her body. He had never told her how beautiful she was. He had never told her anything. He had never shown her any of his true feelings before. He regretted that more than anything in his life. He regretted not taking her with him when he had left, he regretted not staying with her, he regretted only saying "Thank you" on that last day, but most of all he regretted never telling her that he loved her. He had known he loved her since they were little kids in the Academy, he had known it the first time he saw her. So adorable with her red ribbon tied around her hair. He smiled at the thought and she had only gotten even more beautiful as time had gone on. He slowly began to drift towards the warmth of sleep with her image crying in the cold nighttime six years ago burned into his eyelids.

Short Ramblings! HOORAY!

This is my first fanfiction so be completely brutal. My sister (who's obsessed with Naruto) says it's good, so I decided to post it. I kinda like the Sasuke Sakura thing, but I started to think that he completely didn't deserve her after he left her like that, so I decided to torture him some for at least a chapter or two so I made it so she married someone else, but who would she want to marry! And why move to Suna! 'Cause we all know that that sand and sun can't be good for the skin! And WHY IS EVERYONE GETTING MARRIED SUDDENLY! Well, I just wanted Sasuke to feel left out and stuff because even Naruto and his sensei beat him to getting married! Well, I know this isn't exactly short rambling and probably the majority of people who actual read this FF didn't even read this. So yeah, I'll post again soon!

Beautiful Writing Girl

P.S. If you review this, please, if you have another idea for the title, then PLEASE suggest it! I had no clue what to title this! HELP!