Summary: After being isolated in Youko kuramas castle for two whole years he finally has use for her to get rid of a little pest problem trying to take his spot as greatest theif, she is freed but one wee little problem neither of the expected to fall in love with a little competition pair: youkag SPOILER MAY INCLUDE! YYHIY and a tad bit of anc

Disclaimer: I do not own yyh or iy and there will be a little teeny bit of ayashi no ceres so i don't that either so sue me! (well not really -.-') the title i was inspired by the song 'autumns monologue' by the band: From Autumn to Ashes

Autumns Monologue

Kagome's P.O.V

'It's so quiet…,no light…I like it here…no taking orders from Ceres the perfect celestial or Kaguya princess of the eternal night.'Suddenly a light pulled me out of my thoughts I was on a bed, but why, who pulled me out of that sweet quiet solitary?' I opened my eyes and looked into the endless depths of shocking cold amber eyes.

"Get up" he said , I got up and gave him a look that could send anyone under a rock cowering, but he did not even flinch

"Where am I" I asked stubbornly.

"You're in my home," he simply said.

"So, you're the one who caught me and isolate me?" I asked.

"I am a thief it is my nature to steal beautiful things and treasures" he said as he grabbed my chin and turned me too face him.

My face went blank, "Great! There goes my pride being captured by a thief" I muttered, he chuckled and let me go.

He kneeled down to my level on the bed, "You are a celestial maiden, yes?" he asked, I nodded dumbly, "Great then you can help me," he said as I got up,

"And how am I supposed to help a thief?" I glared suspiciously at him.

"An enemy is trying to take my position as top thief, killing all my best men, and getting the treasure before me because of his magic, every time I fight him its like I'm fighting a doll, only supreme magic can destroy him. If we attack him physically he spreads miasma and runs, truly cowardly but a winning strategy that I suppose has never failed him once" (3 guesses 2 don't count on who it is)

I nodded, " I will help you on one condition," I paused and he turned to me, "you will return my hogoromo and I will return to my realm when this is over."

He nodded.

"Okay! So who are you anyway?" I asked.

"Youko Kurama, greatest thief in all the Makai, and you?" He asked now standing in front of me.

"I am Kagome Higurashi, almost perfect celestial behind Ceres." I said proudly.

He eyed me carefully "You are second in command of THE perfect celestial?" he asked calmly.

"Yup, yup" I said once again proudly.

"Hard to believe you were so easy to capture." he said with a smirk.

I glared at him, "Shut up."

At that point a man came in he wore an outfit similar to Youko's but he had long black hair and horns coming out of his head "Yes, Yomi?" Youko asked.

"Naraku has struck again, we have also heard that the Shikon's power has resurfaced after two years and he is now after that" he said in a monotone voice. After hearing what he said, I visibly flinched Youko saw it but paid no attention to it.

Yomi continued, "We have to get it before he does, he is quick at things, and if we waste time chattering away, he will be sure to obtain it prior to us." Youko got a serious face and I chuckled a little. Yomi snapped at me, "And what is so funny wench?" he asked coldly.

"He won't get it" I said feeling pretty sure of myself.

Youko stared at me and asked, "And what makes you so sure?"

I turned to him and said one thing "Because I have it."

Normal P.O.V

They watched as she took the dagger from the table nearest to them, and slit open her waist.
"See, right here, maybe covered in blood, but it's the jewel non-the-less" she pulled a jewel out and held in front of her.

"So while I have it, there's no way this Naruku guy is getting it" she said truthfully, while Youko and Yomi were staring at the jewel.

They stared in shock at her, not expecting something like this. Here, she held the very jewel sought by every demon born to the youkai nation.

She put it back and sealed her wound, placing the dagger back to where she had found it, "You guys look surprised" She giggled.

"How did you come to posses the jewel wench?" Yomi bit out.

"Oh that. I was born with it inside my body, the reason being, I am Kikyo-sama the previous guardian's reincarnation" she stuck her tongue out at him.

"Don't stick your tongue out Kagome-san, unless your going to use it for something" Youko said smirking when her face turned bright tomato red.

"Baka Hentai!" she muttered, but Youko and Yomi heard her and chuckled, "Okay… anyway, is this Na-ra-ku guy the one I'm supposed to help you with?"

"Yes," Youko answered, "We will be leaving in the morning."

Yomi nodded and turned and walked out of the room, leaving Youko and Kagome in the room alone. Kagome was leaning against the wall and unknown to her Youko was having quite the sight. She finally noticed him spaced out and went to him she waved her hand in his face
"Hellllooooo? YOOUUKKOOO, wherever we are to Youko!" she called out (she still doesn't know that they are in Makai.)

Youko snapped out of his thoughts and pushed Kagome against the wall she let out a squeak as he looked at her with cat-like eyes, that seemed to glow. She finally realized what she was wearing, a simple pink sleeping kimono that was near transparent, but with eyes like Youko's he could see everything, "Meep!" she said covering her chest, "Hentai!".

He took her arms and pinned them against the wall so she could no longer cover herself from his penetrating gaze. "So I get to see a Ten'nyo close up, lucky me" He whispered in her ear.

She looked at him with eyes that pleaded him to stop. His cold gaze softened ( a wee bit, not noticeable .),"I can't." she said her bangs now covering her eyes, "I can't Ceres did the same thing, I don't want to be like her" She took a wavering breath, "she came back to the heavens with an unborn child , all the ten'nyos looked down on her but yet they still feared her because of her power. It may be different for me…when I go back."

"Why is that?" Youko asked.

She looked up at him, "Because I do not hold her power, I am not as strong as her, they would have the right to forbid me from coming back"

"Why is it the rules are so uptight, the law about mating a human or demon?" Youko asked.

Kagome downcast her face, "It is forbidden for any Ten'nyo to mate with anyone else other than a celestial male," she said with a tint of sadness laced in her soft voice, "We are promised to a celestial male at birth'' she turned her gaze up at Youko.

"You are promised to someone?" Youko asked solemnly.

"Yes, I am." She said still, returning her gaze to her feet.

"Has anyone tried to do the opposite? Like break the rules?" He asked.

"Yes, but whoever goes against Kami-sama's laws will be smited and stripped of their power and left on land to die and classified as dead," she sighed, "do you understand now?"

"Yes, but what of this Ceres character, was she not smited and stripped of her power?" Youko prodded.

"No because she is Kami-sama's daughter, and her power surpasses anyone's in the realm, that's what I mean when I say people fear. And the fact that she is heir to the throne makes another huge difference! Anyone who would go against her would be severely punished…Ceres is also one of my best friends but that doesn't make a difference that I will be forbidden… "she said tears streaming down her face.

He wrapped her in a tight embrace and kissed her on the lips. She pulled away and yelled angrily, "Will you stop that?

"And if nothing could stop me, what makes you think that I will not take responsibility?" he said to her.

She was shocked at first then glared at him. "Why are you doing this for me, you just met me!"

"On the contrary Kagome," he said with his head where her neck and shoulder meet, "I met you two years ago. After isolating you, I read your mind to find all my answers…" he answered, his cat-like eyes now staring intently at her.

"So basically you know all about me?" she asked meekly.

"Yes, pretty much," he said proudly.

"So just to get laid, you would go to the lengths to take full responsibility of my mistakes?...are you insane?" she asked in disbelief.

"What's wrong with that? Once I make you my mate, I would protect you from all kinds of dangers." He had his ams around her waist.

"What if I were to decline? It's to risky… plus it may have been two years for you but me on the other hand has bin less than an hour…I can't." She said as she unhooked his arms from her
and went to sit on the bed with her back to him.

He put a hand on her shoulder, she swiped it away, "let's just get this mission over with, you return my hogoromo, and I would be off." she said simply.

He nodded, "We leave in the morning." he said, leaving Kagome in the room to herself. When he was gone she started to sing, it was the song that Ceres had taught her.

(Escaflowne OST movie : Sora...don't own)

Win dain a lotica

En val tu ri

Si lo ta

Fin dein a loluca

En dragu a sei lain

Vi fa-ru les shutai am

En riga-lint

Win chent a lotica

En val turi


Fin dein a loluca

Si katigura neuver

Floreria for chesti

Si entina


Fontina Blu Cent

De cravi esca letisimo


De quantian

La finde reve

Win dain a lotica

En vai tu ri

Si lo ta

Fin dein a loluca

En dragu a sei lain

Vi fa-ru les shutai am

En riga-lint

Unbeknownst to her, Youko was outside the door listening. He closed his eyes and walked off down the hallway.

"Did you take her?" Yomi asked as he stepped out of the shadows.

"No, she resisted." Youko replied not looking very ecstatic.

"Funny…Here in the Makai women AND men throw them selves at you, yet here is a simple Ten'nyo resisting you, I thought I'd never see the day." Yomi laughed with a smirk.

"Silence Yomi. A thief is always possessive for what is theirs. She will come around by the end of this mission." Youko said coldly walking away.

Once out of reach Yomi whispered "Not if I get her first..." Youko did not hear and he did not know that Yomi was very interested in this little Ten'nyo.

A/N: Written by w-l-k! XDDDD yosh! Omgwtfbbq! REVIEW!11!one!bacon!