OMFG!1! I'm like, tots back in blaack! (get it cuz Im wering black?1!0 So, like, sorry I couldn't write for a while but i wuz reding the TWILIGHT BUKS! Like o man! They r so gooood! Omg, I hav 2 talk about them., k? So like they were sooooooo cute and I looooove edward and I am just like Alic Cullen! Cuz I am sympathetic but can toits defent peeps that i luv and like love cars. SO MUch. So sorry I havn't ubtated but ive obveesiuly been busy! And you probably understand cuz thos books are boss, rite? lol. So hre iz the next chappie of my storie! YAYZ! Oh, yeah, btw i don't own anything.

Oregano walked the halls of hogworts school of withccraft and wizardry with a confuzed xpreshun on her face. (A/N: if ud red the last chappie u woud tots no y. but ill refresh incase there are peeps who havnt red it or 4got. ok so oregano and harry met and dthey tots just clicked kinda like me and fred kowalski clickecd in our language arts class only harry went rite up to oregano and asked her out. only than draco came up and oregano felt like he wuz totly HAWT 2. and hes obviusly pretty in2 her) who should she date harry or draco? anyway, so oregano was walking and than she decided to stick with harry bc hes hot and then she saw draco coming up to her. only than she looked at a mirror and DRACO HAD NO REFLEXION!

Oregano was just so xcited that she had to leave harry for a minute. I mean, how can she concentrate when shes around these steemy males? So she had to way her options cuz the whole game had been redrawn. harry has a scar, whitch is like totalls interest, but Draco is a vampire. Which is so cool right? ( and totally makes sense cause he's so mean and pale and his fashion sense). She needed a second opinions so she called he Asian friend (sry I'll find out her name later) who said some dumb stuff (so dosn't get relationships as natrually as Oregano does) about it being creepy because he would be dead and she could too and never going sunbathing but really Oregano thought that she and Draco could overcome any opposition. Who cares if her friends approve, they would see it her way eventually cause shes so persuasive. and can bribe with cookies which she makes herself because she dosn't believe in house-elf slaverry. Anyways, she knew she HADS to talk with afrodittty.

SO. SOOOO she went dwn the hal to Afrodtty's office. SHe marched upto tahe gargoyle'sd oiutside and sayd :"Like, emigod, let mew throoooooou!11!" and the gargoyle di (cuz this is the passord). She went runninginto afroditty's office in tears with her red coulored hair streeming behind her and her wiloughy robes floating around like pink clouds or somehing and the ran upto affroditty ands started crying."Hey grrrrl! Wat up? Why r you cirying? OMG Is is guy trouble!" sed Afroditty "OMG yoou have no idea! I don't know who to pick!" Oregano whaled. "Dracoi, or Harry?/! (a/n I would tots take Draco because (as evryone nos) Edwarfd and i r LUVVRS and not evn DEATH can part our luv!) Affrodite looked at Oregano. "Grrl, I hav no ide. We shood consult ... Roonil! He's a suthsaier, you no." "OMG i had no ide!" Oregano sed. Wow! Roonil can c the futere? Omg. SHe just HAD to tell Ivory! And with that, she ran off yet agin.

ivorie was talking to ALabastur. "h-h-h-he-e-e-ey-y-y-y Ala," she said and he said "Hey" back. he looked so tots hott becas at that monent he was waring thiss nice blue shirt and one sleef wass longer then the other and i am not kildding about how hot he looked. like do u watch gossip girl? yah. he looked like that guy form gossip girl only he was also waring wizardry roabes. and anyway, Oregano ran up to them and she was like, "OMFG! Ala!1 wat r u doing here?" and he said "just here to visit my faves sis!" so than Oregano turn to ivory and said "did u no roonil can sea the future?" "OMG! like, i tots didn't no that!" "Whos Roonil?" "Hes my bfs bff!" "u hav a bf?" "o ala, ur so out of the LOOP!1" And with that the three wiards went off 2 find roonil.

Sos they walked up to the kitchens were the houseelfes were making food which was totally were Roonil was. I don't get how hes so skinny ( or gangly like in the books!1!) but he eats so much. That's totally not realistic. So he was luaging arond in a purple suit jacket and skinny jeans ( which I think becomes certain peeps like Steven Kowalski) and Ivie was like" Hey we need you to solve theis problem wiht your SEEEEING" but suddenly oregano realized that she had another problem because beneath the freakles and whatevs Roonil was kinda hott two and she couldn't ask him about himself. What could she dow now?

"OMG I liiek, havs to leave!" she panted and lurched tord her next class (witch she was tots late for). "wait" roonil Yelled afer her and cam erunning up n ext to her. 'Orageno, we tots neeet to dalk!" sed ROonil. "Ican't talk to you!" Oregano said. "why not!" HE enquird anxisly. "because I love-" Oregano started"MY CLASS. I love my class." Roonil was tots confused. Oregano, i have something v. important 2 tell u!1" he siad. "I hav to tell you whow I feel about-" "BY ROONIL!" she said and ran away down the hal. OMG. Now she had so many choices she had to think about. It was 2 hardd!1!

So like...anyways...seh wuz on her way to class now. Wen seh arrivded in her HOM class, she saw ANOTHER cute boi...NO! It wuz a GIRL! Now she wuz evn MORE cunfuzed. De profezor was really confuzed 2 bc NOBODY was actually alert and Oregano wuz. (Y'z history boring in the magical world 2?1 Like so not fair. History's like TOTALLY my fav subject.) Oregano cudn't sit still tho. Not 1 bit. Cuz she was TOTALLY confuzed (did I say that already? sowwy). Seh decided seh wud mt dat grl afta claz just to see wut she was like. Maybe...just maybe, she'd be a totally FREAK! and then at least one of her wurries wud be out o/ the way. Seh tryd to focuz a lil bit on the class, but it was dragging ON...and ON...and ON.

"Erg. Blah. History. Goblins"said professor bines. Oregano couldn't believe her ears! How could it be goblins again! soo boring. she tossed her curtain of shiny thick orangey hair around her head in frustration. "Is'nt this lame?"She mouthed to to that guy next to her at her table, who she'd never seen befor but was tots hottt. he winked at her with his eyses and she was goin to wink back despirte all her problems when that ghost teacher said something (guuyss pay attention this is important) "The goblins phrophesized that one girl would appear ant change the way of magical world. Consult hist of majick for more reading". Oregano could not believe this lesson was still happeingin. Gah, who's that hot gurl?

Oreguno was soooo torn!1! she new she luvd harrie but she also luved draco and roonil adn now she thot mabye she allso lioked this gurrrrlllll. OMG WUZ OREGUNO A LEBSIAN! This wuz sriurrius bizniiz. (DON"T WURRY SHE IS NOT A LEBSIAN OMG UGH. THAET WUD BE SOOO GROSSSS.)(LIKE, I AM NOT EVEN RITING THAT0. Allll thu way bak to hur dormityory, Oreguno wuz soooooo wurried. Giurls or boyz?



Fallingterust: Wisdom is like a fountain and may your fountain flow and never run dry and always cotninue.

Ginny Weasley: I dont kno who Mary Sue is, but thx 4 teh reviewster!1!Wisdom is like a fountain and may your fountain flow and never run dry and always cotninue.

Edward Cooper: YOU ARE NOT A GOOD PERSON ANDD i DONT NEED YOU AND I CAN DO SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH BETER! Steven "Fred" Kowalski is my new boif and im sur hes a much bttr kisser then ull evr be. and i want the vamlumtine i gave u back, u suck.

Wilddog14; thanx grfriend. u no a good ficcy wen u see it, obvously! Wisdom is like a fountain and may your fountain flow and never run dry and always cotninue.

till the next install, PLEEEASE REVEIW! I will only continoo if i gett enuff revws.