Quick Note- I was challenged on another name from a now non existent account that I had earlier in the year to write a story in which Sesshomaru has pups. I racked my brain for a scenario that I thought would even work for such a thing. This is what I came up with. I promise it will not be the typical uke!Sesshomaru story.

Synopsis- Sesshomaru is set to be mated to Inuyasha, by their father Inutaisho. Neither is too happy about it.

Disclaimer- I do not own Inuyasha or make a profit by this. In fact if I could make a profit off of whoring out Sesshomaru, I would quit the university in a heartbeat.


"No! I won't do it!" Sesshomaru's eyes flashed red, the dog within him yearning to shake free of its dormancy.

Sensing the upwelling of power, Inutaisho placed a hand gingerly on his son's shoulder. "Son, I had hoped that you would respect my decision."

The great dog lord did not breakthe amber eyed stare he held with his son. Dominance deferred, Sesshomaru looked away, the comment stinging much more than a hand on his creamy skin ever would. His father was a great and powerful demon, and as the son of that honored one, he would respect the dog lord's wishes.

"Gomen, father. I did not mean to disrespect you." Sesshomaru declined his head slightly in respect.

Inutaisho ruffled the younger demon's hair. Sesshomaru tightened noticibly at the touch, but did not dare move from his father's grasp. "Thank you. Will you honor my chosen mate for you?"

"Yes, father."

"Good boy. I will announce it to the lands tonight"

The dog lords bowed to one another, the ruling Inu turning to go out into the courtyards. Sesshomaru felt exhausted. It was as if everything that had put that proud buoyancy in his step had been ruptured. He knew that his father wanted for him to show more compassion towards his underlings, but this was ridiculous.

Inuyasha. Even the sound of his name made the poison want to un-dam itself from his claws. That dirty hanyou half brother that really should never have been born. Inuyasha. Sesshomaru had no qualms about mating another male, or even a brother. That was done practically all the time. Hell, just look at the wolf clan! Now, thanks to his father,tonight he had to look forward to the announcement of his betrothal. He would rather gut himself upon the tenseiga, which would be a painful eternity without death. As far as he was concerned, it was much better than living with Inuyasha tangled in his bed linens.


The nobles of the kingdom sat around the long tables that lay heaped with the spoils of hunts in the western lands. Sesshomaru watched the peers of the land gnaw on bones, growl over choice scraps, and get tipsy on just a little too much sake. Sesshomaru would never be so barbaric. In fact, when he ruled the castle, he would have a strict code of behaviors set for his guests. Anyone who broke them could be tossed out on their noble asses for all he cared. Order. This was something that appealed greatly to the young Daiyoukai.

Inutaisho gave his son a little wink before clapping his hands together, effectively silencing the masses.

"Ladies and Lords! I am now pleased to announce what you all came here to learn. I would like to present to you my son and heir to my lands, Lord Sesshomaru."

Sesshomaru could feel their eyes upon him. He tried to ignore the hunger that possessed most of the sake crazed minds out in the audience. One brave soul managed a wolf whistle, but he was silenced by a sharp jab to the ribs by his lady. Sesshomaru was the pinnacle of desire. He was an unmated youkai. A youkai of a high rank and unparalleled beauty. He was being displayed to the masses, to those who would never be able to lay a finger on his fine ivory skin. It was a rather cruel tradition, Sesshomaru supposed. All wheeling and dealing for a mating betrothal took place behind closed doors when one was this high up in the ranks.

Sesshomaru's golden eyes showed nothing but contempt and hatred for the faces that gawked at him. Done with his moment of exposure, he continued his walk from the stone archway to Inutaisho's side. He wanted to be anywhere but here.

"After much consideration, I have decided what would be best for my lands, and for my son."

Sesshomaru balked. Like hell this was the best for him. You will pay for this father.

"Lord Sesshomaru, my son, heir to my lands and legacy, has agreed to be mated to Inuyasha, my youngest child. Inuyasha, please come out and join us in our celebration of your betrothal to Lord Sesshomaru."

The crowd looked slightly puzzled. Why was the hanyou dog demon looking just as dour as Inutaisho's older son? They began to clap, first starting as a trickle, then roaring against the stone of the hall. Regardless of what was going on between the two brothers, they made a very attractive couple. In fact, if the hanyou had painted Sesshomaru's demon markings upon his face and pinned back his ears, they could easily be mistaken for twins.

For whatever reason, it had never occurred to Sesshomaru that he would have to see Inuyasha at the announcement of his betrothal. Like a little puppet, Sesshomaru offered his hand out to his brother, who was only a few feet away. The crowd "aww"ed at the supposed display of affection. The brothers knew better. The golden eyes were locked in duel, only partially hidden by fake smiles.

Sesshomaru clasped Inuyasha's hand in his own, bringing it gently to his lips, where he gave it a chaste kiss. More murmurs sounded from the peanut gallery. Inuyasha narrowed his eyes at his brother. Who said that he was supposed to be the lady?

Inutaisho cleared his throat before beginning again. "My two sons are to be mated together on the night of thefull moon, which is fast approaching in a week. Now let us all celebrate this coming together of peers, the forgiveness of differences, and the commitment to peace."

Massive cheers erupted. The Lord of the West held up his glass. "To Sesshomaru and Inuyasha!"

"To Sesshomaru and Inuyasha!" Chorused the horde of people. Sesshomaru was disgusted at how his father was now encouraging the fools to drink one more glass of alcohol, even after they were more than sufficiently sloshed. However, that did not even compare to how disgusted he felt about the hand that was now clasped neatly in his.

The party now spiraled into a wild bacchanalia of dancing youkai and flowing wines. Both Inuyasha and Sesshomaru attempted to leave the festivities, but their father was extremely vigilantwith the pair. How ironic, Sesshomaru thought, that my brother and I are on the same side for once. Lords and Ladies that Sesshomaru did not know nor care to remember formed giant queues to pay their respects to the betrothed couple. It wasn't until the sun was beginning to rise for the following morning that all of the castle partiers finally decided to return to their own homes. Both sons of the great lord were relieved when the last drunkard staggered out of the castle doors.

"Sons, I just wanted to say how proud I was of you, setting aside your differences for tonight."

Sesshomaru groaned.

"As it is the beginning of the Inuyoukai mating season, you shall be paired on the day of thefull moon. On that date you will mark one another, and declare the division of power between you."

Inuyasha looked puzzled. "Division of power?"

Inutaisho smiled and placed a loving hand on his son's shoulder. "Oh, yes. I'm afraid I forgot to mention that when I declared my intentions to you earlier. There is more to being mated than just being paired together. Because you are males, it must be decided between you who is the seme and who is the uke."

Two very different stares greeted the dog lord. Inuyasha's was almost a purple shade of embarrassment, while Sesshomaru's stripes were beginning to expand with rage.

"Of course I'm the seme, father." Sesshomaru snarled. "There is no other way for this relationship to function. That is final."

Inutaisho chuckled. "I am afraid that is not for you to decide, son. Maybe you are, and maybe you aren't the seme. There is nothing wrong with being an uke."

Inuyasha looked eager at the revelation. "How exactly is this decided?" Sesshomaru's gaze could have chucked a million enchanted arrows at his brother that instant.

"Well, first one- well actually Sesshomaru because of age, will mark and mount you, Inuyasha. After he is finished, then you will retire into separate rooms. The next night, Sesshomaru, you will be marked and taken by Inuyasha. Within three days, one of you will sustain the conception of a pup. Most times, this first pup is never brought into the world,because of the considerable stress put on the uke, but the scent of the pregnancy will be unmistakable."

"No. I refuse to be submitted to that despicable hanyou." Sesshomaru crossed his arms over his chest. This was ridiculous.

"Actually you will." Inutaisho pet the back of his son's hair, chuckling as the hackles rose even further. "You will submit to tradition, even if I have to tie you to the bed myself."