Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

This is a Miroku/Kagome story. The first six chapters of this story are light and fluffy (and short). They are mostly an intro to the rest of the story, which delves more in depth than the first six. Whew, it get's heated later, with longer chapters and more angst. Evil, evil Naraku.

"Wait wait! I got a good one now!" Kagome laughed with giddy intensity. This is going to be fun! She thought with a sly, or so Kagome thought, look towards Miroku. She was never really good at 'sly', but it was a new day.

"Okay let's hear it." Miroku leaned in patiently as they sat together, having caught her contagious smile. Kagome knew he could never resist a pretty woman's smile.

"It's a 'what am I?' game." She giggled in anticipation of the joke to come. He'll enjoy this one! Though she also wondered about her courage to go through with it, but there was no turning back now. She wondered why it was that this made her nervous.

Miroku nodded his understanding, they had played these innocent games before, and waited for her to continue. However, what she said next clearly caught him completely off guard.

"My cavity is filled with seed." She started, and she stifled a giggle as she saw his eyes widen. He must have thought she didn't have it in her to joke like that. I'll show him perverted, she thought with strengthening courage. She didn't learn these jokes just to keep them to herself, and she presumed that Inuyasha and Sango wouldn't appreciate them as much.

He stared for a moment, apparently wondering if she really said what he thought she said, "Uh Kagome?"

"Want another clue?" She watched for another moment as he figured the safest route in his mind.

"Yes." Good boy! She thought, then laughed silently to herself just because of that ridiculous internal outburst.

"Okay..." She thought for a moment, trying to be dramatic with a pause and hoping that she was succeeding in that aspect. "When you eat me, I drip down your chin." She leaned towards him slightly and watched his face intently as she said that. This is almost too good! She thought as his mouth opened in shock. Kagome was trying so hard to hold in the peels of laughter bubbling up from her chest.

Vaguely she wondered why this was so funny to her. She bit back another tidal-wave of giggles. I think it's the look on his face, priceless.

"I'm afraid I must insist on another clue." Miroku was really trying to regain his composure. He just kept giving her this look. It was really quite funny, the look could almost be called… dumbfounded.

"The knockers know if I'm ready." Kagome paused as she tried to look thoughtful. "That's the last clue Miroku! Now what am I?"

Miroku was just speechless... no.. he was flabbergasted. "I uh.. well..." She definitely knew what he was thinking, and she swore if he said it, she was just going to bust out laughing in his face.

"You give up?" Kagome interrupted. She was giddy about telling him the answer, I wish I was more patient! Waiting was just going to kill her! She felt like her chest was going to explode from the energy, the anticipation. Kagome thought she must be getting braver.

"Yes." Miroku squeaked. Kagome turned her head as nonchalantly as possible so he wouldn't see her face.

"A melon!" At that Kagome glanced back at Miroku and saw the relief flow over his features, she almost burst into giggles then.

"Oh! A melon!" Miroku breathed, apparently reassured as to her sanity.

"What else would it be?" Kagome asked sweetly, and then burst into the hysterics she had kept at bay for what felt like forever.

"Wha-? You knew I would think that it was- that I would think like that!" He blurted.

Kagome just laughed harder, he thought I was being completely innocent!

"Of- Of course!" And the tears were flowing as she gripped her sides and fell almost comically to the ground.


On and chapters 1-6 here are only two chapters at those sites... I just don't want to rearrange these chapters, so you'll be clicking more buttons here than there! Apologies!

Remember, the first 6 are fluffy and slightly silly. It changes later.