A/N: Finally, I got around to working on this. XD I'm so lazy. But this is the last chapter! Feel the excitement! I can't believe I'm getting around to finishing something! Woo for me! And to all the wonderful loyal reviewers….I couldn't have done it without you! I needed to know that people were interested, or I'll get lazy and slack off…but if you review, I get guilty if I don't work on my stuff. So….that means, the more reviews I get, the guiltier I'll be if I don't work, and the faster I'll update. All of you better keep that in mind in the future. XD

Disclaimer: Too bad I don't own the rights to Albel and Fayt because I think this would have been a great movie. Fayt and Albel are so cute together. XD

Fayt: You say we're cute together…but as soon as we get together, you end the story. :( I just barely got to know Albel.

Me: Stop complaining…I let you two stay way too cuddly those last few chapters.

Albel: -smacks Fayt over the head- Stupid. We're getting married remember? Just because the story ends, it doesn't mean our relationship ends.

Fayt: Oh yeah. -hugs Albel-

Warnings: This chapter is not for the faint of heart…or for those who like things to be graphic….they came...they saw…they went…and did something in between. XD

After a long night battling vampire bats, a thick vine bursting through the window, and being nearly buried in ceiling plaster, Fayt and Albel had fallen asleep out of sheer exhaustion. The two boys slept fitfully in a room choked with a tropical atmosphere almost unfit for breathing. It was too hot for them to sleep close so they slept on opposite sides of the bed with all the sheets and blankets kicked off, both of them stripped down to boxer shorts.

Suddenly, the phone rang. Albel jerked awake while Fayt yawned sleepily.

"What is it?" Fayt asked tiredly.

Albel cursed loudly and snatched up the phone, which was on his side of the bed. "Who the hell are you and what the fuck are you doing calling at this hour?" Albel demanded. "It's three a.m.!"

"Good morning to you too," said a familiar voice with a soft chuckle.

Albel scowled. "Hey, Mr. Leingod. What are you doing calling so early?"

"In heaven time doesn't matter. We have no days or nights."

Fayt stirred. "My dad's on the phone?"

Albel glanced at him. "Uh, did you want to say hello to Fayt?"

"In a second. First, I want you to look out the window."

Albel got up and padded over to the window and opened the blinds. A spectral face plastered against the pane leered in at him.

Albel jumped back. "Holy shit, not that creep again."

"Keep watching," Mr. Leingod advised.

Right before Albel's eyes, a patch of the sky began to swirl with orange, pink, and purple. The male and female ghosts clutched a suitcase in one hand and held tightly onto the porch with the other. He continued to watch as the patch swirled into a colorful miniature and sucked both ghosts up and then vanished with a popping sound.

"Well, that was pretty weird," Albel muttered.

"I just figured you would like to be awake when they went."

Albel shrugged and scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah, I'm glad they're gone, but Fayt and I are kind of tired right now. We've had a long night."

"But you'll be able to sleep better now. The air's not so suffocating anymore, is it?"

Albel paused. "Yeah, you're right. That's bizarre."

"Well, after the ghosts left, all the damage that was done to the house was repaired. Nothing is ruined or wrecked. It's all back to normal. I'm sorry I can't say the same for everyone killed, although the blood is all cleaned up and the bodies have already been buried in a spot in the backyard."

Albel sighed. "I'm glad this nightmare is finally over." He sat on the edge of the bed, staring out into space contemplatively.

Fayt crawled over to him. "It's cold now. This sucks. It was really hot a few minutes ago."

Albel wrapped his arms around Fayt's shoulders. "There are some blankets on the floor. You can start with those."

"Ooh, good idea." Fayt scrambled towards the edge of the bed to haul the blankets back up.

"Tell him to wait a second," Fayt's dad said swiftly. "I want to speak to him."

Albel place a hand on Fayt's shoulder. "I think you better wait until you find out what your dad has to say."

Fayt blinked in surprise and took the phone. Albel began to retrieve the blankets.

"Hi, dad. It's nice to talk to you again."

"It's nice to talk to you again too. How are you and Albel getting along? He is managing to keep his hands off you, isn't he?"

Fayt turned bright red. "How'd you know?" He shot Albel an embarrassed glance.

His father laughed. "I know a lot about what's going on between you. I know how guilty you feel whenever Albel looks at you a certain way. You love him, but you're not quite ready to surrender to that yet. You're afraid of what happens next. Albel won't get you pregnant and he won't leave you. You know that. What you're really afraid of is what I think. I told you to wait until you're married, so you're planning on doing that. I also told you it was a good idea to wait until you're twenty. You know, you don't have to wait until you're twenty."

"But I wanted to make sure it was really love-" Fayt absently shrugged back into his pajama shirt.

"I know Albel loves you. You know that too. Now stop worrying about never seeing me again. Death cannot stop true love. You two need to go ahead and get married as soon as you can, maybe even today."

"Today?" Fayt squeaked. "We can't get married today."

Albel perked up and shot Fayt a questioning glance. Fayt grimaced. "Dad, you know that weddings need witnesses and-"

"Calm down, son. You're so uptight about everything. If things aren't perfect, you freak out."

The phone clicked onto speaker phone and a small golden ring fell from the ceiling. "There. That one is your mother's. Now, if I can just get mine off…you can have that one too. Okay, there."

Fayt picked up the first ring. "My mother's…" he whispered. "I haven't seen this in years."

"I know. I always meant for you to have it and now seems like a good time. I'm pretty sure it'll work for Albel. He has pretty skinny fingers."

Albel scowled. "Just because I'm skinny doesn't mean I'm a girl."

"I know you're not a girl. You've just got the figure…well, if you were wearing a dress…it'd be hard to tell."

Albel shuddered and glared at the phone. "I don't go in for cross-dressing or stuff like that. Geez, I've never been more insulted."

Fayt's dad laughed as Albel scowled and crossed his arms over his chest. "Take it easy, Albel. I'm just having a little fun. You're both too serious. You're married now. You should be happy." The phone clicked off.

Albel gave Fayt a predatory look. "That's right…we're married now."

"Hell no," Fayt growled. "I'm cold and I'm tired."

Albel looked pained. "Sex will warm you up."

"Albel, it's three a.m.! I want to sleep till at least 6, and then we'll talk about it."

Albel sighed heavily. "Alright, Fayt. I'll give you until six."

Fayt burrowed under the blankets up against Albel and immediately drifted back to sleep. But Albel had other things to do…


"Hey, Fayt," Albel hissed. "Wake up."

"I said not until six," Fayt growled. "You've been waiting patiently for two days so you can wait another 3 hours."

"Fayt, it's already six."

"Oh." Fayt blinked and slowly sat up. He yawned and stretched. "Alright, now what do you want to do?"

Fayt squeaked in alarm as Albel tackled him. "Alright! Get off, get off!"

Albel sat back and frowned at Fayt. He pointed at Fayt's chest. "Shirt off."

Fayt hugged his arms tightly around himself. "But it's too cold for that."

Albel scowled. "You'll warm up after awhile. But I guess we'll have to do this the hard way."

After a few moments, Albel had wrestled all of Fayt's clothes off. Fayt backed up against the wall nervously. "This is going to hurt, isn't it?"

Albel shrugged. "I can't promise you it won't. It might hurt, but I won't hurt you on purpose. I'll try not to. The only thing I know is that it hurts less after awhile."

"Great," Fayt muttered. "Now I feel so much better."

Albel grinned ferociously. "If you're raped, it hurts the whole time. But you'll be willing, won't you?"

Fayt yelped and tried to escape, but Albel pinned him to the bed. Albel nibbled on Fayt's ear. "Don't make me have to hurt you. If you stay calm, it'll be a lot easier on you."

"Uh, don't people usually start their honeymoons at night?" Fayt asked weakly.

"I'm not going to wait that long, Fayt, and neither are you." Albel trailed a finger all the way down Fayt's chest to below his waist.

Fayt shut his eyes tightly and made a strangled sound. Albel chuckled and let his tongue follow the same trail.

Fayt arched his back and whimpered. "St-stop. That's gross."

Albel shrugged casually and kissed Fayt's cheek. "I suppose I can't expect you to like everything, so we'll start with something basic." He gently pushed Fayt onto his side.

Fayt's eyes flew open. "What the hell? Now you have to stick a finger up my ass? Don't you know how to do anything normal?"

Albel shrugged apologetically. "I have to stretch you out. It'll hurt a lot more if I don't. Just try to be patient. I only have to get to three fingers."

"Oh, only three?" Fayt muttered sarcastically.

Albel nipped at Fat's neck. "I'll do four if you'd like."

Fayt groaned. "Three is plenty."

Fayt's breath came in short, quick gasps. His fists were clenched tightly with pain and he whimpered at each new finger.

"Fayt, just try to relax," Albel whispered. "I know this is all new to you and it's probably uncomfortable, but I promise it'll get much better if you can get through this."

Fayt took a deep breath to calm himself. Okay, so things weren't that bad. He could do this.

Albel felt some of the tension leave Fayt's body and he kissed the crook of Fayt's neck. "I knew you could do it. Now I'm done stretching you out. Now we can move on."

Fayt pointed to the tube in Albel's hand. "Now, what is that?"

Albel blinked. "It's-"

Fayt held up his hands. "Wait. I don't want to know. But where did you find it?"

Albel shrugged. "In the bathroom down the hall."

Fayt pouted. "So while I was sleeping, you were looking for sex stuff?"

"No, just this. Now, hold still, Fayt."

"Stop it! That's cold!"

"You can either feel cold or you can feel pain. Take your pick, Fayt."

"Fine," Fayt muttered sulkily.

Fayt tensed and whimpered in pain as Albel began to push himself into Fayt.

"It's okay, Fayt. Just relax. I promise I'll go slow and be gentle," Albel assured Fayt.

Albel lay still beside Fayt for a moment and waited for Fayt to adjust. At last, Fayt let out a long sigh. "Okay, I'm alright. You can keep going."

Albel wrapped his arms tightly around Fayt's chest and held him still as he pushed forward.

"Fuck!" Fayt hissed. "That hurts!"

Albel shifted slightly. "Come on, Fayt. You have to have a pleasure spot somewhere."

Fayt smacked him. "Stop talking dirty!"

Albel rolled his eyes. "If you haven't noticed, we're doing something dirty."

Fayt leaned back against Albel. "Maybe you are. I don't know what I'm doing."

Albel shrugged and moved slightly, leaning forward against Fayt.

Fayt gasped and made a noise like he had just realized something.

"What is it, Fayt?" Albel asked worriedly.

"Right there," Fayt said breathlessly.

"Right there?"

"Yes, right there."

Albel grinned. "Oh good. We found your sweet spot."

"Albel, what did I tell you about-"

Albel cut him off with a particularly hard thrust.

Fayt moaned. "Oh god. Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

Albel grinned. "That's what I'm doing, Fayt."

Panting, Fayt threw his head back against Albel and tightly clutched Albel's wrists.

Albel winced at Fayt's scream but let himself ignore it and get carried over the edge. He slumped forward against Fayt. "God, you're loud," he muttered tiredly.

"Couldn't help it," Fayt said sleepily. "Just go to sleep and pretend it didn't happen."

"Aren't you sticky, Fayt? Are you sure you don't want to get cleaned up first?"

"Wait till morning. I'm too tired to care."

"Fayt, it's already morning."

"Motherfucker," Fayt growled. "Shut up and let me sleep. I've had a rough night."

Albel chuckled and snuggled up against Fayt, falling back asleep.


The sun was shining brightly through the window when Albel and Fayt woke up again. Fayt yawned hugely and stretched. Albel pinned Fayt down to the bed. "Good morning. I'm not letting you up until you kiss me."

Fayt wrapped his arms around Albel's neck and pulled him closer. "I think I can arrange that."

A door slammed somewhere in the house and a woman's shrill voice called out, "What a mess this place is! There's dirty dishes everywhere! And the dust! Lord, this place needs a good cleaning."

Albel's eyes widened. "Oh shit. The realtors."

Fayt quickly rolled out of bed and hastily began tugging on some clothes. "Stay right here," he warned Albel as he dashed out of the room.

Fayt found a plump, middle-aged woman in the living room, looking disapprovingly at the layer of dust over the mantel. She glanced up at Fayt as he entered. "Hello. I'm Mrs. Traydor's client. She gave me a key and said I could stop in and look the place over."

"How nice," Fayt said weakly.

The woman nodded brusquely. "It's a decent house. I'll have it thoroughly cleaned of course before I move in, but I think it'll do fine. Now, let me see the rest of the house."

Fayt paled as the woman bustled down the hallway towards the bedroom. "Really, ma'am…are you sure…err…can I-"

"It's okay, Fayt. You don't need to stall her." Albel leaned against the wall, wearing only a pair of tight black pants.

Fayt blushed scarlet as the woman scowled at Albel. "Get some clothes on, boy!"

"Albel, this is the potential buyer," Fayt said quietly. "Could you perhaps tidy up the room a bit before she looks at it?"

Albel did a mocking bow. "By all means, love. It's as good as done."

The woman frowned. "Albel? Albel Nox? Why, you scoundrel. You should be ashamed of yourself! It's your kind that pollutes our beautiful city!"

Fayt caught the woman's arms as she was about to deck Albel with her huge purse. "Ma'am…I don't think Albel left any germs in the house." He looked hard at Albel as he said it.

Albel rolled his eyes. "I already told you…I cleaned up the bedroom."

The woman stared at Fayt intently. "You too? Sweet Jesus, they're multiplying! Well, I won't stand for it!" She stormed out of the house.

Albel grinned at Fayt. "It seems that you are now in possession of a house…and my mom is looking for somewhere to live."

Fayt winked. "I'll have my people talk to your people. I'm sure we could discuss something reasonable. Now, care to step into my office?"

Albel smirked as he followed Fayt back into the bedroom.

A/N: yes, it's finally done. X.X Yes, I know it's long…but I couldn't help myself.