OOOKAY! So for those of you who don't know who Deadpool or Wade Wilson is, here is a little rundown. He was a failed specimen of Weapon X. the place that cut Wolvie up and gave him his metal bones. He talks to himself. A lot. So when he comes in, here's how it goes:

"Regular dialogue" –Regular Wade

Italicized is first inner Wade voice

Underlined is second inner Wade voice.

Make sense? Also he's known for breaking the 4th wall. :D


James laughed as he dodged Summer's eye beams. "Too slow bright eyes!"

The danger room was alive and moving as the two lone survivors of 'Mutant Tag' fought to end their game. James was pretty certain Scott would cave any minute now.

Although today Scott seemed more intense than usual. "Just biding my time mutt face."

"By the way Scooter I heard you gave a free show to the hallway yesterday morning and a certain Miss Gray got a peek."

"Shut Up James!"

"What? I didn't forget my towel and lose my clothes."

"Neither did I! You and Kurt stole them!"

James could feel the heat of the blast by his right ear.

"You always blame me!" James smirked when Scott's ears began to redden at the tips.

"Because it always is you! You're like a one man wrecking crew!"

"Wow Summers! That's some witty retort there!"

Logan's voice boomed over the intercom, "James! Scott! Wrap it up! Stuff going down with the new kid and the professor wants to speak to everyone!"

Logan's role in this new life was interesting. He seemed to go out of his way to spend time with James, early morning training sessions, afternoons in the garage. Most adults he had come into contact with were happiest if James was never home. He'd been surprised when Logan yelled at him for missing a twelve o'clock curfew.

"If you don't pay attention, you're gonna get fried Punk!" Logan's voice boomed over the intercom.

"Yeah, yeah I know." James rolled and dodged another beam easily. This is fun. But I gotta work on Al's bike some more or she's gonna bitch all night. James decided it was time to end their little game.

"Face it James, you don't have any moves left that I haven't seen!"

James's smile widened. Oh there is one scooter! Al will kill me if she finds out but…James thought of the look on Scott and Logan's face. What the hell, I haven't cut loose in forever!

James began his transformation. He felt the fur cover his body, his body grew and his muscles expanded. All the smells and sights in the danger room intensified by ten. James remembered that the first time transforming had given him a migraine.

"Holy…" Scott hesitated for just a second, but that was all James needed. With a huge leap over Scotty's head James landed and prepared to take Summers out. Jumping up on his hind legs James brought his massive paws down on Scott's shoulders, careful not to press too hard. Scott fell to the ground with James on top.

"Ok! Ok you win James! Now get your furry butt off me!"

James laughed, which came out as a bark, and began to transform back. As he did a light tickle in his head began to grow. The fur left his body and the bones moved back to their human position. Just as he was going to help Scott up, blinding pain tore through his head.

"AGH!" James felt his knees hit the floor and then his torso. His eyes had closed instinctively. He tried to pry them open to see what had caused his pain, but found he couldn't do anything. Icy hot daggers were penetrating his skull and spreading through the rest of his body. After a moment his entire body was numb. Some sounds came through then became fuzzy again. As he began to black out he briefly wondered if this meant he had to forfeit to Scott.

Anya was panting. Hard. The overgrown octopus has been practicing all these years and I, I have been sulking. It was hard to admit, but no less true. Anya kept her eyes locked on Omega, his lips curled upwards in a feral grin, two bloody tentacles waving about in the air. She bit back the bile that rose in her throat and prepared to attack again.

"Stand down now so I can fulfill my mission and bring you back alive."

Anya scowled. "Oh yea? And just who would you be bringing me to?"

Omega chuckled, "Like I have to tell you." His eyebrows raised and his grin faded a bit, "By the way, do you happen to know where I might find your children?"

Anya's blood froze over instantly. Her body stopped any movement and her heart skipped a beat. She attempted to swallow but it stuck like peanut butter in her throat. Finally she forced her voice to growl out,

"I'm Going to KILL you tonight." It was a promise to herself, to Logan and to her children. His smile widened, "You DO Know."

She lunged.

Laura was starting to wonder if this guy's reputation was entirely made up. He fought well, but she'd fought way better.

Wasn't this guy supposed to be impressive?

Laura dodged another sloppy hit and decided she had entertained the 'legendary' Rose long enough. Letting her claws out Laura took a swipe at the blonde man. He dodged and then smiled wide.

"So you are the long lost X-23 I've heard so much about. Father will be thrilled at your return to the H.Y.D.R.A. facility. He was quite upset that so much of his money was thrown away."

Laura stared back at Fisk without showing any emotion. His words fell on deaf ears. Were he able to carry out his threat she might have gotten angry. But he was no obstacle to her.

"Those are big words from a very little man." Fisk fumed as Laura smirked back.

"By the end of the night little lady, you're going to regret those words." Fisk began to pull something out of his belt, something round…Oh shit.

Laura lunged away as the small grenade was thrown at her. She escaped the worst of the blast, but some of the flames had still licked her back. The wounds began to heal as Laura raced to find some higher ground. Running towards the wall, Laura jumped against the wall and used it to give herself momentum to throw herself at the platform ten feet above the ground. She grabbed the railing of the platform and pulled herself up.

"I start with my smallest grenade and work my way up. Let's try this one now, shall we?"

Fisk's voice was still below her, but now smoke had filled the room. It smelled strongly, almost blinding her sense of smell. Laura forced herself to breathe through her mouth. She stood still as she waited for him to make a sound. The echoes of Anya and Omega's fight danced in the air as the only sound.

Then she heard him step, lunging to her right she swiped at him with her claws. She grazed him, but he still let out a hiss of pain.

"That wasn't very lady like. Here, a present from me to you." The narrow platform left nowhere for her to dodge as the small object hit her in the chest. Sharp currents ran through her body making her knees buckle and her already labored breathing worsen. When the sting stopped, Laura's head was pounding from inhaling the gas of the second grenade.

"Didn't care for my present? Then you'll really hate this one." Laura growled and lunged toward Fisk's voice. She struck air, but the grenade missed her as well. In a quick move Laura jumped off the platform and stalked through the room. Listening intently Laura padded in a slow circle, waiting for Fisk to make a move.

Looking down she spotted a color through the thick gas. Tiny red droplets in an almost invisible path that led to a staircase to the catwalk littered the floor. Laura almost smiled. Silently she went up the stairs.

Fisk's voice was much closer this time. "Clever girl." Laura kicked hard, landing deep in Fisk's stomach. His surprised "oomph" was music in her ears. She didn't like to lose. He countered with a punch to her face; she redirected it past her and elbowed him in the face, the chest and then the kidney. He fell to his knees, face and chest bloody.

"You got me good sweetheart." He spit on the ground as Laura extracted her claws. "My turn." Fisk aimed a punch at her face again; Laura redirected it again and then from his left hand, came a blinding light and a loud boom followed and then complete silence. Blinded and deaf Laura didn't realize that Fisk finished their fight with a bullet to her head.

As David North prepared his dinner, he wondered if the other 'rats' of Weapon X had been as lucky as him. His life was so close to normal now that he occasionally took a contract to keep himself from dying of boredom. Long ago he had dropped the name Maverick, given the name agent X to a good friend and was now known as agent zero. But most of the time he was just an average Joe, with an arsenal in the bedroom.

The water began to boil as David poured in the dry macaroni noodles.

The cool steel of a sword that was suddenly kissing his throat was a surprise.

"Hey! Maverick old buddy, old chum! How are you? Did ya miss me?" The most annoying voice on the planet could only belong to one man.

"Wade Wilson. What the hell do you want? I'm making dinner here."

The sword dropped. "OOOH! What ya making? I grabbed a hotdog on the way in but it really doesn't fill you up you know?"

"Mmmhmm." Grabbing the handle of the pot David threw it into Deadpool's face. The water steamed as Wade yelled out in pain. North ran for the bedroom to grab a gun.

"OH! GAH! WHY DAVIE WHY? My looks are all I have!"

David snorted, "Then you're bankrupt Wade." Out of the closet he grabbed his favorite gun and returned to the living room, ready for Wade to attack.

Instead, Deadpool sat on his couch, the t.v. to the football game, with a beer (his last beer actually) and a bag of chips. His mask was pulled up above his mouth as he grinned happily.

"I'm personally cheering for the Wolves, but I know you're more of a Tigers fan."

David kept his gun trained on Deadpool, coming around to the front of the couch and asking, "What are you doing?"

"Hopefully winning my bet of Wolves 20-12."

David blinked and against his better judgment lowered his gun. "What do you want with me Wade?"

Wade smacked the chips loudly and took a long chug of beer. He let out a belch and David felt his control slipping, "Need you to tell Wolverine something."

David blinked. "Wolverine? I haven't seen him in years. I don't even know where he is."

Wade tipped the bag of chips up and let the crumbs fall into his mouth and onto the floor. "He's a de Xavier tute for mootants." Wade swallowed his mouthful of chips, smacking his lips loudly. "He's a teacher. Ain't that high-larious! Anyways. My employer wants you to tell him his lady friend Ana or was it Olga is in some deep shit."

Ana? Olga? Could he possibly mean… "ANYA?"

"YEA! That's her name! Good going Davie I knew you were the man for the job! Anyway, let him know about his lady friend and I won't be upset about you shoving your burning hot dinner into my delicate skin."

David nodded as Wade chattered on and on, then finally, FINALLY, left his apartment leaving a pile of crumbs on the couch and a wasted pot of pasta on the kitchen floor.

Yep. I'm dying of boredom.

Wade Wilson thought that went pretty good…considering. Considering Maverick…or was it Wildcat now? EH. He couldn't remember.

He needs something cool like…Agent X!

"That's a dumb name. Anything with the word Agent in it is cliché anyway!"

Is not!

"Is too!"

Shut up! We gotta report to the client and get paid!

All was silent in Wade's head for about two minutes. I bet the Wolves lost.

"Yeah. Their quarterback sucks!"

Please it's all about defense!

Wade continued to have a nice talk with himself until he arrived at the little 24 hour diner. A bell rang when he entered and the woman at the bar looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. Wade smiled through the red and black mask and the lady shrugged and went back to reading her tabloid.

He could already see the eye patch waiting for him. Crossing to the booth Wade sat down and picked up a menu.

"Do they have chicken strips because I love chicken strips!"

Fury glared. "The job?"

Wade sighed dramatically and dropped the menu to the table. "Done. Though I don't understand why you needed me to play messenger boy."

Fury shrugged. "Cause I'm not involved in this, at ALL." Fury leveled a look at Wade.

Wade hummed the new Kesha song he had heard on the radio. "…Lose your mind…lose it now…Lose your clothes…"


Wade saluted, "Yes Director eye patch sir!"

Fury sighed heavily. Wade smiled at him. "Thanks." Fury pushed an envelope across the table and Wade snatched it up. "No prob buuuuddy! Hey! Do you have plans for next week's game? Cause I was thinking…S.H.I.E.L.D.'s got a Really big screen and the Wolves are taking the…"

Fury had already stood and was walking away. "I don't want to see you again for a long time Wilson."

Wade cocked his head to the side, "Well that's up to the author not you, so ha!"

You think she'll use us again?

Probably not in this story….maybe a sequel?

"YEA! My very own sequel! Family Dead! No…maybe The Family Pool of Dead? Hmmm…"

"Who are you talking to?"

Wade looked up at the waitress, a plump little lady with a nametag that read, Hi! My name is Beatrice.

Fun chapter to write. Very fun!