A surprise wrapped up neatly in a small white box. Kurogane was making his way through the streets, said box held in his hands for Fai. It was to make up for a nasty argument the two had gotten into the previous day. Something about alcohol..or was it because of the alcohol? He didn't dwell on it because it didn't matter anymore. He just had to make the wispy wizard come out of his dreary mood. And for sure, that was what he was about to do..

Fai was lounging on the couch, knees pulled upward to his chest. Blonde hair fell into his eyes that didn't seem to be looking at anything in general. He had been like this ever since he woke up that morning; laying lethargic on the couch without a word to anyone. Sakura and Syaoran had left quite awhile earlier to go about their day's business. Together.. Fai shuddered slightly as he thought that over. He wouldn't ever be with anyone.. Never together like they were. No, he wouldn't think about that. He shook his head a bit and let his chin rest against his knees, curled up there in the corner of the couch. He swayed a bit, thinking about crawling his way back into bed. His thoughts were scattered as the door to the house they all came across to share was thrown open.

Kurogane wandered his way into the house, a small wrapped box carried in one hand. He looked as he usually did, a frown smeared across his lips as his eyes were slightly narrowed. Typical of the dark samurai. Thankfully, the pork bun wasn't around or he'd have another fight waiting for him. He felt something tighten softly in his chest as he looked at Fai. He mentally sighed and moved forward, plopping himself down next to Fai. The usually bright male gave off a broken smile.

"Hey." Fai let out through his mask, arms still wrapped around his legs. Kurogane watched the blonde with some interest, a brow slightly raised.

"Here.." he let out, unable to think of any words to say to the wizard. He held out the white box, a blue ribbon flippantly tied around it. Fai looked at the box a moment before reaching out with his hands to accept the gift.

"Oh." escaped his lips at first as hands held the box, blue eyes looking at it for a few moments. Slowly, fingers untied the ribbon as legs slid down to rest against the floor. The box was put into his lap as the lid was removed. A faint smile tugged at the sides of his lips. It was a start.

"I'm..erm..Sorry about yesterday.." Kurogane let out awkwardly, scratching at the base of his neck. He didn't like being in situations like these. He didn't want to have to apologize, but he'd gathered up what pride he had to do it. Hopefully it wouldn't shatter; hopefully Fai wouldn't laugh at him. Fai only smiled, looking up to Kurogane with happy eyes.

It wasn't long before the pair was tucked away into bed, bodies slick under the heavy covers. Kurogane held onto Fai, body setting the rhythm they both shared so intimately. The box of chocolates was there, resting on the bed near the two. One of the sweet-treats was in Fai's mouth as Kurogane lowered down to share in the sweet kiss. The chocolate was melted between their lips, tongues dancing with each other. The wizard's body arched upward into the samurai's as the larger of the two managed to brush against that wonderful organ.

"Kuro" Fai moaned out as his legs tightened around the said male's hips. Kurogane gave off a wicked smile as the sound reached his ears, sliding his calloused hands along the pale and soft skin. They continued like this, their two bodies in rhythm for quite some time.

It wasn't until they realized there were voices in the next room that they figured they must have been at it for a long time. Kurogane leaned close into Fai, whispering sweet somethings into his ear that neither of them would remember the next morning. Fai gasped loudly as Kurogane tensed up and released. The two collapsed onto the bed, spent from their activities.

"I really love you.."