I love to write stories from Mimi's perspective. So I thought I'd give this one a go. Read on, and if you liked this story, review. Pleeeeeease? I live for reviews.

Disclaimer: Jonathon Larson owns RENT. And I thank him forever for creating it.

The last thing I felt was the life leaving my cold, helpless body. I was so cold, I was freezing. The last thing I thought was that I would never see Roger again. I felt sick. How could I do this to him? Why am I leaving him? Wasn't April leaving him enough for his heart to bear? All I knew was that I loved him, every single bit of him.

I loved his blond hair that gleamed in the sunlight, I loved his dark green eyes that seemed to lure me into their lush greenness. I loved the way he always used to tell me he loved my hair, and my eyes. I didn't want to leave him sitting there crying over me. I don't think his heart or mine could take it. I loved him too much.

"Would you light my candle?" I sang.

"Quick! Someone get a candle!" yelled Roger.

Suddenly, it felt warmer. I felt weightless and more free than I had ever felt before. I was glowing. I was leaving the loft. I saw the faces of Maureen and Joanne, silently crying in each other's arms. I saw Collins and Mark, the saddest expressions on their faces I had ever seen. And then, I saw Roger holding my lifeless body. And he was crying. I had never seen Roger cry before. It was heartbreaking. I wanted to tell him it was alright, and to not cry because I wasn't dying. I was not dying…

'Oh no,' I thought. 'What am I doing? I can't leave, I can't! Roger needs me, and I need him! No!' I closed my eyes…

When I opened them, I had to squint. Everything was too bright, and someone was facing me, shining brightly.

"Mimi Chica!" shouted Angel. "It's great to see you!"

"Angel! Where are we?" I asked. Wow she looked good. She had her short black wig on, with a pink shirt, and black skirt. She was wearing Mardi Gras beads, and pink eye shadow and lipstick. And of course, was carrying her pickle tub and drum sticks.

"A place where everyone goes eventually," she whispered. "I just can't believe you're here though. I mean, there has to be a reason he sent you here…"

"Who sent me where?" I questioned.

"A greater good," whispered Angel. "To heaven. Were you healthy? You had to have been. You're a fighter honey."

I smiled. "Not exactly. I was depressed about Roger moving to Santa Fe, so I decided to live on my own for awhile. You know, just till the pain wore off…

"But it never did." Angel finished.

"Right," I replied. "I kept buying drugs from The Man, and every day I felt worse. I was starving all the time. And one day I was in the park, and I just collapsed. I heard Joanne and Maureen's voices, and I tried to talk, but I couldn't. Then, they picked me up and brought me to Roger and Mark's apartment. I heard everyone talking about calling 911 and…and… that was the last thing I remember."

"Oh no honey. It wasn't. You heard Roger crying. And honey, he was crying from a broken heart. I love you Mimi, but you can't just leave that boy there. He needs you. He loves you. Turn around girlfriend. And listen to that boy's song."

Then, I saw a light so blinding, I had to shut my eyes tight. It was getting colder and colder. When I opened my eyes, the light was gone, and it was cold again. I tried to move but I couldn't. After a lot of effort, I opened my eyes.

The next thing I heard was the sweetest voice in the world, singing me a song it took him a year to write.

Yes I know it's short, but you know what to do! REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW! Yessss I rhymed.