Chapter 4:

Harry woke from his slumber due to the light knocking on his bedroom door. He sat up and got out of bed before heading to the door. He wasn't at all surprised to see Tonks standing there, but he was a little shocked at the forlorn look on her face. Tonks was generally an easy going lady. She hardly ever got mad and could never be sad for long.

"What's wrong, Tonks," Harry asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"I've just been doing some thinking, Harry. Come on, dinner's ready now. Fleur's waiting outside the door for us.

Harry walked back to his room and got some slacks to wear to dinner and got changed before meeting Tonks back in the common room.

While Harry was getting dressed, Tonks had let Fleur into the room and they appeared to be having a somewhat stilted conversation.

When they both notice Harry coming from his room they stood and waited for him to walk over.

As soon as he was near them Tonks started to talk.

"I-I just wanted to say that I am sorry for the way I reacted earlier. I had no reason to react that way and I said some mean things to you, our host, and must have given an awful impression of myself my first day here. So, I'm sorry," Tonks finished meekly.

Harry, though not shocked, was still impressed that she managed to overcome what ever her issue was so soon. He, himself, had never seen her mad, but he had heard stories that when she does get mad it's for good reason and it usually takes a lot to get her to calm down.

Seeing Harry nod in acceptance of her apology, she turned to Fleur. The quarter Veela was staring at her with a calculating look before she stuck out her hand in a formal peace offering.

Tonks smiled slightly and accepted the handshake and the tension in the room visibly deflated.

Harry smiled genuinely at both women and asked Fleur to lead the way.

"How old is this house?" Harry asked.

"My Aunt Cassy had it built shortly after the first war ended. She says that the community turned into something similar to the gypsies for awhile. They moved camp once a week and never stayed anywhere longer than was necessary to rest and recuperate.

"They waited until after He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was vanquished before trying to make a settlement anywhere permanently.

"As you can see, Aunt Cassy was a somewhat spoiled child growing up and has always been used to living in luxury. I was never given a straight answer as to how they could afford to rebuild everything here but I do not really care either way. I am here to learn more about my heritage," Fleur continued with a smile.

"I did not grow up around here. I lived with Mama until I graduated from Beauxbatons. Mama never married Papa but she was not allowed back here once she decided to move away.

"It is one of the ways that they keep our community a secret. I miss Mama and Gabrielle dearly, but this is something that I have always wanted to do. Gabrielle will be coming to live here after she graduates from Beauxbatons as well. She is starting her second year right now."

The talk ended around the time that Fleur led both Harry and Tonks to the formal dining room. Cassandra and another, more elderly, Veela were sitting at the table.

"Harry, Ms. Tonks, this is my sister Helena. I am afraid that the Delacour's seemed to be cursed as far as men are concerned. We can never seem to find one that wants to stay attached to us," Cassandra said with a slightly sad smile.

She cleared the sadness instantly and continued on. "I am certainly glad that Ms. Tonks and Albus were able to bring you up to speed with your Occlumency skills. I am afraid to say that we never would have been able to train you here otherwise."

"Tonks worked with me for the first year and a half after…Sirius. Then Dumbledore thought it was safe enough for him to take over my lessons. I was quite proficient by the time he decided to teach me.

"Tonks was a much better teacher than Sniv- I mean Snape ever was. If we ever catch him……Sorry, I'm rambling.

"Tonks was much nicer, about her teaching methods and it made the learning much easier. Though I guess the lack of attacks from Voldemort may have helped with that a bit too."

Rubbing the back of his head from where Tonks had hit him he decided to get on with the conversation. "Sorry about that. It's very nice to meet you Helena." Helena didn't seem to understand a word she said but was soon listening to the fast moving French words coming from Cassandra. She looked at Harry and smiled at him.

"I am afraid that Helena never wanted to learn English. As a matter of fact she has flat out refused to speak it, but that is not here nor there."

Tonks looked at Helena and then Cassandra again. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Delacour." The older of the two sisters stared at her for a second before rapid firing questions to Cassandra.

"What did I do?" Tonks asked.

"You didn't do anything wrong, Ms. Tonks," Fleur assured her. "Grandmere has never been outside of this community before and she was rather shocked by, um, your talent."

Tonks looked slightly confused before she realized that she had fallen back on an old habit of randomly changing her hair color when she was in a new or uncomfortable situation.

She smiled sheepishly. "Sorry," She said as she tried to take a drink of her water. The glass was almost to her mouth when it fell to the ground with a smash. She jumped out of her chair and tried to clean her mess but ended ip falling down and nearly impaling herself on the glass covered floor.

Harry was by her side in an instant and helping her off the floor as well as cleaning the glass and water from the ground. It took less than ten seconds, using magic, to clean the area and they were all seated at the table again, with Tonks shooting menacing glares at Harry whenever she could get away with it.

The dinner was a fairly quite affair as Cassy had to translate most everything to French so her sister would be informed of what was going on.

"This will be the only dinner for a while were we all be here at the same time. Most of the time, I will dine with Helena and that will leave the three of you to yourselves for dinner. It should make it easier on you to not have to be in a formal environment and to be able to have some time with just your peers," Cassy explained.

Harry and Tonks nodded formally, silently grateful that they would be able to have somewhat normal meal times.

Fleur remained impassive. She usually ate her meals with her friends or by herself as Aunt Cassy was often too busy to make the normal meal times.

Dinner ended shortly thereafter and Fleur decided to give her guests a tour of the estate.

"I am glad that the dinner is finally over. Aunt Cassy is the more interesting of the two sisters. And while I love my Grandmere dearly, it is difficult to spend a lengthy amount of time with her."

Harry and Tonks both smiled, again, slightly relieved that it wasn't just them that felt that way.

"I will take you on a tour of the rest of the community tomorrow. I think for tonight, this house should keep you suitably confused"

The house did indeed keep them on their toes. It was three levels. A basement, where the house elves conducted most of their business, cooking, laundry, and their living quarters were things that could be found down there.

The second, or main, level was mostly offices and meeting rooms, along with a small library of books.

The third floor had nine bedrooms and 6 bathrooms. It was the "living area." The rooms they stayed in were considered the guest suite. They were the only ones with a common room and private baths, aside from the master suite. This was done to give guests some amount of room that they can consider their own.

A tired Fleur excused herself from further conversation to turn in for the night, leaving Tonks and Harry alone in their common room.


"Yes, Harry," Tonks asked lazily from her spot on the couch.

"I know you apologized for being angry and everything but," he paused as he saw her stiffen slightly.

Deciding it best to just finish the question since he had already brought up the subject. "Why did you get so angry in the first place?

"Not that I don't care about your opinion or anything, but if anyone should have been angry it would have been me. I mean, it's about my life after all."

Tonks seemed to deflate in her seat. She had really hoped to not have to get into this too soon and here he was bringing it up he first chance he got.

"I-I…Harry, what do you think of me?" She asked nervously.

Warning bells were already going off in his head but he continued on anyways.

"What do you mean, Tonks? You're the best friend I have right now. I would do anything for you."

"You don't like to make things easy do you?" She asked with a wry smile.

At his confused look she continued on, "You really are clueless aren't you? I…Harry…" Taking a deep breath she asked the most difficult questions she could remember asking. The question wasn't difficult because of its wording; it was difficult simply because she was laying her heart on the line for the first time in years.

"Harry…I like you…a lot."

Harry nodded, "I like you a lot too, Tonks," he said with a smile while grabbing her hand.

"I…I like you…as more than a friend," She finished looking down at their hands.