Thank you, my dear reader, for having followed this story to the last chapter,

for your interest and the time you invested in reading my humble and twisted writing!

I also want to express my gratitude to Joanne K. Rowling who gave us a wonderful, magical world to play with.

Chapter 14

Until The End

White hot pain was searing through him, tearing him out of the numbing darkness he had so easily rested in. Draco tried to escape the agony, his body instinctively moving away from the source of distress as he moaned pitifully. His mind was a muddled mess of pain and confusion, unable to process what was happening to him.

"Hold him down!"

The tense voice of his Lord was piercing the haze surrounding him, immediately filling him with a sense of being protected and cared for, even though he soon found out that the one to be held in place was obviously he himself.

"This is going to hurt, pet. Let the pain flow through you and wash away your weakness."

Whispered words, filling him with dread as he rapidly gained awareness. Draco realised now that he was lying on a bed, his bed. Cold air was caressing his naked and seemingly wet skin, causing him to shiver even harder. Death Eaters were grabbing onto his limbs, their hands almost painful on his weak and hurting body. Memories flashed through his brain as he remembered the raid, Ian and Snape, the feeling of being hurtled through the air, the pain in his back and the weird sensation of something being stuck in his flesh.

Was this what had happened, what caused him to feel so wretched? His fear was confirmed, when he felt something pulling at the painful wound. He tried to stifle his scream by burying his face into the pillow his head was resting on. The Dark Lord cursed under his breath, yanking harder on whatever was obviously securely lodged within his body, until Draco could feel it moving within his flesh. His scream was still reverberating in the room when he let himself fall back into the dark sea of dreams which was beckoning him, welcoming the soothing feeling of black waves closing in over him.


He felt weightless, warm, comfortable, like a baby floating in its mother´s womb. Soft sounds were enfolding him, words reaching his ears without revealing their meaning to him. He was treading the border between awareness and sleep, clinging to this state of content nothingness.

"Pet, come back to me. I need you."

Draco frowned slightly at those words, which had somehow found entrance to his shelter. The voice had sounded male, familar. He slowly emerged from his light sleep, blinking softly as his blurry sight focused. Crimson, clouded eyes were resting on him, their owner standing by his bed, obiously lost in thought, before a small smile graced those rosy lips.

"Draco, you are awake, finally," the Dark Lord said quietly. "It´s high time. You´ve been asleep for two days."

"No wonder I feel stiff as a board," Draco croaked, flinging the blanket aside to sit up at the side of the bed, revealing that he was dressed in black silk pants only. He scowled as vertigo overcame him as soon as he resumed an upright position. "Fucking Muggles! That went well."

He carefully tried to assess his physical state, relieved to find a general stiffness in his muscles only, but no pain. His hand moved searchingly over the place where he had gotten injured during the bombing, but all he could feel was the tangle of scars induced by the Cicatror Potion. There was no sign of any newly required wound.

"You are completely healed, but your body needed to rest, as you had gone into shock." his Lord took a small vial from the chest of drawers. "Here, drink this. It will strengthen you."

Draco carelessly gulped the potion down, immediately feeling a warm tingling rushing through his body. His head stopped spinning within seconds, and the slight tremors indicating his weakened state abated. He got up with a satisfied smirk on his face, stretching his joints before he poured himself a glass of water.

"Is their HQ destroyed?" Draco asked between two sips.

"It is. They wrote about it in the Prophet--'Tragedy strikes the Order of the Phoenix once again'," His Lord chuckled darkly. "A female Auror and Lupin died, as well as four of those Weasleys, well, and some Muggles, unfortunately not enough dead, but at least their Headquarters are ashes."

"Too bad for them that it will not rise from the ashes like a phoenix," Draco said with a sneer.

"True, so true," the Dark Lord cackled evilly.

"Ah, Gods, I need a shower," Draco grimaced at how sticky his body felt, and the smell invading his nostrils was equally disturbing to him.

"By all means do so. And hurry, as I need to satisfy some--basic needs. You had me waiting long enough because you got hurt." The leer on the bronzed face told Draco exactly what basic needs his Lord was talking about.

He felt his loins stirring at the promise he saw in the crimson gaze wandering over his lean form. Draco had to use all his willpower not to jack off in the shower, as his body decided to revel in sensual anticipation. He groaned with discomfort when his member tried its best to corrupt his attempt at putting on his trousers, but finally he won and made his way back to the sex-god awaiting him. All the worse was his shock when he entered his room to find a cane in his Lord´s hand, of course the one he had come to fear most.

"My--my Lord, I didn´t--did I do something wrong--is it because I got hurt?" Draco sputtered, dreading the inevitable pain. No matter how much pleasure there would be in the end, he simply hated the fucking cane.

"Yes it is, Draco," the Dark Lord confirmed with an austere expression on his face, causing Draco´s insides to clench with anxiety.

Draco was completely astonished when his Lord pushed the cane into his trembling hand and started to undress.

"You owe me some pain, Draco, as it was my fault that you got hurt. Your planning was excellent, and still I almost lost you because of my misconduct. The cane worked so well on you, pet--I believe I need to be punished with it also. I will submit to you today, body and mind."

Draco stared wide-eyed at the cane in his hand, his mind refusing to comprehend what was going on, refusing to believe it. This cane hurt like hell, and it broke the skin. Nobody in his right mind could ask for such a caning. Surely this was some kind of test, trying his loyalty towards his master, but looking up into his Lord´s glittering eyes he found nothing but honesty there.

"Pain washes away the weakness." his youthful master said softly, kneeling down gracefully before Draco. "There is pleasure in pain. Please, pleasure me, pet."

Draco felt a smug smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, as he looked down at the most powerful wizard of the Dark side, who knelt before him with submissively lowered head. He was beautiful, breathtaking even with the way his raven hair veiled his boyish face, the way his buttocks tensed now and then, the way his skin was glowing in the soft candle light, the way those strong thighs parted to allow him an even better view on the steadily filling out manhood. Slowly Draco brought the tip of the cane under the other´s chin and raised the beautiful, bronzed face up with slight pressure, until those red, shining eyes met his.

"I´ll give you what you need," Draco breathed, feeling a surge of power rushing through his veins, intensifying his arousal.

Draco slowly walked around the naked youth, dragging the tip of the cane over the soft skin, eliciting a small tremor running through the bronzed body. When his prey´s breath started to speed up in anticipation, Draco came to a stop behind the young body, swiftly raising the cane to let it fall onto the unblemished back, right below the shoulder blades. The Dark Lord gasped in surprise, bracing himself with his hands on the floor for a moment, as the impact had thrown him off balance.

"You will call me master, not Draco or pet!" Draco hissed, letting his fingertips glide over the rapidly raising welt.

"Yes, master," the youthful overlord panted, resuming his position once again.

"Get up!" Draco ordered, conjuring chains and manacles fixed to the ceiling, which immediately captured the Dark Lord´s wrists, and a large mirror, covering the opposite wall, allowing Draco to see his Lord´s facial expression when standing behind him.

Draco devoured the restrained gasps and hisses, which slowly merged into pained cries, savoured how the beautiful face, at first depicting proud mastery of pain soon expressed abject misery, as Draco let the cane paint an agonizing, crimson picture on the bronze canvas of his back, buttocks and thighs. It had taken Draco mere minutes to reduce the Dark Lord to a trembling and sobbing bundle, the cruel cane having the same effect on him as it usually had on Draco.

Draco would have felt pity, if not for the many times he himself had suffered under the cane, wielded by the same man without mercy. It was an intoxicating feeling to have his own master at his mercy now--and showing him none. Draco knew how absolutely devastating the agony must have been, and found it confirmed when he raised his Lord´s head, which he had let fallen onto his chest, to find tears painting glittering paths onto the beautiful face, which was contorted with pain.

"I could come to enjoy this--and I think you do enjoy it, too," Draco smirked, his pale hand pointedly encircling the proudly jutting member.

The Dark wizard flinched violently, moaning with pleasure as he instinctively thrust into Draco´s hand.

"Now, now. Your pleasure is mine to give," Draco rebuked the panting man, letting go of the straining member.

"Please, master," rosy lips whispered, as red eyes burning with lust sent him a challenging stare from under long, black eyelashes and narrow hips thrust forward in a silent invitation.

Draco shook his head with a sardonic smile, fetching the cock ring his master had so generously acquired for restraining his pet´s arousal. The Dark Lord´s eyes widened slightly at the sight of the large silver ring in Draco´s hand, before his features twisted into a deliberately defiant expression, as the cock ring magically tightening around his throbbing and leaking manhood.

"Don´t pretend! I know you love it," Draco chuckled. "Only one more thing left."

He enjoyed the slight flinch he caused by raising a black blindfold into his Lord´s field of vision. Draco could feel how his muscles tensed when the blindfold closed over his eyes, could hear the breathing which had evened out speeding up again. He hoped that taking away his playmate´s sight would enhance his other senses, especially his sense of touch.

Draco slowly let his tongue glide over the heaving chest, sampling the salty taste of the glistening skin. He smiled as he elicited a sensual gasp by biting onto a rosy nipple, before grabbing the cane and creating a line of fire across the front of his Lord´s thighs. Obviously he had not expected such, which was proven by the loud scream resounding in the room.

The blonde was like a cat playing with a mouse before moving in for the kill, alternating tender caresses with painful blows, until every touch, whether sensual or agonizing, elicited reactions beyond the powerful warlord´s control.

Draco was moving away after each and every touch, trying to keep his next move unpredictable by using a random pattern of sensual stimulations alternating with equally varying numbers of blows to keep the other one under constant tension, as he could never guess if the next touch would bring him pleasure or pain. The slender body was trembling badly under his ministration, and covered in sweat and bleeding welts. Draco even thought he was able to detect tears staining the black silk tied over crimson eyes.

He smirked as he pushed an oil-slick finger into the tiny opening securely nestled between those luscious mounds, eliciting another stifled scream, followed by whimpers, groans and cries as he held the lithe body to him, causing pain by irritating the bleeding welts on his Lord´s behind while his fingers were playing with the tightly clenching hole.

In the past he had not been keen on sticking his member into anybody´s anus, as the idea of entering such a grimy place had made the Malfoy heir cringe, but now he was not the same person any longer, and after having been taken that way for months, the use of this part of the body was as natural to him as the use of his cock. Draco would have liked to be on top for once also, having developed a certain curiosity, but his Lord was obviously so dead set on being the dominant one, that today presented his one and only chance to turn the tables.

"Do you like this? Do you like my fingers inside your hole?" Draco asked breathlessly, painfully aware of his own arousal.

"Yesss...I like...this," his lover panted, slightly pushing back against the invading digits.

"Do you want more? Do you want me to take you? Then beg me for it," Draco anxiously held his breath at the ensuing silence, which was only interrupted by the ragged breathing of his Lord, until-

"Please...fuck me, master!" his lover answered throatily, pressing against Draco once again.

Draco´s member throbbed in time with his hammering heart, and he had to stiffle a moan of his own as he rubbed his clothed groin against that inviting piece of ass. He grinned at the irony that he should take the Dark Lord´s virginity, the way he had taken his own, seven months ago. Potter, the little fuck-toy, had naturally not been a virgin any longer when being overtaken by the Dark Lord´s soul, but the Dark Lord himself had never been taken.

"I will!" Draco said, whispering an incantation which vanished the chains holding his Lord in an upright position.

The Dark Lord immediately fell onto hands and knees, too exhausted to stand without support. Draco stared down at the beautiful body, which was ready for being ravished by him, before he removed the blindfold from his Lord´s eyes. His Lord shortly looked to the side, glancing at Draco as he let his trousers fall. Draco knelt down behind him and with a secure grip on those slender hips he set his weapon against its target and pushed against the loosened opening until his manhood was gliding into his Lord. He buried himself with one sharp thrust in the tensing man, who arched his back with a pained cry before he let his head fall, shaking and gasping.

"Merlin!" Draco gasped, almost coming there and then as his lover´s muscles clenched spasmically around him, trying to fight the intrusion.

For a whole minute none of them moved, as this was an entirely new and overwhelming experience for both of them. One overcome with pleasure, the other one with pain, they tried their best to adjust to the new arrangement. Finally Draco slowly slid out and pushed in again, almost tenderly so, until the painfilled gasps gained a sensual quality again.

"Harder and...faster!" the strained, boyish voice tore through the haze of lust surrounding his mind.

Crimson eyes met his in the mirror, burning with desire. Draco thrust harshly into his lover, moaning as the mirror reflected a boyish face contorting in a pained but all the same ecstatic expression as he rammed into the trembling and sweat-slick body, eliciting another beautiful cry which set all the right places in him on fire. They kept eye-contact through the mirror, as their lust took control.

Draco soon found a hard rhythm and the right angle, forcing hoarse screams of pleasure from his black-haired lover. He did not last long. Having been on edge for too long, he gave a hoarse cry of his own when his orgasm was striking him like a burning fist squeezing his balls, forcing his seed into his Lord. They both fell to the ground in a gasping and shuddering heep. Draco was completely spent and forgot for some moments, that the other one was still denied release by the cock ring, until whimpered words tore him out of his blissful rest.

"Please...need to come."

Draco scrambled off the still shaking body beneath him and turned him carefully over onto his flogged back. His cock was of an angry purple, leaking copious amounts of precum. Draco smeared the slimy liquid thoroughly over the madly twitching organ. Even though his Lord was clenching his teeth he couldn´t repress the keening sound rising in his throat as Draco worked his swollen flesh while sharply pulling his testicles away from his body. Draco was surprised that his member hardened again. Deciding against ending it there, he climbed over the so thoroughly mistreated shaft and let himself sink onto it with a small pained frown.

He rocked himself on his writhing lover, who was going half mad with sensations, letting loose an endless string of pleas and curses and declarations of how hot Draco was. Draco moaned when a hand closed over his member to pump it vigorously, while he himself had set his hands on the tensing thighs behind him to be able to rock and rotate on the rock-hard column filling him. Unable to last, he gave the command to undo the cock ring. As his lover arched with an inhuman scream he felt the cock inside him throbbing, sending him over the edge also.

They lay on the ground for a long time, clinging together as their ragged breathing evened out and the sweat dried on their skin. Finally Draco raised his head to look into the thoroughly sated looking face of his lover.

"You know, I was thinking about something-" Draco said slowly. "You really made some mistakes in the past. Within the last minutes I could think of eleven times that you screwed something up."

"Really?" the Dark Lord asked with raised brows.

"Yep, but I´m sure I´ll be able to find more." Draco said eagerly, trying to suppress a mischievous grin. "I´m sorry, but the coming weeks will be hard on you. So many punishments-"


Draco sobered at the serious expression on his Lord´s face, kicking himself inwardly for having gone too far again.

"Draco, I love you!"

Draco´s eyes widened with surprise. Not that he hadn´t heard those words before--and how had he always craved to hear them--but his Lord had only spoken them at the peak of sexual pleasure. Love declarations exchanged during sex but not repeated in everyday life did not really count in Draco´s opinion, although he knew that his own had reflected his true feelings. His mind was a mess of thoughts and emotions, until he became aware of the look in those crimson eyes. A look of anxiety and growing hurt. Only now was he realising that he had only stared at the other one in shock.

"I love you, too!" Draco said with a beatific smile, his heart missing a beat when those rosy lips crashed against his for a breathtaking kiss.

An eternity later they emerged from their rapture of love. Their kiss may have lasted only seconds, but to Draco it felt like a lifetime of happiness. His Lord had rolled them over, if to be on top or to relieve his for sure badly hurting back Draco didn´t know. Lying now half on top of Draco, he fondly caressed the blond hair and soft lips.

"By the way, my name is Tom," the Dark Lord said, a lopsided grin on the boyish face.


Draco retired to the secret study whenever he had no other duties or spent private time with Tom. He was searching for anything which could make the difference between losing and winning this war. He was studying and training all alone, unwilling to let anybody know of the magic he was trying to learn. It was ancient magic, called nature magic, a magic frowned upon, as wizards associated it with old fairy tales, a magic too primitive to work with. Anyway, according to popular belief it was a frigging useless magic to be able to call forth rainclouds in Britain. Nevertheless Draco was intend on mastering the element of air, which meant controlling rain, fog and storm. Ever since he had been a child they had touched something deep inside him, which had made it easy for him to decide on studying nature magic.

The winter had passed by and spring was in full bloom when the relatively quiet time ended, the time of raids and assassinations, the time of leisure and pleasure. They had overtaken Hogsmeade, the only pure wizarding settlement in Britain, and terribly wrecked the ministry by killing half of the heads of offices as a warning to the minister not to interfere. In a secret meeting at the dead of night, in the minister´s house, his wife and children at wandpoint, Tom had offered Rufus Scrimgeour to keep his post and his life if he replaced the recently deceased with Lord Voldemort´s followers. Scrimgeour had accepted. Tom had decided to let the minister live until they had won the final battle, after which they would easily overtake the ministry.

Draco in the meantime had managed to double their numbers, recruiting all of Slytherin´s and half of Ravenclaw´s fifth to seventh years, a nice number of able wizards and witches throughout Britain, as well as repeatedly breaking out their arrested people from the ministry jail and Azkaban. Adding the vampires and werewolves, their main allies, their numbers were above threehundred. Their dementors were breeding and going into the hundreds, a fact which made Draco somehow nervous though, as he was in fact terrified of the horrific creatures.

Draco was certain of their victory. There was nothing which could go wrong now. Their followers were well-trained, and outnumbering the light side. Tom on the other hand got more and more nervous, sometimes lashing out at Draco, who had no idea what was going on with the other one--until one day towards the ending of April.

"Pet, come here. I want to talk with you." Tom said quietly, his face deliberately expressionless, as he pulled Draco into his arms. "There is something I have to show you. In this diary you can find the way to activate a horcrux. There is still one of them out there. It is holding a piece of my soul. If anything happens to me-"

"Tom, no, nothing will happen! We will win, you´ll see!" Draco interrupted him, unwilling to have such terrible discussion, which made his heart ache with fear.

"Draco, hear me out! This is important! If anything happens to me, you have to find this last horcrux, a golden locket. It was stolen from the place where I hid it. All the details are in the diary. There might be a connection to Regulus Black, who was a Death Eater and turned traitor, but he died in 1980. All the Blacks are dead and their house is now destroyed. I´m not even sure if he was the one who took the locket. You must try to find this horcrux! I can´t make a new one as I already split my soul into too many pieces to risk making even one more horcrux. With the locket and this diary you can bring me back again if I shall die!"

Draco stared at him, aghast, shaking his head slowly until he started to shout in annoyance. "Don´t you dare say such terrible things ever again to me. You will not die! I will not let you die! Stop talking about it! I don´t want to hear it!" He regretted shouting at Tom, but he knew that he would cry if he didn´t let the raw emotion out in any other way. So he screamed at the one he loved.

"Draco, please, please, please, calm down! I love you! I want to stay with you forever! I promised! You have to know about the horcrux though, just in case. Maybe everything will go well, but if not, you have one more chance to be with me again, if you can find that locket. You know the final battle will take place soon. I´m sorry, pet, I truly am, but I have the feeling-"

"Don´t you dare say it!" Draco interrupted him with a shout, but soon his voice was only a broken whisper, stifled by his sobs, "Don´t you dare. Just kiss me...please."


The battle had lasted for hours already, and still there was no end in sight. They were scattered over a wide area in the scottish highlands, far away from civilisation, as both sides had agreed on. Night was closing in, which meant that the vampires would soon join them and the werewolves transform. The sweeping hills were littered with bodies, many of them withour their heads, which were impaled on their engorged wands, a common Death Eater practice to instill fear into their enemies. Screams were permeating the air, screams filled with pain and despair.

Draco tried to stay close to Tom, somehow reassured by the way his love slaughtered the enemy left and right, leaving a path of death and destruction behind him. Tom looked like the angel of death, his black robes billowing in the slight breeze, his red eyes shining with desire to kill and his beautiful mouth twisted into a cruel smile. Draco would have jumped him there and then, if only he had not needed to protect himself against two hit wizards, who had obviously decided to take him out of the picture. Of course the other side knew about his status as second-in-command, and obviously also about his relationship with the Dark Lord.

"Come on, Death Eater bitch, is that all you are capable of?" taunted him a tall brown-haired wizard with piercing, dark eyes.

"It must be true, what they are saying, that he slept his way up to the top," jeered the other one, a feisty redhead.

"Augureo!" Draco whispered the incantation for the viscerating curse with narrowed eyes, incensed at the jibes at his person.

The middle of the red-haired man suddenly seemed to explode and his intestines rained onto the rich green pastures. Unfortunately the other hit wizard was not as shocked by the spectacle as Draco had hoped, but sent a stunning curse at him, which he was not able to shield completely within the short time between his own curse and the curse hurtling at him. Draco crashed to the soft ground, groaning as the world spiralled in and out of his vision. When he felt the ground shaking beneath him, he at first thought himself to be dizzy, until he glimpsed the towering figures walking into the battle. Giants. Tall like trees they were swinging their legs and arms, sweeping the tiny humans aside as if they were insects.

Draco had no time to observe the giants, as the remaining hit wizard decided to free him of his wand at this very moment, before his boot connected with his middle. He forgot how to breath as the pain made him roll into a ball. The hit wizard´s unpleasant chuckling turned into a surprised yelp when Draco grabbed one of his ankles and pulled sharply. Before the brown-haired brute could recover from his fall Draco tore the knife out of its sheath on his belt and slit the hit wizard´s throat, who stared at him with shocked eyes, trying to stem the blood-flow with his fluttering hands.

"Oopsie, the bitch just killed you!" Draco hissed venomously at the dying man.

"Draco, are you-"

Draco turned around to give Tom a reassuring smile, but it froze on his face when he saw the reason why he had not finished speaking. Snape was standing behind Tom, with a sword in his hand, the gleaming steel besmirched with blood, his love´s blood. Draco´s eyes widened in shock as he watched a head with black hair and a worried expression forever edged onto the beautiful face rolling a short distance, before it came to a halt, its empty eyes, now of a dull green, staring at him.

", no, no, nononoNO!" His voice grew from an unbelieving whisper to a thundering scream, as he shook his head in denial, staring in shock at the dead body of his love.

"What have you done? What have you done, you goddamn bastard!" Draco screamed, grabbing his wand out of the by now dead hit wizard´s hand, holding the bloodstained knife still in his other, as he marched towards Snape, who met his hateful gaze unflinchingly.

Why had he protected Snape before, why had he tried to save his life when Tom had wanted to execute him? If only he hadn´t shown any pity, felt any obligation towards the traitor. Draco felt like breaking apart, falling into pieces, which only one person would have been able to put together, but that person was gone. His mind was in shambles, his thoughts all darkened by blinding sorrow and hatred. He could feel something cold and black gripping his heart, making him smile within, at the thought of-

"Draco...I had to do it. You are free now...and Harry is free, too." Snape said quietly, with tears in his eyes.

"Harry?" Draco whispered, looking questioningly at his godfather. "You loved him, Severus? How much did you love him?"

"Harry was my world," Snape answered with a small twitch around his mouth.

"Would you like to have Harry by your side again?" Draco said, frowning slightly.

"Of course I would," his godfather replied.

"Petrificus Totalus," Draco whispered, watching without remorse how his godfather fell to the ground in a body bind, unable to move any part of his body except of his wide eyes.

"You know, Severus, Tom was my world. You killed the man I loved because he killed the man you loved. You like justice, so I think it´s only appropriate that as you tore out my heart I also tear out yours," Draco said, cutting into the heaving chest, uncaring of the tears making their way out of his godfather´s black eyes, or of the ones running down his own face.

A small number of Death Eaters was approaching him. Startled and unsettled by their master´s death they turned towards Draco for guidance, but Draco was busy, offering the stunned Death Eaters a ghastly sight. Draco had never before known that it would be such hard work to get the heart out of someone´s chest, as the ribs proved to be extremely defiant, and it took him a good deal of time to break the ribcage apart to get his prize. But when he stared at the bloody clump in his hand, he felt no satisfaction.

The heart in his hand was as dead as the one in his chest. He carelessly threw the piece of muscle away and got up. His legs were shaking as he stepped closer to the body he had caressed so often, the body which had moved against his mere hours ago. Draco softly took one already cooling hand into his and kissed the palm tenderly. He felt dead and empty inside, but at the same time he seemed to drown in raw emotions, which filled him with energy.

"Swarm out and tell our men to immediately return to the mansion. The battle is over for them, as it is for him. This is my battle now." Draco addressed the Death Eaters, who were staring at him with something akin to pity and unease.

Draco did not deign to look at them any longer, as he raised his bloodstained hands at his sides, looking up at the sky as he started to mumble the incantations to connect his magic with the elements. He closed his eyes and let his head fall back, enjoying the feeling of the wind gliding through his fingers and playing with his hair, filling him with power. When he opened his eyes again, there were black clouds brewing above the battle field, and thunder started to rumble. From afar he could hear the faint popping sounds of the first Death Eaters disapparating, giving him a faint sense of satisfaction at the fact that they had obeyed him.

The giants were intrigued by the rapidly brewing storm, having stopped smashing people to watch the spectacle. When the first lightning struck a giant rather close to Draco, his companions at first stared, then started to screech, albeit in a very deep voice, when the second giant was felled like a tree by another bolt of lightning. The electricity of the storm flowed through Draco´s body, making him feel alive again. He was panting in endeavour to concentrate his magic enough to force the clouds to give him what he wished for. Fog started to crawl over the ground, as from above hailstones as large as fists crashed down onto the unfortunate ones who were still out there on the battle grounds.

Sheer pandemonium reigned around Draco. Screams and Disapparition sounds were cutting through the fog, which shrouded everything by now. His work here was done, he could take his love home, as the elements would continue to rage for some time, once unleashed. He smiled down at the beheaded man at his feet, knowing that no hail would touch them, as he was the center of the storm. Grief overcame him when he embraced the body of his beloved, the severed head securely settled between them, and he cried bitterly, unseen and unheard as the raging storm sheltered them against the world outside.

He had no idea how much time had passed when his tears dried and left his heart inclosed in ice. Draco apparated both of them back to the mansion, where he slid his wand back into its sheath and carried his beloved into the house and down the stairs into the assembly hall. A large number of Death Eaters was already waiting there, the hushed murmurs dying down, as they all knelt, once he had entered the room.

"Hail, Lord Malfoy!" resounded in the large room, the hail multiplied as the stone walls reflected the many voices until it sounded like thunder. He bowed his head in acceptance before he stepped towards a stone slab at the side of the large room.

Draco´s heart felt like bursting with sorrow, as tears once more escaped his eyes, unable to wash away the pain of his loss.

Pain washes away the weakness.

Draco carefully laid his dead love onto the dark stone, lovingly arranging the severed head in the correct place and position to make Tom look whole one last time, before he bowed and kissed crimson lips. The taste of his beloved´s blood still lingering on his lips he brought forth his wand and pointed it at the still body.

Draco, I love you! I want to stay with you forever! I promised!


I know you will always be by my side, until the end!

"I will be yours until the end!" Draco quietly whispered, as he stared into the flames devouring the body of his beloved.

Draco straightened, knowing that he still had a promise to fulfil, a vow to make.

Maybe everything will go well, but if not, you have one more chance to be with me again, if you can find that locket.

There was a piece of Tom´s soul out there, waiting for him.

"I will be yours until the end!" Draco said once again, but this time a small, hopeful smile played around the corners of his mouth.

This was not the end...

The End

Now if you are nice to the twisted writer and shower her with reviews there might be a sequel...

Please, my dear readers, if any of you wants a sequel, maybe you have any nice ideas for me, as my muse refuses to come up with any interesting plot-bunny beyond the obvious of bringing Tom back to life. Brainstorming usually helps to kick my muse awake so she can sprout new ideas...

No matter what I depicted in this story, I do not endorse violence, rape or murder in real life.

I believe light fiction (even if it is a darkfic) is a great outlet for frustrations and fantasies,

a way to escape into a different reality where we can satisfy a suppressed part of us.

BDSM is a consensual act, which is not to be confused with illegal acts.

Any act to violate others is dishonourable, inept and destructive.

As is war.

The turn against
The world we know
Now our destiny
Will be decided
We have to send our brothers in arms
With pain in our heart
We watched them go
Will they return?
Truth is we had no choice
We'll try to shield those we can
No better world
Let this end
Mothers cry
Our boys die
But we'll stand 'till the end

( towards the end - within temptation )

I want to thank all readers who took the time to indulge in my madness and especially those who reviewed this story in this repost or the first time, when I posted part of this fanfiction before it was -grumble- deleted for being too naughty!

I promised to add the names of any readers to the reviewers-list who would review this story after I posted this last chapter.

Here it is ;-) Thank you all sooo much! You are the greatest!


Bohemian Snitch












HK Keiji





Kennedy Snape

Lady Lestat


Linker 27



Madd Girl




Neko Mikomi


Omnipotent One YL





The Bloody Wretched

wover 03




Yume no Zencho